Chapter 6: Prominence Burn

(Reshized da chap)

"Why don't I call you Dabi." Dabi just nodded his head at his words since it wasn't a bad name.

All of a sudden a pain ran down Dabi's spine, his adrenaline started to wear off feeling the third degree burns that littered his entire body.

"Damn." Dabi said losing some of his strength in one of his legs causing him to get on one knee.

Shin looked at this walking closer to Dabi, Dabi was still cautious however at this point he could barely stand and just let him be.

Shin inspected his body and what he saw was not good, his body was littered in third degree burns, his quirk was truly self destructive.

Dabi's breath became unsteady before completely falling onto his knees, but in spite of all of this he just smiled, he smiled at all his misfortunes because in the end he caused these injuries just to be someone unworthy in his father's eyes.

"I can heal you, hell that strength you so desperately want I can give it to you." Shin said, looking down at Dabi.

"But what could you give me if I gave you the strength you so desperately desire." Shin said, his smile extending across his face.

A spark of hope ignited in Dabi's heart, the fire that fueled him that was all but extinguished was finally given a spark of life.

Dabi looked up at Shin before he remembered he was just a little kid, he had already heard a lot of empty words and promises growing up and decided not to take this kid seriously.

"If you could make me stronger I would give anything." Dabi snorted saying what was truly in his heart but the idea of him being strong enough to compete with his father was just a pipedream.

"Good." Shin nodded before putting his hand on Dabi's head.

"What?" Dabi became confused at what Shin just said but before he could say anymore Shin spoke first.

"The healing part won't hurt so relax." Shin spoke more making Dabi even more confused.


Shin opened his eyes with his surroundings being totally different from that of the abandoned building seeing a man covered in fire in front of him.


"Toya give up, you're just slowly killing yourself by using your quirk. Just face it, you'll never be strong just become part of the working class." Endeavor said, crossing his arms looking down at Shin.

Shin looked at Endeavor before all of a sudden his mouth and body started to move on its own.

"DAD GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE I'LL DO ANYTHING JUST GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!" Shin said, grabbing onto the man's leg in a desperate attempt.


Endeavor slapped Shin across the face, he felt lost before slowly looking back at Endeavor who was just looking at him with disgust.

"Have some self respect. You are a Todoroki act like one. This behavior is unacceptable, now I have to go. Shoto need's his nightly training." Endeavour wiped his hand on his shirt as if he touched something dirty before coldly walking away from Shin.

Shin felt empty watching Endeavor leave out the door, he sat there completely lost feeling the sensation of total loneliness consume him.

"This isn't real." Shin said completely absorbed into Toya's memory at this point.

Tears streamed down his face before rage started to burn in his heart, he stood up before running out of the door.

"Toya are you okay?" A gentle voice called out to him but he ignored it, running out of the area before running farther into the woods.

Deeper and deeper he runs blindly into the forest not even caring about how far he was running before entering a small clearing.




Toya tried to regain his breath, clutching his knee's in clear distress before a crazed smile forms on his face.

"You say I'm not good enough, I'll show you, I'LL SHOW THEM ALL." Toya said before a blue fire ignited around his body.

His skin boiled at the contact of the fire slowly burning himself alive, however a clear determination echoed around his very being not listening to his body's cries.

More blue flames swirled around Shin and the more fire that appeared the more Shin felt his skin melt but at this point nothing mattered.




The spiral of flames channeled around Toya exploded outward, it shot out of Toya's chest with a massive explosive power as a resounding boom echoed around the surrounding clearing.

All tree's in its path were utterly incinerated leaving only burn marks in its trace, the beam of fire only left destruction burning through all obstacles in its path.

"AHHHHHH!" Toya yelled.

The fire he summoned, the fire he controlled, and the fire he so desperately used to prove Endeavor wrong became too much.

Shin writhed in pain feeling his flesh melt, his eyes widened trying to cancel his quirk but it was no use his own flames started to slowly consume him without any signs of calming down.

That's when he noticed his situation, the flames that he controlled, the flames he summoned, and the flames used to prove Endeavor wrong were no longer his flames.

The pain overwhelmed him seeing the flames he thought were once his eat away at his life force slowly.

"STOP." He yelled trying to control the flames but the pain canceled his command making it futile and seeing this Shin started to panic.

