Chapter 22: Exterminating the Baipa

"Souta!" Venom shouted seeing a golem run towards him.

"Yes boss!" Souta yelled, rushing in front of Venom holding both forearms in front of him.

"URGH!" Before the golem could ram its body into Souta, a steel-like shield formed out of his forearms connecting them allowing for him to stand firm in front of the golem.

Venom didn't hesitate at this opportunity and clasped his hands together, the purple fluid around him to suddenly shoot out towards the golem.

The fluid hit the golem covering a chuck of its body and instantly started to melt/corrode its body though the golem didn't even flinch at the sudden loss of body mass but still halted its movements as a sentence played in its mind.

'If they manage to inflict any damage onto you, bring their bodies to me.'

The golem suddenly locked its sight onto Venom who flinched at its piercing gaze, Souta used this chance to push the golem with all his strength.

"What are you looking at!" Venom roared causing more purple fluid to rush out of his pores.

Channeling it he sent the fluid flying at the Golem though this time it pulled Souta forward causing Venom to change its trajectory right before it could make contact.

'I thought they were just mindless beasts.' Venom thought, gathering more of the purple fluid from his pores.

"Boss I think I can h-" Souta who was doing a good job holding the golem from reaching Venom suddenly stopped speaking.


Another golem came from his blind spot and swiped his head clean off his body, Venom eyes shook as the two golems turned their sight towards him.

The golem that had blood dripping from its claw gazed at its fellow golem as the command appeared in its head 'If they manage to inflict any damage onto you, bring their bodies to me.'.

Both golems reached a silent consensus while turning their attention at Venom who was anxiously gathering as much fluid as possible at the sudden heistance from the two.

"Bring it on!" Venom roared as the fluid started swirling around him like a tornado.



An elephant made of ink suddenly rammed into both of the golems before they could even test the durability of the purple tornado.

"AHAHAHAHAH MY BABIES! YES, KILL THEM ALL!" Ink laughed hysterically, seemingly enchanted by the surge of power becoming drunk on it.

A snake made of ink wrapped around her as a wide variety of animals littered the floor all gathering to protect their mother.

"Ink support the others!" Venom ordered however seeing the look in her eyes he frowned.

Taking a closer look he saw the veins bulging from her red colored eyes, her skin was seemingly becoming paler by the second signaling only one thing.

'Trigger overdose.' Venom knew that she wouldn't last an hour before she would become incapacitated.

'I'll use her as a shield.' Venom knew his weak points and close quarter quirks were his biggest weakness.

Rushing forward he surveyed the surroundings and the frown on his face became heavy, his subordinates were falling slowly under the overwhelming numbers and power of these monsters.

"Mist, start drawing the golems' attention!" Venom yelled at Mist who turned her head backwards.

"What about Ink sh-"

"She's drunk on trigger! Now fucking do it!" Venom interrupted her while shouting in a demanding tone.

"Right!" Mist saw Ink's state and knew that this was the best course of action.

Mist suddenly rushed at a nearby monster, the golem saw this and started meeting her rush with one of his own but a strange thing occurred when it tried to attack her.

Whenever its claws or teeth tried to make contact with her body they suddenly passed through her instead of feeling the warm red liquid spray on its soil body.

The golem became confused and kept trying to attack her as more and more started to follow their brethren in hopes of vanquishing this foe.

"At least they're stupid." Mist smirked as a drop of sweat fell from her forehead.

Her quirk mist allowed her to change her body into a poisonous mist which also allowed for her to become Intangible making physical attacks useless.

Suddenly she became a prairie dog and the golems became her sheep as she started leading them around the lobby.

The others saw this and began to attack and lead the golems into Mist's hold, suddenly the overwhelming slaughter became a manageable fight.

"Mist, lead them towards me!" Venom called out as an incomparable amount of purple liquid gathered all around him.

"Yes!" Mist knew what was about to happen and began to carry out her bosses orders.

"DIE! DIE! HAHAHAHAHA!" Ink commanded her inklings to attack every golem they could, when they tried to get close to her wanting to follow Shin's command suddenly two ink gorillas would thrash them and send them flying.

"They're here boss!" Mist shouted out entering Venom's attack zone with her followers.

"VENOM TSUNAMI!" Venom roared, throwing both arms forward while over extending them.

This motion caused a huge wave to form under his gesture as the fluid rushed ahead at its targets, the size increased with every second until it reached a towering height that touched the ceiling.

