Chapter 10:

"Huh?" The man tilted his head as nothing happened to him.

"Huh?" Shin's tone mirrored that of the man that just talked.

It might not seem like Shin needed a quirk like this since he can use Upgrade to copy someone's appearance as well as their voice however he needs to touch them to activate it so having something like this might help in the future.

The man froze as his pupils started to shake at an alarming rate seeing his quirk be copied, Shin started saying random words until he looked down at the man.

"Thank you."

'Heal' Shin smiled, putting a finger on his forehead.

The man started to completely evaporate from thin air leaving nothing left with his final moments being a look of horror at what was happening to him.

'So that's what it does.' Shin had used corruption for the first time in his life on the man.

Corruption is the opposite of his healing ability and he doesn't feel the pain when he uses it and once the person's body has been corrupted Shin can basically unexist them as long as he makes contact with a part of their body.

"Woah." Dabi's eyes widened seeing the man disappear.

*Muffled screams*

The two bound prisoners quickly started to squirm at an unprecedented speed trying to break free from their reigns.

'Let's use Upgrade next.' Shin walked over to a man with long hair.

'Heal.' Shin started to erase all the man's memories while putting in false ones, after a while the man stopped moving and collapsed to the floor.

This ability was the single greatest ability Shin owned in his opinion, however Shin was careful when using this ability for a single reason.

That being with millions of quirks there could be a quirk that can undo his memory wipe, Shin wasn't sure that a person could even unerase the memories he had erased but this was the reason why Shin was gathering people that were not brainwashed under him.

Shin was a little paranoid and he knew this but it was necessary to account for all variables so as to have a successful future.

The ropes bounding the man burned off surprising Dabi though he just watched since he knew that Shin was going to do something.

"Huh? Where am I." The long haired man muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"Savior?" The man gasped seeing Shin.

"Yes it is me." Shin smiled at his success, the memories he implanted were that of something you would find in a cult which meant basically the man came here to ascend aka die.

"Please, I beg of you for ascension." The man crawled over to Shin while kowtowing.

"Of course." Shin touched the man's head and after two seconds his ashes blew away with the wind.

Then lastly the eight foot tall skinny man was crying knowing that no matter what he did his fate was to become ashes.

Shin didn't hesitate and copied the man's quirk while destroying his existence, those three had the exact quirks for him to start his plans for the underworld which were Voice modification, Hair customization, and a quirk called 2 feet.

Voice modification: Allows for the user to match any tone of voice heard from another

Hair Customization: Allows for the user to grow and change the color of ones hair to match their selected preference.

2 feet: The user essentially grows within a range of two feet or can shrink in a range of two feet



Shin's body started to crack as his physical appearance started to grow, his shadow became longer until he stopped.

Then his eyes changed from a blood red to a simple dark brown, his hair that was short and white turned to brown before dropping below his ears.

Shin needed a skill like two feet the most since upgrade copied a person's appearance and it didn't copy their height so he would be able to infiltrate perfectly.

Dabi watched Shin change his whole appearance in silence until he finished, walking over to a dresser Shin pulled out a black coat along with a simple mask to cover his mouth.

"Dabi, your piercing gaze is getting annoying just ask me the question." Shin voiced out while putting on a black jacket.

"Did...….did you use your memory change quirk on me." Shin scoffed at this, closing the dresser.

"If I did I would have put a memory in your mind that said that you would never question me." Hearing his words Dabi sighed, Shin didn't want puppets to do his biddings as people who never questioned their bosses had unimaginable flaws.

Also Shin wasn't narcissistic enough not to take advice, his IQ and EQ might have taken a leap but that didn't mean that he was omnipotent.

"How many people are guarding the stash house?" Shin messaged his shoulders as Dabi walked beside him.

"I have only seen 9 people from just scouting the entrance and from this only four had shown their quirks." Hearing this Shin turned his head to Dabi who pulled out a list.


Fire Breath: Breathes fire

Hard fists: His fist turn into a hard substance

Shock saliva: Saliva that shocks people

Crystal quirk: It lets him form crystals from his skin

'Crystal type quirk huh?' Shin rubbed his chin before burning the paper.

Shin didn't particularly need money so why was he going to rob a yakuza stash house? Because he wanted to set the underworld into a frenzy.

Right now All Might had defeated All For One and that left a huge amount of territory in the underworld resulting in a lot of people wanting a piece of the newly free pie.

The Yakuza were among the ones who were absorbing the biggest chunk, so to counter that Shin was going to start stealing from all the gangs' stash houses while putting the blame on each other so that hopefully an all out gang war would occur resulting in them weakening themselves.