"Stop stop stop stop STOP STOP PLEASE STOP!" Toya said feeling the pain become more unbearable as tears fall from his eye's evaporating the very moment they drop

"TOYA!" A powerful voice shouts out resounding around the forest.

Shin heard this voice and smiled weirdly thinking his father is here to save him about to shout out before hearing another yell.


Toya hearing this became speechless, his father was mad at him for almost hurting Shoto when he was in an immeasurable amount of pain.

Hatred became the only feeling he felt, he saw his father fly throughout the air looking for him but his face showed no sign of being anxious or worried but just annoyed.

Toya saw this, he saw his father in front of him and at that very moment he knew it would never be enough, he would never be enough.

Instead of going towards Endeavor he ran away, into the fire with a new determination clear in his heart.

'I'll abandon my name, Toya Todoroki is dead and now my only goal is to prove to him that he was wrong.'

Shin's eyes shot open, looking around he was a little confused before realizing he was back at the abandoned building, he looked down and saw that Dabi was looking at himself in shock.

The burn marks that haunted his skin since he was little were replaced by smooth skin, Dabi touched his arms in shock as his hands trembled no longer feeling the scars that haunted him.

"You want to prove Endeavor wrong don't you." Shin spine making Dabi flinched.

"H-how do you kn-" But before Dabi could speak Shin continued.

"When I heal people, I also see and experience their pain, and I saw everything that lead you here." Shin spoke in a firm and calm manner though inside he was trying to calm himself down as he was still not used to this aspect of his ability.

Dabi's eyes became hollow at his words, deep down he just wanted to be seen by his father but he knew he would never be enough.

"Don't you want to prove Endeavor wrong? To see the look on his face when you stand over him while he stares at you and pleads for your forgiveness." Shin words were like the devils whispers yet Dabi didn't run and instead looked up at him.

Staring into his red eye's he had a feeling that this kid could give him the revenge he so dearly wished for, he got up off the ground and his height towered the four year old though Shin smiled at this.

"If you can make me stronger than Endeavor I'll give you anything." His words contained no sense of sarcasm as he seriously gazed at Shin.

"Even your complete loyalty?" Shin said and Dabi just nodded, making Shin smile.

"Good, now I'm going to give you a quirk to help with your weak body." Shin said wanting to test if he could give his quirks to others.

"Give?" Dabi questioned but before he could ask more Shin put his hand onto Dabi's chest.



Dabi's heart pounded all of a sudden feeling a warm sensation permutate throughout his body, he stumbled to the ground gripping his chest.

'So I can give my quirks to others and still keep them interesting.' Shin thought rubbing his chin watching Dabi cough up blood.



Dabi kept coughing up blood as his whole body became increasingly unbearable as the seconds felt like years, his monocular structure was being forcefully changed from the cold frail body he received from his mothers side to a body that could handle and sustain immense amounts of heat.

He curled himself into a ball feeling death for the second time today but this time it felt like there was no escape but unlike this time he wasn't alone.

"Don't worry." Shin called out walking up next to Dabi

Dabi looked up at Shin, seeing his confident face as he got closer to him.

"I always keep my promises I won't abandon you." Shin calmy put his hand on Dabi's shoulder and when his fingers touched Dabi, his pained lessened.

Dabi was speechless seeing Shin smiling at him becoming lost in Shin's words a little shocked he was just a child, Shin knew that deep down all Dabi wanted was just someone to be on his side.

They stayed like that while Shin was analyzing Dabi's body and healing him every time he was inches away from death.

'I guess some people weren't made for multiple quirks, I'm glad I can heal my body continuously to adjust but it's different for other people so I have to be careful in the future.'

Dabi's body was changing as it was literally being internally ripped apart and put back together and the pain he was feeling was immeasurable. Shin was trying his best to heal him without disrupting the necessary changes in his body.

2 hours later

Dabi was drenched in his own blood and sweat laying weakly on the floor while saliva dripped out of his mouth.

"W-what did you do?" Dabi spoke out weakly to Shin and the latter just laughed.

"I gave you a quirk called heat resistance that should make it so you don't fry yourself alive every time you use your quirk." Dabi's eye's widened in disbelief at his words.

Unconsciously Dabi activated his quirk, blue flames danced around his body but something was different this time.

