Chapter 9: Symbol Of Peace

(I can't believe I actually have to clarify this but the mc is NOT gay, it might be a shocker to some when I say this but people can have male subordinates. They don't all have to be females I understand its a trend in fic's to only have female subordinates as well as f*cking them at the same time but unlike those authors I don't do that since a lot of OP characters in the story are guys and I think it ruins a fic when you genderbend EVERYONE if you don't like this theirs like 400,000 fic's that have the MC f*ck every female they find so you wont miss out by not reading this)

Toya was gripping harder onto Shin which started to affect their walking speed, he was getting a little annoyed however held it in since he needed to look like an accepting person.

Shin could easily rewrite her memories however he wasn't sure there wouldn't be someone in the future that could undo what he did so for now he was trying to get people on his side without force.

"Toga what's wrong." Shin had enough of her antics though contrary to his thoughts his face showed a kind smile.


"Toga something has been bothering you ever since Inasa got hurt, it really hurts me seeing you like this so please tell me. I can't bear to watch you make those expressions." Shin made a hurt look and Toga bit her lip seeing this, she wanted to tell him about her quirk but didn't want him to hate her as the very thought broke her heart.

"I have a blood quirk!" Toga all of a sudden shouted out, she couldn't bear hurting Shin anymore and let out in a quick manner before burying herself into Shin's embrace not wanting to bear the possible look of disgust on his face.

"Seriously that's it? Shin's has been dragging you around for the past 30 minutes and it's because you have a blood quirk." Inasa face showed a look at disbelief at how dumb that sounded, contrary to the common populace Inasa didn't believe that a quirk defined your future much like Shin.

Toga gave him a hate filled glare as tears started to stream down her face, Inasa flinched immediately turning around and acting like he never said anything at all.

"Toga." A gentle voice sounded.

Toga felt a hand pat her head, she gazed up and saw Shin's warm smile and her broken heart started to mend.

"Please tell me about it."

Her quirk was like before her awakening in which she basically could turn into someone's appearance while drinking their blood, and the side effects for this were that she liked the taste of blood and sometimes craved it.

'Her use is immeasurable' Shin knew that Toga could copy quirks later in the series which was the reason he wanted her in the first place.

'It's a good thing I met her early.'

"Toga I would never hate you." Shin's words made Toga latch onto him even harder, she would die if Shin abandoned him as the lack of affection had deeply started to affect her psyche.

Toga's blooming attachment to Shin was not normal in any shape or form, her need for affection had started to greatly affect her psyche after her fourth birthday as a hole formed in her heart.

Seeing Shin's acceptance to be her friend filled this hole but now that he accepted her whole being Toga's heart and mind started to fill with only thoughts of Shin.

Shin knew the risks of having someone this obsessed with him however Toga was crucial for his plans in the future and for her complete loyalty all he had to do was show her a little affection which in Shin's eyes was a complete profit.

"So your parents hate you because you like blood?!?!" Inasa couldn't understand what he heard watching her cry in Shin's embrace.

"This world is messed up." Inasa rubbed his forehead as he started to unconsciously think that this world needed to be changed.

"It indeed is." Shin nodded in agreement patting the crying Toga, her cries started to lessen before she loosened her grip on him.

"So you won't abandon me?" Toga's head slowly cocked up as tears still rolled down her eyes.

"Never." Shin assured her while wiping away her falling tears.

A huge smile formed on her face showing her fangs as she once again latched onto his arm.

"If you ever want someone's blood just ask me and I'll give you some." Shin smiled as an ecstatic expression formed on her face.

"Really! Can I have some now!" Toga started to jump up and down and Shin cut his arm so Toga could still hold onto him while drinking his blood.

Like a leech her mouth instantly collapsed onto Shin's new wound, the blood hit her tongue as her face turned into a red hue at the delectable taste that formed on her taste buds.

"Come on Inasa we still have about two more hours of walking." His words caused Inasa to snap back into reality while grumply crossing his arms.

1 hour later

'How big is her stomach?' Shin was in disbelief at how much blood he lost thanks to Toga.

He had to heal himself about three times so he wouldn't pass out from blood loss. She took breaks after a 'serving' however she still kept drinking from him.

"Toga that's enough for today." Shin healed up the wound before she could lay her fangs on him again.

"Ok." Toga cheerfully said snuggling against his arm, happy that she got to taste so much blood.

"Are we there yet?" Inasa was dragging his body in pure boredom, he wasn't tired thanks to training with Shin however he was so bored being the third wheel between them.