"When we get the money make sure to fill up as much as the duffel bags can hold." Shin threw two duffel bags that were laying on the worn out couch over to Dabi who nodded.

Leaving the abandoned building Dabi led Shin to the stash house and after twenty minutes they arrived at a run down laundry mat.

"Shin, that's the laundry mat they use to clean their money." Dabi pointed and Shin nodded.

Scouting the area he saw two men guarding the entrance, looking around he saw two alley's.

Looking closer at the guards he noticed one was serious while the other was careless, deciding to eliminate the on guard one a plan started to formulate in his mind.

"Dabi if you get a text from me then blow up that car." Shin pointed at a rundown shitbox across from the street and Dabi nodded

"If anything suspicious from your end happens, text me." With that Shin carefully ran towards the alley.

In front of the stash house two bored Yakuza were leaning against the wall with an expression that should boredom.

"Urgh how long are we going to have to do these stupid watches." A man yawned, making the other roll his eyes.

"You know why, we could be attacked at any moment eve-"

"No ones going to attack us unless they have a death wish, were the top dogs ever since AOF disappeared no one in their right mind would challenge the Yakuza's wraith." The man scoffed at this, seeing this task as unwarranted.



The man on the left immediately turned his head to a nearby alley reaching for his gun causing the other to laugh.

"It's probably just another homeless bum drunk out of his mind, relax." The man laughed while clenching his stomach seeing his companions' actions.

"We should check it out even if its a homeless man it is our duty as yakuza to-"

"Save the lecture for one of the newbies, if you want to waste your time so badly then just go." The man waved him off, the man scowled at him before angrily stomping to the alley to beat up whoever was making a ruckus.

Five minutes later the same man walked back with a different atmosphere, the other guy simply chuckled.

"I'm guessing that I was right." The man laughed seeing his comrade silent.

The man didn't say a word and simply touched the man's wrist causing him to be confused before he froze.

Turning into ashes seconds later Shin who had changed his appearance to the man known as Hiroshi walked into the hideout.

"Hiroshi aren't you supposed to be on the guard shift?" A man with a scar on his cheek said at the counter.

"Yeah but I have to report something to the boss." Shin waved him off while walking towards the counter.

"Wait Hirosh-'' The guy was about to stop him, causing Shin's eyes to turn cold.

Shin didn't want to waste his time with a useless argument and slammed the guy's head into the counter resulting in him becoming unconscious.

Shin touched his head and started to alter his memories, he started to change them to multiple people storming the store.



Shin then started stomping the unconscious man and started to break his ribs then one of his arms, seeing the damage he punched him in the face once to make it a little more authentic before walking deeper into the place.

He wanted to leave at least two people alive so they could come to a conclusion that their stash house was raided by a group of people.

Walking into the hidden door he read from the man's memories, he started to descend the stairs and when he reached the bottom he spotted eight people using money counters.

"Hiroshi? What are you doing here?" A man with a red mohawk raised an eyebrow.

"I need to report to the boss." Hiroshi remarked before walking to the office.

"Hiroshi, why did you intrude into my office without knocking?" A bald man with a white mask gazed dangerously at Shin.

"I have come to inform you about the pat-"

"Report it to Sato if it's something about the guard shift." The bald man waved him off.

"It's Mr. Chisaki Sir." Hearing this the bald man's full attention turned towards Shin.

From the memories he saw from the two grunts Overhaul didn't exist yet and instead Kai Chisaki existed, Kai was still a prominent leader in the yakuza and leader of the eight bullets.

This man in front of him was known as Yu Hojo and was fiercely loyal to Kai Chiskai aka Overhaul, and he would do anything for his savior.

"Hiroshi." Yu Hojo's gaze became serious, dropping his pen in his hand before crossing his fingers.

"Why would the boss contact you a nameless grunt over his direct subordinate?" Yu Hojo slowly reached for the drawer next to him pulling out a deagle.

"Mr. Chisaki messaged me on my phone saying it was urgent and that I show you, I am also unarmed sir." Shin asked and Yu Hojo scoffed.

"Why would the boss notify you and not me?" Yu Hojo clicked the back of the gun while tightening his grip on the trigger while still calmly sitting in the seat.

"You were compromised and he had to get a hold of you so he went through me Sir." Yu raised his eyebrows as he started to contemplate.

"Open your coat." Yu ordered and Shin complied, showing that he was unarmed.

"Show me the message then get out." Shin slowly took out the cellphone and moved his finger typing out a message.

The distance between them would be easy to cover however it might give Yu Hojo a chance to call for back resulting in him being ambushed by eight people at once, which wasn't that bad though one grunt might notify the Yakuza and it might spiral out of control.

