Chapter 15: The Four Cats

"WATER HOSE IT'S HERE!" A feminine voice yelled out as a man ran in front of the flames.

"I UNDERSTAND!" Water Hose, who was wearing a blue outfit along with a snorkel, shot out a blast of water from his hands onto the raging fire.

'Good so they still operate here.' Shin rubbed his chin with a smile seeing four people dressed like cats while the other one dressed in a water outfit.

'I wonder who the other guy is.' Shin, who clearly remembered this bunch being a four person team, didn't recall a fifth member.

It wasn't a coincidence Shin chose the Beast forest, more specifically he was interested in the quirks that these four people wielded.

"We need more reinforcements. I can't contain this!" Water Hose yelled and the others nodded.

"Ragdoll, see if anyone is still here." A woman dressed in a cat costume with short brown hair shouted.

"Right!" Ragdoll activated her quirk and everyone in a certain radius was seen, her eyes started to immediately condense while her pupils shivered at unprecedented speeds.

"We need to run!" Ragdoll shouted much to her teammates' shock.

'Oh? I wonder what she saw, I know she has some sort of searching quirk so I'm guessing she found me however the reaction is quite unexpected.' Shin smiled, rubbing his chin not bothered in the slightest at being found feeling a sensation pulse over him to which he used corruption to eat away at it.

"Ragdoll what are you talking about w-"

"I can't see...…I can't see his weak points…..I-I can't see him we need to run we-" Ragdoll couldn't see his weak points nor could she tell his exact location.

All she knew was he was in a certain direction and that scared her since this is the first time her quirk didn't work on someone since him.



Shin landed on the ground causing the ground to disperse below him using his kinetic energy quirk to negate the force of the impact.

"Your quirk is pretty interesting." Shin complimented as the dust dissipated revealing himself, Ragdoll seeing his figure immediately took two steps back much to the shock of her teammates.

"Ragdoll snap out of it! What's his information!" A blond cat known as Pixie-Bob yelled, slapping her hands on the ground below her as earth golems started to form around Shin at unprecedented speeds.

"I can't see Pixie-Bob he doesn't have an-" Shin didn't let her finish as he used the wind to blow her forward.

He opened his hand in front of him as her throat arrived in his grasp much to the other's shock, Shin immediately copied her quirk and froze.

Search: allows the user to monitor and observe up to a hundred people at a time. This includes knowing their locations and weak points. Also permanently stores the information gained after its usage.

'This quirk is amazing.' This would save Shin countless amounts of time if he used this quirk, he could essentially spy on a hundred people at all times with a bonus of knowing their weak points.

'Why did something else come with it?' Shin had also felt something that he had never felt before when copying her quirk almost like it was a part of her yet couldn't quite comprehend it.

'It feels like an emotion?' Shin decided to worry about it later, putting it aside for a later date.

"Wow, your quirk is really amazing." Shin focused back on the quirk and couldn't believe he landed another jackpot quirk as this would make hunting people so much more easier.





The four people snapped out of their daze at his words realizing their comrade was snatched right in front of them.

'I can't have All For One getting this quirk but this quirk can be so useful if utilized right.' Shin was having a mental dilemma completely ignoring the four people shouting at him.

"PUSSY CAT FORMATION C!" The muscular man known as Tiger yelled as the other two immediately ran behind him.

'When I someday take over the association people like her will be incredibly useful but she could also be an achilles heel since there isn't a doubt in my mind that she will be hunted by All For One later.' Shin was too engrossed in his thoughts to care about the four getting ready to attack him.

'I'll take the chance.' Shin was going to take a chance since having an insider with her quirk would help him immensely in the future when he started planting people in the association.

Shin started to completely alter her memories though in an interesting way rather than what he usually did.

He was altering them in a way to feel more negative emotions towards her teammates as a plan started formulating in his mind on how to turn her to his side through very subtle altercations.


They screamed seeing Shin release Ragdoll causing her to fall down like a ragdoll lying limp on the dirt, they all became engulfed in rage thinking their precious friend had died.