"About an hour l-"

Shin's words stopped seeing some pebbles start to shake below them, his mind started racing looking around the other surroundings but immediately concluded that there was no sign of any earthquakes.

"INASA TAKE COVER NOW!" Shin yelled, picking up Tog and running towards the tree line, Inasa froze for a moment before immediately boosting his feet while propelling himself forward, not doubting Shin's words.

Toga's face became anxious seeing how serious Shin was, gazing from his shoulder she looked from above his shoulder into the distance.



The place they were originally walking was crushed by abnormally large feet, a man appeared from the dust showing a scared look on his face.

The only part that was enlarged however was his legs, the rest of his body was still normal size.

Toga's eyes shook as she buried her head into Shin's face, Inasa had a dumbfounded expression on his face seeing how they could have been crushed if they waited for just a second longer.

"What the he-" His words stopped as he made eye contact with the man.

"Inasa don't look back!" Shin screamed and Inasa immediately followed his words, propelling himself even harder to catch up with Shin.

The man saw the kids running away as a vicious smile formed on his face, his head cocked back checking to see if there was anyone there and then he started sprinting forward.

'Dammit.' Shin cursed in his mind, he didn't even need to look back feeling the ground shake in a wild manner, the tremors didn't lessen and instead started to ramp up meaning they were being chased.

'I might have to use my quirks.' Shin didn't use his quirks in the open unless he was sure that none was around, however if it came to it he would use it.

The only reason he didn't want to use his other quirks was because that guy looked like he was getting chased by someone and Shin didn't want to risk potential exposure since he wanted to remain low key until he got into UA.

Shin had no plans to be a hero in fact he wanted to take over the hero association not be a plain hero, the sole reason he wanted to get entry into UA was for the opportunity of copying all the useful quirks there.

Once he accumulated enough quirks he would apply for early graduation then start to take over the hero's association as well as the underworld.

'I'm going to have to kill the hero and this villain.' In short he decided he couldn't outrun this villain by just using his physique.

"Inasa take Toga."


"DO IT!" Shin yelled, handing the unwilling Toga to Inasa.

"Go to that tree line." Shin ordered before turning back facing the oncoming villain who most likely wanted to use him as a hostage.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Toga tried to squirm out of Inasa's embrace seeing Shin's figure get further and further.

"We would only be a nuisance to him Toga, so please stop." Inasa seriously voiced out making Toga bite her lip as her body stopped squirming.

Shin didn't even look back to see if they were safe, he started to condense both fire and air in his hands, basically he was condensing as much destructive blue fire in his hands before propelling it forward with whirlwind while simultaneously boosting it.

'Then I'll use that as momentum to start my offens-'

"DO NOT FEAR FOR I AM HERE!" A booming voice sounded in pure chivalry making Shin halt all actions.

"California Smash!"


The villain who tried to increase his pace was immediately hit into the ground, dust exploded into the air as a shockwave exploded outwards making Shin cover his eyes.

The wind pressure even forced him back a little dragging his feet onto the ground, the dust slowly started to dissipate revealing the legendary hero, the symbol of peace, All Might.

'All Might?'

"IT IS I ALL MIGHT AHAHAHAHAHA!" All Might laughed, putting a foot over the knocked out evil doer.

"Do not be afraid young chi-" All Might's words stopped when his gaze landed on Shin.

Shin, seeing his gaze instinctively took a step back, goosebumps formed on his body while all hairs stood on end seeing All Might's friendly gaze turn into a dangerous one.

'All For One.' All Might thought, gripping his fist gazing at Shin's appearance.

Before All For One's face became completely disfigured he had white hair and red eyes, Shin wasn't the only person in the world who also sported white hair and red eyes, that didn't make All Might give off a dangerous aura. What made him give off a dangerous aura was how closely he resembled him with his white hair and red eyes.




Shin's heart was being like crazy and felt like it would beat out of his chest at any moment, he had never felt this amount of fear in both of his lives and seeing All Might's gaze he truly thought All Might would kill him if he moved.

"All might?" Lots of thoughts and ideas flooded into his mind but the best idea was the simplest one which was to act like a scared six year old.

Shin started to forcefully make his body shake in fear, All Might flinched as a feeling of dread and sadness filled his mind as he just compared this innocent child who was about to be hurt to that of the notorious villain All For One.

