Chapter 11: Escape

"FREEZE VILLAIN!" Right as he stepped out the car Shin grabbed his hand taking his gun from his holster before he could.

Another trait that Shin could copy wasn't just quirks but also abilities, for example Yu Hojo's marksmanship was something he could copy.



Pulling the gun upwards he didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger as a bullet rocketed through the cops jaw while plowing through his brain, almost a second later Shin pointed it at his partner and pulled the trigger shooting him in the chest.

'I missed the heart.' Shin rolled behind the front of the car, the marksmanship he copied was just something above amateur however right now in this situation it was enough.



The officer stopped his sentence at the gunshot, peaking above the car he saw that Officer Collins who had been shot in the chest was shot again but this time in the head.

"BACKUP WE NEED F*CKING BACKUP!" Fear resonated in voice grabbing even tighter on his gun.



The cops started to shoot towards Shin's cover wanting to buy time for a hero to show up to assist them.

Shin double tapped the cop since the wound he caused him earlier didn't fully kill him, turning his gaze he watched Dabi who started running to the alley where he had killed the original Hiroshi.

'Their whole focus is on me, good."



A numerous amount of bullets were shot at Shin in an effort to slow him down in hopes a hero would make it here in time.

'72 bullets.' The gunshots stopped as Shin had counted each and every one, a standard issue 9mm held 18 bullets and this meant that they were reloading.

Shin sprang to his feet propelling himself forward with wind at highspeeds, arriving almost instantaneously at the cop car parked on the right.




Shin flew to the side of the car while shooting two rounds at the officer closer to him, after the second shot he had quickly analyzed that he died before jumping on top of the cop car and shooting the officer who had just finished reloading right in the head.

His eyes scanned around him as a course of action formed in his mind prompting him to turn toward the nearest cop who was turning his body to him.


Pulling the trigger while jumping off the car he shot the cop in the neck, the cop fell to the ground holding his neck as blood gushed out between his fingers.

"RANDY!" His partner screamed out in anguish seeing his friend fall as blood gushed out of his neck.




Shin nicked the grieving cop in the shoulder while shooting through the car missing the other two shots, the cop ducked to the right of the car holding his bleeding shoulder with one hand while holding his reloaded gun on the other.

Air formed below Shin's feet pushing himself back, his body rocketed backwards at a fast speed as the officer was in his sights.



"ARGH!" The cop's ear was grazed but before his brain could process the whole extent of his pain a hot feeling of metal pressed against his head.


Shin had already propelled himself forward putting the barrel against the cops head as he was tired of missing before the cops brains were blown out.

"What have you done!" A man screamed as his feet burst forward.

Shin didn't look back after killing the last cop deciding he would fight him in a nearby alley, seeing the reflection in a nearby broken mirror he saw a furious man dressed in red and yellow with the equation K=½mv2 (Kinetic energy = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2)plastered on his chest.

'The equation for kinetic energy?' Shin had read countless math books and had memorized a lot of math formulas and upon seeing it he instantly recalled it in his mind.

"Kinetic Punch!" The man yelled as Shin jumped in the air while twisting his body, shielding himself with crystals by putting his arm across his body.



Shin's crystals broke as started to twist his body preparing for a roundhouse kick, Shin's eyes immediately scanned his surroundings checking for any signs of someone watching him and after a millisecond passed confirming that no one was around him he grabbed the man's kick.



Shin's arm broke in several places though he didn't flinch as he had felt worse and just endured the pain while using his other hand to grab the hero's throat.


"Heal." Shin copied the man's quirk before using corruption, turning him to ashes.

Kinetic: Able to utilize your own kinetic energy.

Dropping to the ground the only thing left of the kinetic man was his clothes, Shin healed himself while grabbing the costume and setting it in flames.

Then checking his surroundings once more he made sure nothing was out of place since he memorized every content in the alley before proceeding.

Confirming nothing was out of place he quickly rushed out of the alley, he turned through a couple alleys as well as going into the park to make sure he wasn't being followed just to be sure before he went to the abandoned building.

Arriving he spotted Dabi unloading the Yen on the table, seeing Shin he was about to stand up until Shin gestured him to stay.

"Any inconveniences?"

"Yeah, a sidekick started to follow me and his martial combat was significantly greater than mine so when he was about to pin me down I burned him alive." Dabi reported and Shin nodded.