"PUSSYCATS ATTACK!" Tiger yelled, propelling off the ground sprinting toward Shin at fast speeds.

The ground started to shake, sprouting up more golems until all of a sudden three of them nodded simultaneously.

"WATER PUMP!" Water Hose put both his hands together causing water to rocket from his hands.

"GROUND TSUNAMI!" All of sudden Tiger leaped backwards under Pixie-bob roar.

"That's cute." Shin flicked his hand and dispelled the ground tsunami while putting up a wall in front of the water attack from Water Hose.

"Pixie-Bob cover me!" Tiger yelled, causing her to nod.

Claws rushed out of his fingers while he propelled himself towards Shin at a fast speed, Shin frowned and just sighed.

Contrary to Tiger's expectations Shin didn't move, instead putting his hands in his pockets he activated overhaul as a thin spiral pillar came rushing out of the ground impaling Tiger's stomach.


"TIGER!" The three watched Tiger be impaled by a pillar as he coughed up an immediate mouthful of blood.

"Bastard." Tiger's face was pale seeing Shin walk up to him and tap his forehead.

Pliabody: allows him to stretch, flatten, and bend his body in ways that would normally be impossible.

'Oh she's waking up.' Shin noticed Ragdoll fluttering eyelids from the corner of his eye, deciding to start his plan.

"Since I'm a kind soul I'll give you two choices, save Tiger/ Water Hose or Ragdoll." The three had horrified expressions knowing that the villain would only let them save one of their friends before Water Hose became confused.

"Save me-" Water Hose couldn't finish his words as a pillar impaled his left shoulder, the pain overwhelmed his senses resulting in his vision turning black.

"I did also say Water Hose?" Shin shrugged seeing Water hoses body slump resulting in him falling farther into the pillar.

"IZUMI!" The woman known as Mandalay screeched in anguish seeing her cousin be impaled.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Shin wanted to make another quick example since that guy's quirk seemed very useless but Shin hadn't known they had familial ties to spark enough rage in this woman instead of the intended obedience.

'Ahhh~' A moan appeared in his head though he was unperturbed seeing her pursuit.

Mandalay tried to rush at him but was immediately punched in the face causing her cheek to ripple at the contact knocking her to the ground.

'This is also useful.'

Telepath: grants the user the ability to communicate with anyone through thought.

'I'll just kill them I guess-.'

"Wait, we choose Tiger and Water Hose!" Pixie-Bob yelled as Shin was about to crush Mandalay's skull, stopping a centimeter away from her face.

"Well let's shake on it." Shin smiled, holding out his hand.

"PIXIE-BOB ATTACK HIM!" Mandalay screamed in a fury under Shin's foot but Pixie-Bob ignored her shaking Shin's hand.

Earth Flow: Quirk allows her to freely manipulate the earth for a variety of effects.

'Pro Hero's and Pro villain's quirks are really the cream of the crop.' Shin nodded, dispelling the pillars impaling both Tiger and Water Hose resulting in them falling to the ground.

'Pixie-Bob will be useful in the future, the rest are really underwhelming though.' Shin thought, gazing at Pixie-Bob deciding to account for her in his plans.

"TIGER!" Pixie-Bob ran past Shin and grabbed him, checking his pulse she saw he was still breathing before rushing to Water Hose before finally sighing in relief.

Using her quirk a earth golem formed under her and put them both on the golems back, Shin seeing this released Mandalay taking his foot off her face.

Pixie-Bob flinched when she made eye contact with Shin, turning to Mandalay quickly trying to calm down her shaking body wanting to show a calm front.

"Tiger's and Water hose are barely hanging on, we have to go!" Pixie-Bob hurridaly yelled at Mandalay who was still staring dagger at Shin.

"I'll find you!" Mandalay swore in her heart as she limped towards Pixie-Bob.

