Chapter 16: A Birthday With So Many Presents

6 months later

Six months had passed and it was Shin's birthday today, he was met with a lot of new presents with the best being that an all out gang war had started.

It took a while but with Dabi spreading rumors about the disappearance of the eight bullets it finally led to the other gangs to look into it themselves.

The Yakuza couldn't completely hide it and upon having one of their limbs cut off caused the other gangs to start preparing.

Attacks have been happening constantly ranging from shootouts to aresany showing how truly weak the Yakuza became without Overhaul.

Shin became ecstatic as an internal power struggle was also happening causing both their internal structure and external forces to be greatly weakened.

Everything was perfectly set up and Shin couldn't have had it turn out any better, all the gangs were attacking them while the higher ups were too busy stroking their egos to see the true reality of their actions.

Mr. Compress had been silent choosing to keep quiet about what he saw, Shin knew he would contact him eventually and came to the conclusion Mr. Compress needed to figure things out for himself.

Dabi hadn't done anything other than training and carrying out Shin's orders, his quirk control had made leaps as he was able to double the amount of time and efficiently he could use it.

After being defeated he became serious in his training and it showed especially with the new quirk shock absorption.

With shock absorption whenever he let out a powerful blast of fire it wouldn't push him back nor would it stop his momentum allowing him to do a lot of new things.

Dabi started covering his whole body with tattoos where the previous burn marks had been, even the place below his eyes wasn't spared as he couldn't feel comfortable with it being left alone.

Shin had to hand it to the old man, he was an amazingly talented tattoo artist and even contemplated getting tattoos for himself in the future.

Inasa also started to become fully focused on training even when he was in class he only compressed and decompressed the wind in his hand resulting in a bop on the head from the teacher every now and then.

Now that summer break had started Inasa had fully focused on training even going so far as to start Shin's supplement intake.

Ragdoll had taken a hiatus after the traumatizing experience causing the public to understand, it surprised him that she said she didn't know what happened as he was expecting that there was at least 87% chance of her telling the media or the association about their encounter.

Occasionally he would check her with search, however she was always held up in the same building, Shin was in no rush to meet her since he wanted her to be as vulnerable as possible before they met again.

Toga was the same in terms of personality, her parents hadn't looked for her nor did they really care and Toga was happy for it.

The only thing Toga did was play with the knife Shin gifted her to which she took too fast, she occasionally drank Shin's blood and when he asked her to use her quirk to see if she could use all of them he was disappointed.

Toga could only use his original heal skill and nothing else, her quirk had several limitations at the start however Shin was convinced her body would be the perfect vessel to hold countless quirks though he would wait to give her more than one quirk as he didn't think Toga's would be able to handle it mentally.

"Happy birthday Shin!" Everyone in the orphanage yelled in joy while gathering around him, setting a big birthday cake in front of him.

Mrs. Whitworth took countless pictures of Shin who twitched his eyebrow, in reality he didn't want this and after numerous amounts of begging from everyone around him he eventually conceded since it would stop their incessant pestering.


Shin raised an eyebrow taking out his phone as everyone started to dig into his cake after he blew the candles.

Walking to the back he opened the phone and smiled seeing Mr. Compress had finally contacted him.

Can we meet - Mr. Compress

Of course, meet me at the same abandoned building at 7pm - Shin

Shin crushed this burner phone when no one was looking before throwing it in the trash since it served its purpose, either he would kill Mr. Compress today or Mr. Compress would join him.

"Shin! It's your birthday, don't go!" Toga saw his look and grabbed his leg wrapping herself around him knowing it meant Shin would leave.

"Toga *Sigh* I'm not going to leave my party." Shin forcefully unwrapped her as she started to pout.



"Yeah!" Toga grabbed his arm.

"Don't you want any cake?" Hearing his words a sad look appeared on her face.

"I don't like cake." Seeing her sad expression he didn't press too much into it concluding that 'cake' was a sensitive topic.

"Yo Shin this cake is awesome!" Inasa rushed over with cake still in his mouth with frosting smeared on his face.

"Inasa get ready, I'm bringing you with me today." After his words finished Inasa dropped the cake with even some of the mushed cake falling from his mouth.