A looming shadow formed over the gathered golems causing them to look at the towering purple wave.



The wave crashed down as a loud reverberating smack entered the ears of everyone located in the vicinity.

The golems were swept from their feet as the fluid carried them off the ground at fast speeds while their bodies were disintegrating at every second kept in its hold.


The wave smacked into the wall causing the golems to crash into it as well as each other making the accumulated wounds even worse.


Sizzling sounds then started to permeate the surroundings as the golems started melting at rapid speeds before turning into puddles of dirt.

Seeing ¾ of the golems be taken out caused corresponding hope to form in each and every subordinate still alive.




"Well done." Shin who finally made his way to the common area was impressed at their feat of destroying a large number of his golems.

The golems who survived suddenly stopped whatever they were doing and rushed to Shin's side.

Then the golems started lining up in front of the walls as Shin walked through the doorway, everyone seeing this immediately knew that Shin had been behind all of this.

'So it was him!' Veins formed on hiss forehead as rage flowed into his eyes.

"Wow seven people survi-"

"COWARDS! LET MY BABIES DESTROY YOU!" Ink interrupted Shin motioning for the inklings to rush at the golems lining up on the wall.

An elephant roared at its mother command rushing at the idling golems with only the purpose of fulling Ink's command.


"Is that ink?" Shin tilted his head as multiple spears impaled the elephant from the ground in a split second.

"!" Everyone's heart stood still seeing the ink elephant suddenly explode causing ink to spray all around.

"Baby." Ink's voice shook seeing her creation suddenly die in front of her eyes causing her to sober up somewhat.

"This is tattoo ink." Shin rubbed the ink on his hands knowing exactly what it was instantly from seeing it at the old man's house.

Then under Shin's watchful eyes the ink started evaporating from his fingertips while floating back into Ink's skin, the ink slowly accumulated back into its original spot until an elephant completely appeared on her thigh.

"What is your quirk and why did the ink come back to your body?" Shin directed the question at Ink as her quirk peaked his interest.

"Anything that is tattooed on my body grants me the ability to control it, and if the tattoo is destroyed then it comes back to my body and I can't control it for a day." Ink's heart shook, not knowing why she said that.

Venom shook himself out of his sudden shock before looking around seeing his subordinates still frozen except one.

'Do it.' Venom mouthed to one of his subordinates causing a corresponding nod.


"Really?" Shin suddenly cocked his head to the right as a bullet flew past him hitting the ground.

Picking up the shell he then turned his head at the man wide eyed standing on the wall, surprised that Shin dodged it.

"Did you think I didn't see you?" Shin asked, causing the man to flinch.

"Keuk!" He didn't have any time to answer as Shin pried him off the wall using whirlwind before sending him towards himself as he grasped his neck.

Foothold: Allows the user to walk on any surface essentially defying gravity.

'Good quirk.' Shin thought nodding to himself.

"Who's venom?"



Shin turned towards Venom whose body shook under his eyes, the others had finally recovered from the sudden situation and became on guard.

"Let's chat shall we?" Shin smiled, turning the man in his hold into ash.

"AITO!" A man shouted in sadness seeing his best friend die right in front of him.


"GIICHI WAIT!" Venom urgently ordered though his subordinate ignored him rushing at Shin.

His arms turned into swords as his mind only had the urge to avenge his dearest friend as hate filled to the brim in his eyes.

"Can you guys stop attacking me for a second and let me finish what I want to say or are you guys suicidal?" Shin flicked his hand as a sudden sharp gust flew at Giichi.


Giichi put his sword arms in front of his face thinking it would hold under Shin's attack however the gust cut through him like paper causing half of his sword arms and head to plop onto the ground.

His headless body stumbled a little until a sudden spray of blood exploded outwards making it go limp.

Aito's headless body fell to the ground as the blood started to pool around his headless body.

"And then there were five." Shin sighed, making the five left flinch.

"Before you say anything I'll let you pick three options." Shin turned towards the five people hesitating to even move a muscle.

"One die, two become mindless puppets, and finally three keep your ability to make decisions by yourself but answer to my every whim." Shin decided to give these people a chance but was still going to read their memories regardless.

Honestly the reason he was doing this was because he was curious if these people would surrender or die since everyone so far had always chosen the latter.