Ragdoll's eyes finally started fluttering open and upon lifting her eyelids all the way up. Her sight was met with her friends, her comrades, leaving her behind and what broke her heart was when she and Mandalay made eye contact causing Mandalay to bite her lip while turning her gaze away.


"Leave." Shin said in a low voice that only Pixie-Bob could hear as he didn't want any words of reassurance to come out of their mouths.

Pixie-Bob bit her lip before she commanded her golems to run out of the forest, Ragdoll was speechless seeing them leave her.

"What about me?" Ragdoll whispered, reaching out her hand at the disappearing figures in front of her.

Shin turned his head at the shell shocked Ragdoll and started to contemplate, from what he remembered All For One stole her quirk around the time he was supposed to be entering high school.

'If she isn't fully under my influence at that time I'll just kill her.' Shin activated Search for the first time as a star started to form in his eyes, marking Ragdoll and all her weak points.

"Ironic right? Your so-called comrades completely abandoned you next to me, a so-called 'villain'." Shin chuckled, walking up to her.



Ragdoll started to cough as her mask broke from being dropped onto the ground causing the smoke to invade her lungs, Shin saw this and lightly tapped the mask completely fixing it.

Seeing that her mask was fixed and her breathing returning to normal she turned her gaze upwards at Shin.

"No thank you? Very ungrateful." Shin shook his head seeing Ragdoll eyes well up in tears thinking she was about to die.

"Being surrounded by a sea of flames must be very scary for you right?" Shin gestured to the blazing surroundings though Ragdoll's worry filled eyes didn't leave him.

"It doesn't seem like an optimal environment to have a conversation so why don't I change that so we can be alone in peace with no interuptions.'' After his words finished a dome surrounded them as the sight of the flames disappeared.


Ragdoll's body started to shake violently not knowing what this villain was about to do to her, her mind came to the worst conclusion as the thought of preserving her life started to overwhelm her psyche.

She misinterpreted his words thinking he was about to violate her, knowing what villains were capable of as the conclusion fully formed in her mind causing her body to react.

Slowly she started to unbutton her chest while slipping off her fire proof jacket, Shin raised a eyebrow though wasn't going to correct this sudden misunderstanding wanting to see how far she was willing to go.

Her smooth skin made an appearance revealing her hero outfit, gazing up and seeing Shin's smile she bit her lip before slowly unbuttoning her crop top in shame.

Once the buttons were completely unhooked she slid the crop top off revealing a black lingerie bra surprising Shin a little.

"Oh Lingerie? Were you getting ready to surprise someone after or?" Shin cocked a smile, not expecting the sudden bold attire.

The design seemed very expensive as it showed all parts of her breasts except her nipples as the black lines wove in a seductive way that covered them completely.

"I-It makes me feel confident." Ragdoll unconsciously stuttered before madly blushing not knowing why she told him the reasoning behind it.

Ragdoll didn't want to continue however Shin never said to stop, in fact it felt like he was urging her to continue.

Then after a while tears started to fall down her cheek as she unhooked the bra causing it to drop to the ground.

Her breasts feeling the release bounced a little before settling as her perky pink nipples finally revealed themselves to Shin.

'Around a B cup.' Shin nodded his head after analyzing her breasts using high specs to its fullest potential.

"Well thanks for the strip show however I wasn't going to take advantage of you in the first place." Ragdoll, hearing his words, looked up at him in shock.

"Then why-"

"I wasn't going to stop a beautiful girl from taking off her top in front of me." Shin scoffed at the very thought as her mouth hung agape.

"In fact I'm not the reason this fire got out of control like this." Shin lied through his teeth, making Ragdoll's eyes widen.

"One of my comrades was captured and about to be killed here until he sent out a distress signal." One of the things he did to Ragdoll was to make his words seem more believable in her mind, she would unconsciously believe in his words unknowingly to her.

"A gang we were taking down had captured him and I came here to find him, after I rescued him someone activated a bomb causing us to be spilt in the flames, and then I stumbled acoss you five."