'Plan B'


"Here it is Sir." Shin turned the phone and Yu started to inch closer while squinting his eyes to read the message.

"Plan B-"


An explosion resounded, throwing Yu Hojo off for a second causing Shin to act, a strong wind rushed at Yu Hojo knocking him back against the desk.





Shin dove to the right while sending wind at the gun, throwing it up into the air, not wanting to give time to Yu Hojo Shin fired a pillar of blue flames at Yu.

A destructive blue fire burst out towards Yu who immediately covered his head with his forearms as crystals shout of his skin.


The pillar of flames hit the wall of crystals resulting in a sizzling sound, Yu Hojo was forced back a little but stood his ground.

"Is that all you got?" Yu Hojo taunted however when he moved the crystals apart to gaze at Shin he had already closed the distance reaching his hand through the crack.

"Heal!" Shin grabbed Yu's head before he could react his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell to his knees.

'This is also interesting.'

Shin started to copy his quirk while changing his loyalty from Overhaul to him, essentially he was going to make him his personal insider in the yakuza.

'This is a good defensive quirk.' Shin released his hands and in doing so Yu Hojo fell to the ground.

[Crystallize: the ability to produce sharp, durable crystals from his skin.]


"Boss we're being atta-'' The man with a mohawk opened the door in an urgent manner only to see Hiroshi standing over the boss.

"Hiroshi you bastard!" The mohawk guy jumped to the right conclusion as he heaved a deep breath before blowing out a fierce breath of fire.

Shin immediately put his arm of his body as crystals formed in front of him, unlike Yu Hojo Shin didn't remain still and rushed forward at him.

The guy with a mohawk was surprised to see the bosses quirk, when his breath gave out Shin had already closed the distance forming crystals on his first and punching his solar plexus.

The mohawk guy coughed fiercely as the wind was forcefully knocked out of him, Shin didn't waste anymore time and grabbed his face turning him into ashes.

Shin opened the door to see seven people in a frenzy, he didn't want to resort to this plan since if he did this then a hero would most likely appear making the time to steal shorter.


Dabi busted down the secret door and rushed inside with two bags on his back, Shin had already started to flank the unaware gangster.




Touching two of them they couldn't react fast enough as Shin corrupted their whole being, Dabi condensed two blue fire balls in his hands and threw them at the two oncoming gangsters.



Both fireballs made deep wounds on both of the gangsters' as their chest caved inwards while the color of their flesh turned into a charcoal black.

One collapsed onto the ground dying a second later while the other was in critical condition and fell unconscious.

One of the thugs pulled out a pistol and Shin used the wind to change its direction while pushing the other thug to the wall.



"Argh" Dabi's shoulder was nicked making him stammer a little, Shin used his wind to pull the gangster towards him.

The gangster didn't have much time to react as his throat was grabbed before he became dust, Shin condensed a fireball in his other hand and threw it at the head of the gangster that was reaching for his gun and upon impact he died instantly.

'Heal.' Shin rushed over to Dabi as they were wasting too much time and healed him as a stinging pain went to his shoulder.

'I need overhauls quirk.' His healing quirk was amazing in a sense that he can heal any wound but so was overhauls and it made him desire it even more.

"Dabi." Shin didn't need to have a coherent sentence as Dabi immediately threw him a bag.

Millions of Yen was piled in this room while being neatly packed up and sealed, they both pulled out ski masks that were located in the duffle bags and started to stuff as much Yen as the duffel bags could hold.

*Siren Noises*

A distinct noise that one could only relate to a cop car started to appear in a low pitch signaling the oncoming arrival of the cops.

"Let's go!" Shin ordered, he rushed over to the burnt bodies and started turning them to ashes making sure not to leave any traces of a fire user.

They quickly made their way up the stairs and when they arrived at the surface three cop cars had already parked themselves outside.

"Dabi take the bag and meet me at the base." Shin unhooked the bag from his shoulder and threw it at Dabi who nodded at him.

"I'll make a path for you so avoid having to use your quirk unless backed into a corner." Shin ordered, he didn't want to reveal the fire quirk to the underworld and certainly not the public yet, he wanted to wait since if they arrived in the underworld scene and showed his fire quirk the Yakuza would surely notice which would just cause Shin a headache.

"Understood." Dabi nodded following behind Shin.

The cop cars were still rushing onto the scene and only one car came to a complete halt as the others were starting to radio it in.

Shin rushed out the door and rushed towards the cop car, the cop seeing this immediately opened the door while putting his hand on his weapon unbuckling the latch on the back of the handle.