" doesn't hurt" Dabi sat there stupefied looking at his body.

Ever since he was young he has always associated his quirk with pain because every time he uses it he always feels an immeasurable amount of pain.

No matter how hard he tried the pain would never subside with the activation of his quirk but this time he just felt warmth not a deadly one but one that soothed his body.

For the first time he could see his flames as his and not something that just wanted to devour him, and upon this realization he started to cry.

Everyone told him he was a lost cause, everyone told him that he was a failure, they told him to give up and just disappear but this small child helped him, helped him when no one would, and then Dabi did something unexpected he lowered himself towards Shin hitting his head onto the concrete.

"Thank you!" Dabi yelled, he wanted to say more but the words were stuck in his throat as tears rolled down his eye's once more.


"THANK YOU!" Dabi yelled, clutching his fist together.

The pain he felt all the time, the pain he had become so used to, the flames he associated with all his pain were now peaceful, and for once accepted him.

Dabi stayed like that for a while and Shin just patted his back waiting for him to finish.

"*Sniff* Sorry about that." Dabi said, wiping off his tears and Shin just shrugged.

"I mean I understand since I saw your pain." Shin knew what it was like when Dabi used his quirk and he had to hand it to this teenager, Dabi had an incredible pain tolerance along with a huge amount of willpower.

"You saw, what do you mean saw?" Confused at his words, Shin replied.

"Like I said before my quirk allows me to heal any injury but I experience the pain and memory from those injuries. For example I saw your whole interaction with your father to the part where you were burning yourself alive in the forest." Dabi became speechless at his words.

"All of it?"

"Not your whole life story but all the events from your house to here." Shin said and Dabi just looked down.

"You wanna defeat him right?" Shin provoked him causing Dabi to look up.

"Yes, I....I want to prove him wrong." Dabi said, clutching his fist.

"If you follow me I'll help you." Shin smiled, holding out his hand.

Dabi looked up at him and he saw his sincerity, he didn't know why but he instinctively grabbed Shin's.

"Welcome to the team Dabi." Shin said.

"Ha thanks I guess." Dabi said and for the first time since meeting Shin he smiled back.

"By the way I changed your hair color to black so you don't stand out." Shin pointed at his head and Dabi tilted his head looking to the side and seeing his reflection.

"Good, the less I look like him the better." Dabi spat out in disgust, rubbing his new hair.

Shin looked at his hand as a beautiful blue flame danced in his palms, Dabi stopped looking at his reflection and was baffled at Shin's power.

'That' quirk but he didn't take it?' Dabi was so confused, summoning a blue flame in his hands.

"What are you?" Dabi said and realizing what he said he put his hand over his mouth.

"Well that's rude." Shin chuckled, closing his fist.

"I'm sorry I jus-" Dabi immediately started to apologize but Shin interrupted him.

"I'm just a five year old kid." Shin said innocently as a smile formed on his face. (I wanted to say Batman so bad but I held off)

With his words came his actions, a whirlwind surrounded Shin while a blaze of sparks exploded in his hands and then a blue flame mixed in with his air causing a tornado of fire to circle around him.

Dabi looked at Shin in shock, the only person capable of using other people's quirks was All For One yet he still had his quirk.

"Wow." Dabi couldn't help but mutter out looking at the beautiful flames dancing through the air guided by the wind but at the same time they boasted the output of the flames while explosions mixed into the fold making the flame tornado more lethal.

"I think you get the gist." The exploding flame tornado disappeared with his words looking Dabi dead in the eye's.

"That stays between us got it." Shin commanded and Dabi nodded his head.

Shin looked at him for a while before nodding, walking to his backpack he brought here, he reached in grabbing a ham sandwich and threw it to Dabi.

"The public thinks you're dead so stay here for a while while until we get you a new identity." Shin said, walking away.

"Where are you going?" Dabi called out hurriedly watching Shin leave.

"I live in an orphanage and I have to get back, I'm also five so I don't have my own place, and I didn't fake my death." Shin listed off the multiple reasons why causing Dabi to meekly smile.

"I'll be back tomorrow night." Shin said and then he left.

Dabi sat there for a while before unwrapping the ham sandwich and taking a bite, nodding his head in approval.

'It's good.