Ragdoll became speechless as everyone on the mountain heard a loud explosion and when it happened the fire seemingly increased twenty fold so it started to make sense to her.

"B-but why attack us?" Ragdoll asked and Shin raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you a part of the Inagawa gang?" Shin wanted Ragdoll to believe this was all a misunderstanding made on their part.

"What! No, I'm a hero from the mountain rescue team called the wild wild pussy cats." Hope formed in Ragdoll's heart seeing Shin eyes widen.

"Prove it." Shin squinted and Ragdoll immediately went to her pockets before pulling out her hero verification.

"So you are a hero." Shin nodded, faking an understanding look, tossing the ID back to her.

"Are you a vigilante?" Ragdoll asked as a misconception formed in her mind and Shin smiled.

"Who knows?" Shin shrugged, not confirming it or denying it.

"Why did you attack us then?" Ragdoll asked realzing Shin was still staring at her breast showing a mad blushing look and unfortunately covered them with her soft hands.

"Wasn't it you guys who attacked me without even telling me you were heroes?" Shin tilted his head as another memory he put in her head was suddenly recalled showing Pixie-Bob attacking him with a golem first starting the fight.

"Well I-"

"I guess it's just a misunderstanding." Shin shrugged, not letting her think about it too much as Ragdoll secretly sighed in relief.

"I still can't believe your comrades abandoned you though." Shin shook his head and upon hearing that the memory of them leaving her behind flashed in her mind.

"...." Ragdoll became silent at his words and Shin inwardly smiled.

"Well I need to meet up with my people, you should wait here until the fire dies down." Shin made a makeshift hatch out of the dome and opened it as a blue hue shone on his face.

"T-thank you." Ragdoll blurted out and Shin smiled.

"Well unlike your comrades I wouldn't want you to die." His words echoed in her head as he closed the makeshift hatch he made leaving her alone with only Shin's newly implanted thoughts/memories to occupy her in these troubling times.

Surveying his surroundings all his vision was met with was the sea of blue flames though it wasn't his problem propelling himself into the air using the wind.

Flying in the night sky he saw the flashing lights of cop cars as well as countless water heroes trying to put out the fire.

'If I had a quirk that could identify other quirks then the combination with search would be frightening.' Shin thought as he flew at high speeds in a certain direction.

After a while he arrived at the same park he met with Mr. Compress last time pulling out the two marbles out of his coat throwing them to the side freeing Dabi and Mr. Compress.

"The marbles." Shin gestured to Mr. Compress who remained quiet.

"Who are you? What's your goal? And why are you not classifying yourself as a villain?" Mr. Compress compiled pulling out the eight marbles throwing them to the side freeing the eight bullets while asking him question after question.

They either lay on the ground unconscious, half dead, or dead except Yu Hojo who gazed up at Shin with a lifeless look in eyes.

Mr. Compress was extremely confused as Shin shouldn't be able to use his quirk, while he was trapped he thought of him even being AFO but that would mean he couldn't use his quirk which he could.

"Does it matter?" Shin laughed a little walking up to Yu Hojo while putting his hand on his head, killing him.

"...." Mr. Compress remained silent as Shin started killing the eight bullets one by one.

Shin truthfully didn't need these people, he would rather find people who were a blank slate in terms of loyalty than someone who had already sworn themselves to countless people.

The bigger part of killing them was that the Yakuza would be in more of a frenzy if Overhaul along with his eight bullets disappeared suddenly.

"Wow and here I thought nothing could make you shut up." Dabi scratched his healed stomach showing a bored look.

Mr. Compress didn't answer as he just stared at Shin before he saw him completely finish all eight of them.

Confession: allows Shin to force his victim to answer truthfully after he asks them a question.

Energy Suck: allows Shin to siphon away other people's stamina by inhaling their strength away from them. He can use the stolen stamina to greatly increase his own size and strength.

Larceny: allows Shin to instantly relocate an object from someone else's possession to his own hands.

Strongarm: allows him to rotate his shoulders at extreme speeds.