"Hello young one I'm sorry for scaring you!" All might changed his deposition into that of a friendly one as a feeling of guilt started to permeate through his being.

'Oh thank god.' Unlike All Might, a feeling of relief washed over Shin, he still didn't show it on his face and made himself look like he was calming himself down.

"Being the symbol of peace makes it hard for me to turn off crime fighting mode HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! All Might put his hands on his hips before letting out a boisterous laugh.

"Um ok." Shin meekly let out nodding his head, he wouldn't break this facade until he was 100% sure that All Might was nowhere near him.

"You are a very brave child, what is your name?" All might asked unconsciously wanting to know all about this child that resembled All For One.

"Shin." Shin replied, he stopped shaking his body before he started to twindle with his hands giving off a shy appearance.


"I don't have a last name since my orphanage didn't give me one." Shin knew what All Might was asking and replied.

All Might had a foreboding feeling as a certain orphanage appeared in his mind.

"Shin, are you perhaps from Dolores's orphanage?" All Might heart was thumping at an increased speed at his own question.

"Yes." Shin nodded since it wasn't hard to find him in the association database, even though he was classified as low risk he was still on a watch list so not telling him was pointless since he could find out his identity and background if he truly wanted to.

"I see...…I didn't know there was such a hero in Dolores orphanage!" All Might didn't let it show on the outside but on the inside the pieces clicked in his mind.

All might had just defeated All For One two years ago but his image was still planted firmly in his mind.

From the way All Might was acting Shin could deduce that All might had met someone who looked exactly like him and in turn that person was most likely related to him.

Now what villain could put the symbol of peace on edge by just sharing a similar appearance, Shin had also thought about who his parents were to have him develop a quirk like this and seeing All Might's mood he was sure he found out who one of them was.

'So All For One is my father huh?' This conclusion meant that his birth was more complicated, his mind immediately deduced two things.

One, the association had it under their databases and they were already tracking he was the son of All For One, or two someone on his mother's side hid the fact he was All For One's son and put him in Dolores orphanage.

'Those thoughts can wait, right now I need to get One For All.' Shin put those thoughts aside before focusing entirely on the strongest hero in the world who was also filled with contemplation.

"Um All Might?" Shin meekly voiced out making All might flinch before covering it with a smile.

"Yes young Shin!"

"Can I shake your hand? It's such a honor to meet the symbol of peace and once everyone at my school hears about this they'll surely be jealous!" Shin boisterously said inching closer to All Might while holding out his hand showing clear anticipation on his face.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA OF COURSE!" All might seeing this child ask for such a thing felt immensely flattered.

All might went to touch Shin's hand and right before their hands touched a jolt hit All mights head making him instantly cock his hand back before Shin could grab it.

"All might?" Shin questioned however inside he was screaming.

'I was so close!' Shin didn't know why but he missed a once in a lifetime opportunity for what felt like no reason.

"Ah sorry Shin, how about I give you this!" All Might apologized before holding out a piece of paper with his autograph on it.

"But." Shin walked closer still not satisfied at this, every time his foot inched closer All might's foot would inch backwards.

All Might didn't know why as when their hands were about to touch his instincts started screaming at him to pull away.

"All Might?" Shin kept trying to get closer yet the symbol of peace kept moving backwards.

"Well it was nice meeting you Shin but duty calls!" All Might anxiously announced towards him grabbing the unconscious villain before jumping into the air as Shin was about to jump at him.

"Dammit!" Shin hit the ground in anger at All Might's escape.

'If I got One For All right here I could do away with Deku.' Shin lamented punching the ground once more.

Truthfully Shin was going to kill Deku the second he got One For All, after giving it more thought he decided that the only main character could be him and that Deku was a probability he didn't want around.

This was the sole reason why missing posters weren't appearing with Deku's face on it since Shin knew that he would eventually get All Might's power.

'This is a problem.' Shin thought knowing he would have to let Deku live since he could guess All Might would never let him make hand to hand contact with him.

'Fine I guess he'll live for a while longer.' It sounded messed up but Shin would eliminate anyone that stood in his way and the personification of justice was one of those.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose he forcefully calmed himself down, seeing the paper on the ground he picked it up a ugly expression formed on his face as he reached down and grabbed it.

Turning around he walked towards the clearing where Inasa and Toga were laying in wait, after about five minutes he arrived at the clearing and was immediately jumped by Toga.

"Shin!" Toga shouted in happiness latching onto him once more.