"Really?" Inasa wiped his mouth, swallowing the leftover cake.

"Yes, since you constantly tell me how ready you are today you can show me at 7pm." Inasa nodded his head before running away to get ready.

"Where are you going?" Toga clutched his shirt tighter and Shin patted her head.

"Do you trust me Toga?"

"I only trust Shin!" Toga affirmed him.

"Then wait and I'll tell you everything." Toga was a little reluctant but nodded after a while.

Shin patted her head and she nuzzled around it like a cat, the time passed slowly as Shin texted Dabi to meet him at the building to which he got an immediate reply saying 'Understood'.

At 7pm

Shin was waiting outside the gate of the orphanage for Inasa, checking his watch he frowned as he had been waiting for 45 minutes.

"Shin, I'm here!" Inasa flew over the gate and landed next to Shin.

"What are you wearing?" Shin face palmed seeing his outfit.

Inasa was wearing his ninja Halloween costume but along with that he was wearing an oversized coat, a fedora, sunglasses, and sweatpants over the ninja pants.

"I don't want to reveal my secret identity!" Inasa countered and Shin gave him a deadpanned look.

"At least get rid of the sunglasses, it's night outside." Shin figured he would let him understand how useless it was to wear all those things.

"What no way! What if they memorize my eyes."


More time passed causing Shin pinch the bridge of his nose and after not being able to convince Inasa that it would impair him he gave up and headed to the abandoned building.

Meanwhile at the abandoned building

"Wow I never thought you would be here first." Dabi snorted seeing Mr. Compress sitting at a table that wasn't there before.

"Dabi." Mr. Compress tipped his top hat to Dabi.

"I see you got some tattoos, truly fits your goth esthetic." A tick mark formed on Dabi's forehead sitting down across from Mr. Compress.

"I see you're just as annoying as ever." Dabi clicked his tongue, not having anything to dish back at him.

"Can I ask you a ques-"

"I'm not telling you anything, if you have a question ask him when he gets here." Dabi scoffed knowing what Mr. Compress was going to ask and beat him to it.

They sat there in silence as two kids walked into the abandoned building, one completely covered and the other not hiding anything.

"Hello Mr. Compress we meet again." Shin waved and Mr. Compress knew that his past appearances were all just a disguise however his appearance seemed familiar recalling a picture of a figure matching his hair and eyes.

'Sit next to him.' Shin talked in Dabi's mind and he immediately stood up sitting next to Mr. Compress while putting his hand on his shoulder making Mr. Compress understand Dabi's intentions.

Mr. Compress concluded if he tried to reach for Dabi; he would be set in a burst of flames before he could completely turn Dabi into a marble.

"Dabi no need for that we're simply talking." Shin smiled and Dabi let go of Mr. Compress.

Inasa remained quiet seeing these people in front of Shin however judging from the atmosphere he understood that it was serious so he remained quiet.

"Who's your friend?" Mr. Compress gestured to Inasa.

"It's not important." Shin sat down across from Mr. Compress and Inasa followed.

"Now what is it you want to tell me?" Mr. Compress saw Shin's kind smile however looking at his eyes it showed that it was all just a facade to keep up appearances.

Mr. Compress remained silent for a long time before reaching for his mask, Shin stopped Dabi who was about to reach for him wanting to see what Mr. Compress was going to do.

"My name is Atsuhiro Sako, I am 24 years old and I was a former professional entertainer. I quit after finding my lineage's storage unit and after finding out about the peerless thief I started to follow this path." Atsuhiro revealed his face pulling the sky mask off as well. He was still young adorning brown hair, white skin, and orange eyes.

"I wish to join your cause and change this rotten world." Atsuhiro wasn't an idiot and understood Shin's actions, however he had already made up his mind.

"That's good you'll be a great addition to whatever this is, you're probably wondering who I am and for clarification I am All For One's bastard." Hearing this, Inasa and Atsuhiro flinched.

"Isn't that something." Atsuhiro had concluded that he would be somewhat related to All For One but being his son made him smile at this ironic situation.

'It seems my bloodline is tied to All For One's once again.' Atsuhiro recalled an image in his mind of his grandfather in a picture with two other people with one of them being All For One.