Barrier: allows him to materialize an extremely durable dome-shaped forcefield around himself.

Sloshed: allows him to subject nearby people to severe dizziness and inhibit their sense of balance, putting them in a state similar to being drunk.

Shin didn't copy Tabe's quirk since he didn't need something that let him have a strong bite, the others could be useful especially energy suck and Strong arm could be used discreetly in the future with his excuse being his shoulders are double jointed or something along those lines.

"I'm guessing you think I'm All For One right?." Shin yawned while his words made Mr. Compress flinch.

"Are you All-"

"No, I'm better." Shin smiled, turning his attention to Mr. Compress.

"All For One is a fool that preaches of a utopia of crime while saying how villains should rule, but Mr. Compress, do you know where that got him?" Shin asked, strolling up to Mr. Compress who took a couple steps back unconsciously.

"It resulted in Japan becoming a shit show, no progress was really made and it resulted in countless people being persecuted because they had a so-called villain quirk." Mr. Compress' mind went blank seeing the cold look in Shin's eyes as Dabi smirked, finally seeing the clown speechless.

"You asked me who I am and what my goal is? Well in short I'm the future and my goal is to change the world. To build a better Japan, a better world." Shin walked up to Mr. Compress who stumbled to the ground.

"The reason for me not identifying myself as a villain, well because I didn't lose." Shin chuckled as Mr. Compress felt very confused at his reasoning.

"People are mistaken about the concept of hero and villains." Shin crouched down, meeting Mr. Compress at eye level.

"Hero's are said to use their quirk to protect the common people from Villains, natural disasters, and/or any other kind of harm, but in reality the heroes are the winners. That title was merely given to them by the association after they were deemed victorious."

"Villains? They're just the losers, the people who had no choice but to turn to crime after being constantly oppressed by the system set in place by those same people calling themselves hero's, while simultaneously forcing them to be villains to supply their endless greed."

"Mr. Compress in history, the winners are the ones that dictate history. Good? Evil? It's all just a matter of opinion." Shin stood up while walking back to Dabi.

"Your view is too skewed, your grandfather turned to crime not because he believed in the path of villainy but because he had no choice but to try and rise up. Only when he lost was he deemed a villain not the other way around." Shin gestured his head for Dabi to follow.

"I'll let you think about everything that happened here, I trust you'll make the right decision." Mr. Compress watched Shin leave until he disappeared out of sight.

Seeing he was alone he took his mask off and started huffing uncontrollably, sweat drenched his back not from the heat of the forest but from Shin's aura.

"Blurgh!" Mr. Compress stomach churned as he threw up all of the contents of his stomach.

Mr. Compress saw the look in Shin's eyes, it was the reason he didn't dare to interpret him. His eyes were so cold showing that the world would move on without him, and that no one would remember him if Shin so choosed.

That scared Mr. Compress, in fact he was even sure that in that fight Shin didn't even need them, it might have taken longer but he could have killed every single one of them without his or Dabi's help.

This whole time he thought that he was showing off his worth thinking that Shin desperately needed/wanted his power but now he realized that he could be seen as an insignificant variable to a seemingly greater plan.

'What did I get myself involved in.' Mr. Compress, unlike his future self, had just introduced himself to being a 'villain' hence he had never met someone like Shin causing him to be extremely flustered.

"He looked like he was going to shit himself." Dabi chuckled with a gleeful smile.

"Mr. Compress is obviously still an amateur, he probably is realizing this isn't a symphony he can conduct but real life." Shin spoke and Dabi nodded.

"Well whatever the reason, the look on that loser's face was priceless." Dabi's smile expanded to its peak remembering that arrogant clown showing himself in such a manner.

"What will you do if he starts spouting that mouth of his." Dabi asked, already knowing the answer.

"I already used my new ability on him so if he tries anything I'll just find him and kill him." Shin shrugged like it was no big deal.

Dabi nodded before he became silent, he thought for a long time about the fight before he gazed back at Shin.