"I'm guessing you weren't followed." Dabi shook his head at his answer as he was confident no one tailed him.

"I made sure to cover my tracks and constantly check if I had a tail." Dabi responded as Shin widened his eyes, turning around and sending a gust of wind behind him.



The gust cut into the concrete though did not compromise the structural integrity of the building and when the smoke cleared a weirdly dressed man with a cane and a top hat stood there.

"Well that is no way to greet someone now is it?" The man put a hand over his mask showing a sort of gasp.

"Dabi." Shin said in a menacing tone as Dabi also stood up, hearing Shin he became extremely confused as he was sure he wasn't followed.

"Don't be mad at the young man I just happened to stumble across this building while strolling around the city." The man twirled his cane around while poking the concrete that had a clear slash mark.

"I expected some random runaways but instead I found something even more interesting." The weirdly dressed man pointed at them.

"Oh how rude of me! I am Mr. Compress it is a pleasure." Mr. Compress took off his hat while bowing.

Shin remained silent knowing who this man was and how deadly he was, he could literally turn people into marbles and that made Shin on edge.

"Don't you think it's a little rude not to introduce yourselves?" Mr. Compress tilted his head while putting his top hat back on.

Shin rolled his shoulders while cracking his neck while adjusting the tie around his neck, grabbing a nearby chair he sat down and crossed his leg over the other.

"Don't you think it's a little rude to barge into someone's place of residence without an invitation." Shin answered back, making Mr. Compress smile under his mask.

"I do apologize as that was very rude of me." Mr. Compress bowed once more.

"However as an entertainer I originally wanted to bring a little light to a passing runaway though I didn't know of your intentions with crime and if you're wondering if I'm a hero I can assure you I am far from that." Mr. Compress explained and Dabi scoffed.

"What are you a magician then?" Dabi sarcastically spoke while rolling his eyes.

"Well I prefer entertainer, however some have called me a magician before." Mr. Compress chuckled while making his cane disappear as a ball appeared in his hand though he made sure to hide it with a slight of his hand.

Then pulling off his top hat he reached in and slowly pulled out his cane, twirling his hat he rested it back onto his head before setting his cane down.

"Well Mr. Compress, that was very entertaining now tell me what you really want." Shin was not impressed at Mr. Compress's actions and wanted to press further into his reasoning.

Shin didn't think anyone except bums would come to this side of Musatafu, this was why he was greatly suspicious of Mr. Compress actions.

'We'll have to move.'

"You are mistaken young villains I-"

"We are not villains." Mr. Compress tilted his head at Shin's interruptions.

"Then what are you?" Mr. Compress inched a little closer and upon doing so Dabis hands lit on fire glaring at him not to take another step.

"Please calm down flames, I'm not hostile. I can understand your heistance at my sudden arrival but I can assure I mean no harm, I do truly apologize again for intruding." Mr. Compress waved his arms taking two steps back.

"Mr. Compress, we're just trying to make a living that does not make us villains, please tell us what you want." Twirling his cane in his hands he smiled under his mask at Shin's question.

"I'm just curious, that's all, especially even more now at your answer to my assumption."

"Well you're not getting any of the answers you so wish for today."

"Today?" Mr. Compress emphasized that word and Shin smiled.

Shin got up and walked to a table and started to write down a number, turning around he walked over to Mr. Compress who graciously took the paper and when Shin was pulling back he grazed his wrist that wasn't covered by a cloth copying his power.

"You're very intriguing?" Mr. Compress complimented and Shin just smiled.

"Mr. Compress, you ask a lot of questions, don't you?" Hearing this Mr. Compress chuckled.

"Well I do when someone has so many interesting answers." Mr. Compress moved his hand around as the piece of paper disappeared with his sleight of hand.

Shin didn't want to use corruption or upgrade yet so instead he decided to give this man a chance by giving him a number to a burner phone he had.

"Call that phone in a week and we'll meet up and chat." Shin turned around walking back to his seat and Mr. Compress tilted his hat down.

"Mr. Compress before you leave, can you please tell me if you actually stumbled across this place or if you followed one of us." When Shin's words finished, Mr. Compress held up his hands, shaking them side to side in denial.

"I swear on my great grandfather that I stumbled across this place, Oh and my grandfather was known as the peerless thief if you didn't know." Mr. Compress stuck with his story while making Dabi wide eyed.