"Shin y-"

"Here, take it." Shin was in a bad mood and handed the signed paper to Inasa since he knew how much he liked All Might.

"What's this?" Inasa tilted his head.

"All Might's autograph."

"ALL MIGHT'S AUTOGRAPH." Inasa changed the way he was holding the piece of paper now holding it like a priceless treasure.

"How did you get this?"

Shin then explained what happened to the shock of the two, they hadn't been watching the altercation and instead hid in a hollowed out log.

They resumed their walk towards Toga's house arriving an hour later, Inasa had been inspecting every inch of the paper in wonder while Toga had a one sided conversation with Shin.

"We're here Toga." Shin stated as they all stood in front of the gate.

"But." Toga had an apprehensive look on her face while gazing at Shin.

"TOGA WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!" A woman opened the door in a burst of rage holding a handle of bourbon.

"Hello mommy." Toga stared downwards in sadness knowing that she had to go.

"Toga don't worry, we'll see each other soon." Shin patted her head, Toga smiled nodding her head.

"Okay!" Toga let go of Shin before walking into the house, not before waving at him once more.

"Learn from your mistakes Toga, it was your fault for making me wait so be better!" Her mother lectured in anger and Toga nodded her head.

"Yes mommy." Toga answered sadly watching her mother close the door as the image of Shin waving at her disappeared before being replaced by a door.

"What a hag." Inasa had a ugly expression on his face seeing Toga's mother in the flesh.

"Yeah she's horrible, let's head back to the orphanage." Shin nodded in agreement, turning around to walk back to the orphanage with Inasa following him.

Shin could easily make Toga's family a happy one but what purpose would that serve for him? Shin wanted to be the only thing that Toga cared about, if she cared about more things than him that meant more weakness for someone to exploit and as one of his future pawns that was unacceptable.

He wanted Toga to willingly leave her old life behind and come to him on her own violation; it was the reason why he didn't ask her to come with him in the first place.

Later that day

At a computer All Might was in his other state sporting a weak and frail looking body, his hands were typing fast as a picture of a four year old Shin appeared on the screen.

All Might's clearance in the association database was high, he didn't like to have anything to do with that organization but it didn't mean he didn't use their database.

A shocked look appeared on his face as his parents were listed as fallen D-rank villains, pulling up images of his deceased 'parents' and a strong feeling of doubt formed in his heart.

'I know what I saw, that child is the spitting image of All For One.' All Might had fought him an immeasurable amount of times and even though his face was mush now All For One's face was still ingrained into his mind.

Closing the laptop All Might was unsatisfied and needed answers to all the numerous questions, he wasn't a detective but he had friends who were, knowing he couldn't leave this matter alone.



A phone started pinging in Recovery Girl's pocket, taking it out and seeing the notification her face changed into a haggard expression.



"Yes Mistress." Shadow appeared in front of recovery girl on one knee.

"Call for All Might." Shadow nodded resolutely.

"Yes Mistress."

Two hours passed and a skinny man opened the door to her office, a vigilant All Might stepped in with a serious expression meeting her dead in the eyes with a look that screamed for answers.

"Recovery Girl."

"All Might."

Silence fell as the introduction finished, All Might took up a seat in front of the small old grandma.

"I think it's time we had a conversation."

In the abandoned building that Dabi resided in layed three men tied up with scared looks on their faces.

"Stop begging for mercy." Dabi kicked one of the tied up men who crawled closer to him.

Shin had asked him to start rounding up small-time criminals that no one would miss and after finding three people that suited Shin's preferences he brought them in.

Snot filled muffled pleads resounded in the building causing Dabi to have an annoyed look on his face.

"Blame yourselves for having no one care about you." Dabi ruthlessly said kicking another one of the tied up men.

"Good Evening Dabi." A familiar voice voiced out making Dabi stand up straight.

"Good Even Shin." Dabi put on a demeanor of respect contrary to his usual lazy and calm demeanor

"I brought some people that have useful quirks like you asked." Dabi immediately pointed to the screaming men.

"Thanks and you're sure none saw them?" Shin asked, standing in front of them with a cold look on his face.

"I'm 100% sure none saw me." Dabi nodded in reassurance.

"Good." A cold smile appeared on his face reaching out his hand to touch the closet one to him.

The man cried and became louder seeing the small childs expression as he started to wriggle away though he couldn't move far before a small appeared on his face.


Author's note: Forgot about this fic since I've being writing other stuff, this will be the last cliff hanger for a while and the updates might be slow.