"You have three minutes." Shin calmly told them as a stone chair formed under him, he sat down on it and crossed his legs while waiting patiently for their answer.

Seeing his nonchalant attitude Venom hesitated internally fearing if they didn't comply then he would kill them.

"Boss don't trust him!" A man named Rio was the first one to answer with his quirk being a transformation one letting him have a rhino head.

"Yeah he's going to kill us anyways so let's attack him while he's complacent!" Another man named Ryu whose quirk let him shoot his finger nails like bullets agreed.

"I think they're right boss, why would he spare us?" Mist joined in scowling at Shin who returned her look with a smile.

"He killed my babies MY BABIES!" Ink's voice shook, gazing at Shin with a crazed look.

Venom remained silent secretly gathering liquid from his back, he came to his own conclusion, becoming influenced by his subordinates that Shin was lying.

Shin obviously saw this however stood true to his word and waited the whole three minutes knowing that it would be bloodshed regardless.

"Mist attack him head on and we'll all go from there." Venom whispered, causing Mist to nod her head.

"Your three minutes are up but I think I already know the answer." Shin stood up while making the chair melt back into the ground.

"You underestimate us we're-"

"The Baipa gang, yeah I know." Shin rolled his eyes, deciding to test out his new quirks on them.

"Don't be too arrogant!" Mist shouted, rushing at Shin turning into purple mist catching his eyes immediately.

'That looks interesting.' Shin had a greedy look in his eyes but wanted to test something first, forming a metal spike from his hands before throwing it at her head.


The spike flew right through as her head became intangible as it instead slammed into the wall behind Mist causing Shin's smile to widen farther.

"Physical attacks don't work on me!" Mist cackled as she reached Shin.

Mist started to envelop Shin with her poisonous mist form, forcing him to breathe it in thinking she had won.

"Sadly poison doesn't work on me." Shin blew a gust of wind forcing Mist to float backwards.

'Just stall a little more Mist.' Venom bit his lip, almost gathering enough for another Venom tsunami.

"Such a very interesting quirk that also lets you also become intangible." Shin complimented forming a spike from his hand.

"I wonder if projection quirks work on you." Shin curiously asked before making a sudden motion causing the rest to become on guard thinking he was going to throw it at one of them.

"Did you not underst-


Shin stabbed his right shoulder impaling himself without even batting an eye as pain was almost nothing to him at this point.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Mist shrieked, grabbing her right shoulder, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her body fell to the floor.

Though what shocked the others was that Mist didn't seem to have a wound on her body though she was screaming in such agony.

"One down." Shin already concluded her fate, nodding to himself forming another spike from his hand.


Mist head exploded as this time his spike connected with her resulting in brain matter painting the floor.

"MIST!" The others screamed, a crazed look appeared in all their eyes seeing a precious friend die in front of them.

"I'll kill you!" Ink yelled, pointing her hand forward mentally commanding all animals to attack Shin.

Rio and Ryu didn't remain idle and followed Ink's actions knowing that they had to give their boss enough time to wipe this arrogant guy off the map.

'Now let's transform.' Shin viciously smiled as his body suddenly started changing rapidly.

His height which was 6ft turned into 8ft as his body started to bulk out highlighting his muscles greatly, his upper half started to turn into that of a Naga while his lower half started to form legs that you would find on a bison.

Shin was now a bulking Naga/Bison hybrid keeping all the strengths of the Naga form including the large tail while giving himself the mobility of a Bison.

"Monster." Ryu's eyes shook before he instantly started to shoot as many fingernails as possible.




The nails bounced off of Shin causing a look that read 'really' to form on his face, seeing the oncoming inklings he formed a large metal spike while controlling it into a spear.

A cheetah was the first to arrive at him and Shin immediately swung the spear vertically turning it into ink.




Each swing caused an inkling to explode from his overwhelming force, a crazed smile had appeared on Shin's face at some point as he recklessly swung the spear around.

"AHHHHH!" Rio's battle cry resounded in the area giving away his attack.

Rio's head slowly began transforming into a Rhino's head before he lowered his elongated horn wanting to impale Shin.


Shin held out his scale ridden arm and caught the horn as the feeling of overwhelming power became more intoxicating from stopping this puny man with a single hand.

"Thank you for volunteering for my next test." Ink ramped up her inkling's assault seeing Rio in his hold however all Shin needed to do was swing his metal spear and her efforts would be obliterated.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" Rio anxiously yelled trying to break free from Shin's hold, his screams became even more intense when he began to be lifted from the ground.