"The renowned thief that terrorized Japan alongside All For One?" Dabi knew a lot of past villains from his fathers lectures and the peerless thief was one of many he studied.

"So you know my ancestor! Yes, he was a great man that stood against a corrupt system." Mr. Compress grasped his fist passionately wiping an imaginary tear from his mask with the other one.

"Mr. Compress, it was nice meeting you and please contact me at the designated time." Not wanting to talk to him any longer, this was Shin's way of politely telling Mr. Compress to leave and he understood.

"Very well it was nice meeting you." Mr. Compress bowed again before turning around and strolling out the building.

Shin waited for a while before using his infrared vision to check his surroundings until he was sure he was gone.

Then he immediately made his way to the money before turning them into marbles, going over to the other furniture he started turning anything essential into marbles.

1 hour later

Shin encased the last part of the furniture into marbles before putting them into a pouch and throwing them over to Dabi.

"We're changing our base of operations." Shin instructed as Dabi started to follow him.

"Where are we going?" Dabi asked Shin who turned his head.

"To find a suitable temporary place to stay." Dabi nodded his head and Shin turned his head back forward.

Shin didn't know if it was a coincidence or an accident but it didn't matter, they were compromised so it was better to leave just in case.

Walking for a while they came across a nice neighborhood, Shin walked up to a house with only one car in the parking lot.



"May I help you?" An old man creaked the door open and Shin smiled.

"Grandpa, it's me don't you remember?" The old man showed a confused expression.

"Grandpa? Kid I don't have any grand ch-" Shin grasped his forehead as his eyes started to roll to the back of his head before falling down to the ground.

Opening the door Shin walked in and Dabi followed, closing the door behind them Shin put the man on the couch before he woke up.

"Hiro?" The old man confusedly asked Shin.

"Yes it's us grandpa, Ren and I need a place to crash for a while. Is that okay with you?" The old man showed a gentle smile while nodding his head.

"Of course, anything for my precious grandsons." The old man assured while standing up.

"I have some leftov-"

"Sorry grandpa but I have to get back to university but I'll drop by later alright." Shin stopped him and the old man nodded in understanding.

"Lie low with the old man for a week, after I talk with Mr. Compress I'll decide where we go next." Shin told Dabi who nodded his head.

Shin took the pack of marbles and turned a cushioned chair upside down, carving a hole into the bottom he stuck all the marbles in the chair before flipping it back onto its legs.

"If anything happens, contact me." Shin then walked out the door leaving Dabi with his new grandpa.

"Ren all I have is Meatloaf. Is that okay with you?" Dabi casually looked over to the old man who was peeking his head out.

"Yeah that's fine with me." Dabi nodded while sitting on the couch and turning on the T.V.

His conscience was cleared a little since it wasn't his fault that the weird magician found them but it still made him on edge.


"Breaking news, six cops have been murdered at a recent robbery of a stash house. Kinetic man and his sidekick Obsevi arrived on the scene however they are missing at the moment. If anyon-"

"Do you really love my scales?"

"Of course I love your scales!"

Dabi put down the remote as a love drama appeared, peaking his curiosity. He started to relax as he was going to enjoy this week off.

In a park Mr. Compress was strolling down the sidewalk while the paper was being twirled in his hands, at first it was as he said all he wanted to do was put a smile on some runaway's faces since he too was like them at one point.

However those two especially the one with the ripped suit intrigued him greatly, ever since finding out about his lineage he decided to put on a mask and follow in his ancestors footsteps.

Though his blood always yearned for applause so he couldn't throw away the entertainer part of him hence the outfit.

"My-MY PURSE PLEASE SOMEONE!" A lady yelled as a man started to run toward him with an anxious look on his face while grabbing the purse tightly.

"Stop him!" The woman yelled at Mr. Compress seeing his outfit assuming he was a hero.

"Huh?" The man who ran past Mr. Compress stopped as the purse disappeared from his grasp all of a sudden.

"Are you perhaps looking for this?" Mr. Compress twirled his hands in the air revealing the purse that he was once holding.

"My purse!" The woman and the man both shouted at the same time.

"Greetings to the villain and the victim, I am Mr. Compress and I want you to watch closely." Mr. Compress bowed, then turned the purse into a marble.