"Can you give me an ice resistant type quirk." Dabi asked and Shin raised an eyebrow.

"Your body is already resistant to the cold Dabi." Shin told him, causing Dabi to widen his eyes.

"Why did you think your body was so weak against fire? It's because your body was built to handle the cold." Shin, who thought he knew, also showed a weird expression.

"You didn't know, did you?" Dabi nodded at his words and Shin shrugged.

"Well I made your body basically the perfect counter to your younger brother if that was your intention." When adding the fire resistance to Dabi instead of wiping the cold resistance received from his mother he combined the two which was why Dabi was in so much pain at that time.

"I also want to give you shock absorption, it won't hurt as much as when you were given fire resistance, however it still will hurt." One of the reasons he had been holding off on juicing Dabi was because he didn't want to overwhelm his body though now with overhaul it didn't matter, he could literally control his matter at whim unlike his heal quirk it would make it much easier.

"I understand." Dabi nodded as he wasn't against getting a power up.

Shin also wanted to see how many quirks he could add to Dabi's body but he didn't tell Dabi that his true purpose was being a lab rat.

They arrived at the old man's house and Shin started to get ready, he put a rag in his mouth before holding his head.

He sent the old man to go on some errands before deciding what he was going to add to Dabi, first he wanted to see if he could add another element like Inasa's wind while wanting to add Rubber body, Confession, Telepath, along with a couple of other things.

"If you're scared about dying then be at ease since you can't die as long as I have my quirk." Dabi rolled his eyes before his eyes rolled back to his head.

"ARGGGGH!" Dabi let out in pain, biting the rag in his mouth fiercely.

Shin started using Overhaul to basically inspect and tear every part of his body so he could see if he was able to hold a lot of quirks.

'Why isn't it working.' No matter how much Shin rearranged Dabi's genetic code and cells, his body would not accept whirlwind which was strange.

Shin started to understand why this was happening, if Dabi's body was like a puzzle then right now he was trying to forcefully put pieces that didn't fit together, and even when he cut the pieces and made them fit then the other pieces that connected to those pieces became different.

Shin wasn't going to give OP quirks to anyone especially not high specs but for quirks like whirlwind it was no big deal.

After a while Shin stopped his test concluding two things, either Dabi's body wouldn't accept other quirks that didn't combine with his body or that he was just too inexperienced with Overhaul to fully grasp how to utilize it.

'I think it's the latter.' Shin rubbed his chin healing Dabi back to his former state.

"You fucking liar." Dabi huffed out, taking the cloth out of his mouth.

"I didn't think your body would resist whirlwind so much." Shin shook his head as he had to stop comparing his body to someone like Dabi's.

"Didn't you say you were giving me shock absorption?" Dabi raised an eyebrow and Shin shrugged looking away causing Dabi to scrunch his eyebrows.

"Whatever, I trust you." Dabi stared Shin dead in the eye before putting the cloth in his mouth again.

"I'll just go with my original plan and give you the quirks that should go with you." Shin sighed at his failure, putting his hand back on Dabi's forehead.


2 hours later

Dabi was lying on the floor drenched in sweat, panting, and covering his eyes with his arms unable to speak, he was completely mentally exhausted from receiving the quirks Shin had given him.

'So in the end I could only give him Shock absorption, Confession, Energy Suck, Kinetic energy, Rubber body, and thermal vision.' Shin had given him these specific quirks that matched with him so that they would aid Dabi when he used his fire quirk which was called cremation.

Shin had also been deciding if he should give him Bakugo's quirk explosion however he decided against it since Dabi should focus on his original fire quirk.

'Still it's a little weird how much Dabi trusts me.'

While he was giving these quirks to Dabi he checked his memory and was a little surprised how loyal Dabi had become.

'What a perfect subordinate.' Shin nodded standing up.

"Alright Dabi your body has been enhanced to hold Shock absorption, Confession, Energy Suck, Kinetic energy, Rubber body, and thermal vision along with the information for them which has been implanted into your brain." Dabi waved him off and Shin understood he was too tired to really talk right now.