"I'm Dabi, my father is the number two hero Endeavour." Dabi understood Shin's intentions and answered after him.

"I'm Gale Force and I am inspired to create change like Shin." Inasa took the momentum and sat up pumping his fist into the air.

"Oh no!" Inasa covered his mouth realizing he just revealed Shin's secret identity.

"This is Inasa Yoaroshi and his quirk is whirlwind. I'm Shin and we're both located in the Mustafa orphanage."

"Shin! You're not supposed to reveal my secret identity!" Inasa shook Shin though he didn't budge.

"Inasa sit."

"Yes!" Inasa sat down while saluting knowing he was pushing it.

"Alright now that introductions are over with tonight we're going to make our appearance into the underworld." Shin spread his arms and Inasa started to clap.

"Why did you bring the kid?" Dabi pointed to Inasa while resting his head on his free hand.

"Because he thinks he's ready." Both Dabi and Atsuhiro started to laugh knowing full well what Shin was about to do, more specifically Dabi.

"Why are they laughing?" Inasa scratched his head confused at why they couldn't stop laughing.

"Kid, let me warn you right now, the things Shin expects are not suited for a child like you." Dabi wiped a tear from his eye.

"Little one I think it's better if you listen to your elders on this one." Atsuhiro chimed in agreeing with Dabi for the first time.

"I'm ready! I've been training for this moment!" Inasa stood up gritting his teeth.

The real reason he brought Inasa along was he was tired of Inasa thinking that what he did was so easy, essentially he was going to give him a wake up call.

"Inasa says he's always ready so I'm inclined to believe him." Shin shrugged and the two started laughing even harder.

"Atsuhiro, do you know anything about the recent gang war?" Shin asked, wanting to see the future supposedly smartest person in the league of villains.

"Of course, I constantly hear what's happening and I'm assuming you're asking what is happening today. Well from what I heard the Sumiyoshi and the Inawa are going to team up and attack one of the Yakuza's bases in the slums wanting to take control of the eastern district." Atsuhiro elegantly confirmed his knowledge while trying to impress Shin.

'Good that hideout is run by people directly under the head oyabun.' Shin already knew all the locations of the Yakuza bases in Mustafa thanks to Overhaul and after analyzing them in a split moment he was able to conclude which elder ran it.

"Let's head there so we can intercept them, what about the heroes?" Shin asked and Atsuhiro scoffed.

"They wouldn't dare step in between a gang war, maybe All Might but he's been quiet recently so I don't think he would interfere." Shin smiled, nodding his head.

"Alright let's introduce ourselves."

Later that night

Men started to form outside a warehouse as numerous cars pulled up to the front entrance, the men inside the warehouse cursed their luck seeing the gathering form before their eyes.

"Those damn bastards!' A man in a suit with a scar running from his eyes to his throat kicked the wall.

"Boss what do we do, if the Yakuza loses our foothold in the eastern district then we'll be in big trouble." A bald man rushed to the man cursing every other second.

"Did you call for reinforcements!" The boss turned to the bald man who clutched his hands.

"Elder Sumoto is blocking our request-"

"FUCK!" The boss flipped the table.

"Doesn't he know how serious this is! This can affect the whole Yakuza!" The boss angrily yelled out.

"All the elders except oyabun aren't worried at the recent events, seeing how a lot of oyabun's influence disappeared with Kai, they have started to become more unreasonable." The bald man spoke up and the boss slumped back in his chair knowing it was over.

"Kai, where did you go?"

The Yakuza was in shambles and the cause was Kai's disappearance, he, like Kai, followed the main head of the Yakuza but now since his disappearance there has been a sudden power struggle.

"Those old geezers don't understand the severity of their actions." The boss rubbed his forehead.

"How many men do we have along with our weapons?" The boss asked and the old man sighed.

"50 men, 5 have fighting quirks, and we only have pistols." The bald man reported.

"And outside?"

"It looks to be about 200 fully armed gangsters." His voice shook and the boss slumped in his chair even more before suddenly standing up.

"Then let's die for the honor of our boss, for the Yakuza!" He yelled and the grunts hearing him in the other rooms shouted.



"What was that?" The boss flinched, peering out the window as a blue flame semi circle reflected in his eyes.

"By god what is that?"