"Give me my purs-" The women yelled until she felt a murderous aura making her face pale, the thug on the right dropped too his bottom knowing full well what it took too amass an aura like that.

"Please do not interrupt my performance." Mr. Compress pulled out another marble revealing one marble in one hand.

"Now! Let's play a simple game I like to call switcheroo! The rules are simple: one marble has a rock in it while the other has the purse, whoever guesses correctly gets the purse! Now watch closely." Mr. Compress attitude went a full 180 while throwing the marbles into the air.

Holding his cane up both marbles fell on each other stacking on the tip of his cane, tilting it just a little allowed for both to roll down the base of his cane.

Adjusting his collar they both fell into his suit, after putting his collar back he took out his hat and dumped the contents.

Two marbles fell from the hat and he swiped his hand in the air holding each marble in one hand.

"Ladies first." Mr. Compress gestured to the shivering woman.

"Please pick ma'am I do not have all day." Mr. Compress teased and the woman flinched before pointing a finger to his right hand.

Turning it around he opened it to reveal a blue marble, a flash of light occurred and it revealed a dull looking rock.

"Ah! Well we all can't win, can we?" Mr. Compress walked closer to her and set the rock in her hands while shaking his head in a sad manner.

"Now young sir, pick a hand." Mr. Compress reached into his sleeve and pulled out another marble, after mixing them up a little he went to the terrified thug.

"I-I-please spare me." The thug shivering started to become uncontrollable and Mr. Compress started laughing.

"I'm not going to kill you, that would ruin the show! Now choose." Mr. Compress held his hands showing him that there was only this.

"Um r-right?" Mr. Compress slowly turned his hand and opened it revealing a marble until a light shined and the purse showed itself.

"Well how about that!" Mr. Compress handed the purse to the surprised and confused thug.

"Thank you! Thank you! I am Mr. Compress and that is all!" Mr. Compress shook both their hands then bowed.

The thug saw the purse and saw Mr. Compress calm manner, and after a little urging from his self conscious he scrambled up and ran for his life.

The woman who remained quiet this whole time finally started to show some emotions seeing the thug run away causing her to wake up to reality.

"HEY!" The woman yelled, seeing it would be impossible to catch the thug, her gaze turned towards Mr. Compress who was gathering himself.

"Hey what are you doing!" The woman angrily stomped while pointing to the disappearing thug.

"Well I'm cleaning up after my show, why do you have any complaints about my show?" Mr. Compress twirled his top hat on top of his head leaning in a little making the woman step back.

"Y-yeah I do."

"Oh that's great! Constructive criticism is what I cherish most as it helps me improve as an entertainer, now what was the problem." Mr. Compress nodded while a pencil and a notebook appeared out of thin air.

"Why did you let him get away with my purse!" The woman couldn't hold back her rage and screamed at Mr. Compress completely forgetting his murderous aura earlier.

"Ah I understand, well since you both played the game you as the loser would be angry at the results." Mr. Compress sulked a little bit after hearing that she was just a sore loser.


"Not anymore." Mr. Compress shrugged as a vein formed on her forehead.

"How can a hero let a villain like that go!" Hearing the word 'hero' Mr. Compress's whole atmosphere started to change.

"Hero." Disdain was clearly heard in his tone as he muttered the word.

"I am no hero." Mr. Compress made the notepad and pencil disappear while adjusting his gloves.

"W-what? Then what are you a villain!" The woman screamed, grabbing onto his clothes.


"Then go after hi-what?" The woman was about to start a tangent until his answer registered in her mind.

"I'm a villain." Mr. Compress uttered in a serious and deadly tone.


"Has anyone ever told you how ungrateful you are?" She tried to step back but Mr. Compress just moved closer putting a finger on her forehead.

"I do not enjoy the company of sore losers, and I have just the trick for people like you." Mr. Compress smiled viciously under the mask.

The woman was filled in fear as his figure became bigger and bigger until everything was filled in a blue filter.

The woman tried to move though it was useless and after a while she figured out that the man didn't get bigger but she got smaller.

"Think about your manners for a while ok." Mr. Compress flicked her into a nearby bush much to her horror and silent screaming.

"That really ruined my mood today." Mr. Compress shook his head while continuing his walk as the paper appeared once more in his hands.

"This is why I stopped being a full time entertainer, people are so ungrateful."