Shin walked out of the door since he needed to get back and Dabi crawled over to the couch, pushing himself up and immediately falling asleep.

30 minutes later

"Haru? Ren? Anyone home?.......Oh Ren you scoundrel." Arata opened the door while calling out until he chuckled seeing Dabi passed out on the couch.

Shaking his head with a smile he walked to the closet taking a blanket while putting it over Dabi, then he ruffled his hair before walking to a nearby chair.

Grabbing the remote he turned on the T.V before turning it to a familiar show he recently got addicted to thanks to his grandson called Love scales.

"What should I do! I love her scales but whenever I see her with someone else I tell her that no one will love her scales!"

"You should accept that other people love her scales as much as you do, if you keep saying those things you'll only push her away along with her scales."

Shin arrived at the orphanage and changed back into his real form checking his watch showing that it was 10:55pm.


"Owwww~" Shin peaked his head around the door to see Toga rubbing her eyes and head simultaneously.


Shin sighed walking through the crack, reaching down he picked up Toga who nuzzled into him immediately while smiling.

"Where did you go~" She tiredly whined.

"I went to run some errands." Shin gave a vague answer.

"Liar." She said before drifting into a deep sleep in his arms.

Walking up the stairs he placed her in her actual bed and walked to his bed, arriving in his room he saw Inasa awake and knowing what he was going to say he gestured at him not to talk.

"Not right now." Shin wanted to sleep, he wasn't tired physically but mentally and Inasa scoffed at this.

"How did you know I was following you?" Inasa ignored the hand motion, drooping his head down below the top bunk watching Shin go under his covers.

"The real question you should ask is how to hide your presence better." Shin laughed and Inasa scrunched his eyebrows.

"No way I was sure I was being sneaky."


"Inasa concealing yourself means that you are able to regulate your presence, meaning slowing your breath, silencing your footsteps, and not running into several trash cans." Shin turned to the other side and Inasa became embarrassed.

"Was it that bad?" Shin hearing this turned over with a deadpan expression.

"Inasa you bumped into seven trash cans." Hearing his response Inasa hid himself under his own covers.

"I thought it was four." He meekly spoke from the top bunk.

"I counted the trash cans that bumped into others."


Shin heard Inasa's sigh signaling that he admitted defeat and rested his eyes drifting off into a deep sleep.

In the burning forest a crowd of people were rushing to put out the fire until one man stumbled across a weird earth dome.

"I think we got something!" The man shouted rushing at the dome and upon seeing a latch he opened it revealing a fully clothed Ragdoll.


The next day

In a hospital Ragdoll aka Tomoko Shiretoko was lying there staring blankly at the ceiling, the constant memory of her being left behind played in her head whenever she dreamed and no matter what she did all she saw was their disappearing figure over and over again.

"Tomoko!" A girl slid the door open and rushed in with a cheerful expression with another following with a worried one.

"I'm so glad you're alright we were going to come back for yo-"

"Why did you leave me?" Tomoko turned her head towards them causing the two to flinch.

"That villain made us! We could only take Tiger and Water hose and you weren't in a critical condition like them so........we weren't going to abandon you anyways we-"

"Leave." Tomoko clenched the sheets as drops of water started to fall onto them.

"Tomoko we had no choice-"

"You had a choice and you left me to die now LEAVE!" Tomoko screamed as tears rushed down her cheeks making her friends flinch once more.

"Tomoko." Pixie-Bob aka Ryuko Tsuchikawa reached out but Mandalay aka Shino Sosaki shook her head.

'Give her time, she doesn't fully understand what happened that night.' Shino spoke in her mind and the latter nodded as they walked out of her room.



Tomokos crying started to increase as her subconscious attributed their actions to confirming her beliefs.

"He was right."


A sad silence filled the hospital room as Tomoko curled herself into a ball while muffled cries constantly poured out of her.

"He was right."