*Screeching Noises*

Everyone still alive covered their ears hearing the sudden loud sound, even prompting Ink to stop her assault momentarily from the sudden attack on her eardrums.

Shin directed the loud scream at Rio who tried to resist by covering his ears though he was too close to avoid the sound waves full wrath.

Blood slowly flowed out of his ears as Rio's ear drums began to be overwhelmed by the frequencies.

Rio gritted his teeth until the scream became too high causing his ear drums to explode, Shin thought he could be louder and unleashed scream as high as he could go.


The broken windows all around the hospital broke even further under the high frequency as Rio's arms drooped downwards.

His body became limp though the blood still gushed down his ears, seeing that he was dead Shin stopped his scream.

Everyone's ears were ringing as some blood littered each and every one of their eardrums, their vision was a little blurry as they gazed at Shin holding the lifeless Rio.


Shin dropped Rio's limp body as it fell effortlessly to the ground, tears fell down Ryu's eyes seeing Rio's dead body.



Shin didn't let him finish and threw the spear in his hand at Ryu, the spear whistled through the air as Ryu could only watch it impale his chest.


The spear carried Ryu with its momentum before becoming lodged into the wall leaving Ryu's now lifeless body dangling in the air.

"Alright I've had enough fun let's end this." Shin still in his monstrous form ignited deadly blue flames in both palms.

Shin didn't make a single motion as the fire seemingly came alive and swirled through the air all around him.

The inklings all began to evaporate under the intense heat and Ink fell to her knees knowing whatever she did it would be useless seeing the blue flames suddenly rush at her.

"AHHHHHHH!" She screamed as she was engulfed in blue flames until she became a charred black, her body went limp before ultimately falling towards the ground finally giving into death's warm embrace.

"It's not over! IT'S NOT OVER!" Venom roared in delusion finishing his preparations as a large amount of purple liquid started to overflow all around the area.

Shin just shook his head seeing the overwhelming amount of purple liquid rush at him in one fell swoop as if it wanted to swallow him in whole.

Shin held out a lone palm as a small flame appeared in his hand, then he started channeling all of cremation into that lone spot without letting its mass increase.

The atoms tried to break free while desiring to expand further but Shin's hold held firmly resulting in the area suddenly becoming hotter at his sudden achievement.

The atoms started to jolt around at insane speeds causing the color of the flame to slowly change.

As the tide was closing in Shin, in his palm a pure white flame was becoming brighter and brighter until it became void of color radiating the purist white he had ever witnessed.

Controlling it the white flame floated into the air illuminating the room in a bright light until it made contact with the tsunami.

To Venom's shock the flame started viciously consuming the fluid at rapid speeds, its stomach felt endless as the speed it ate grew faster and faster until no parts of the wave was left causing Shin to extinguish the flame before nodding at the result.

"Y'know what, thank you." Shin spoke knowing that Venom couldn't hear him as he saw the dried blood on his ears.

"I probably wouldn't have put these quirks into play if it wasn't for your pride." Shin slowly walked and with each step his appearance formed back until he appeared in the original one he came here with.

Venom fell on his knees knowing all hope was lost, he had lost everything in one day, and it was all thanks to this monster slowly making his way toward him.

"Spare me." Venom instinctively muttered and a laugh escaped Shin hearing his plea.

"No." Shin denied gripping his face with his hand.


Entering his subconscious an influx of memoires appeared in front of him making him frown, then an identical scowl appeared on his face that matched the one he had when he peered into Gold's mind.

'The Inawa ar-'


Shin threw Venom to the ground before reaching for his phone, Venom tried to crawl away but Shin immediately stepped on his face.

They painted a Red stripe - Dabi

Seeing this the scowl immediately turned into a smile before resting at neutral, moving his finger he typed a message.

Meet me on top of the same rooftop we were at last time, the one overlooked their warehouse - Shin

Understood - Dabi

Dabi immediately texted back as Shin put the phone back into his pocket, crouching down Venom's body shook under Shin's plain gaze.

"Don't worry I still have use for you, now hold still." Shin reached his hand down as Venom had a fearful expression on his face seeing Shin's hands envelope his face.


Authors Note: What do you guys think of the fight scenes, I'm trying to get better and more descriptive with them and I would like to know your thoughts.