Chapter 23: Overwhelming

"As many shipments as you can supply me with, Yes I'll wait......…..How did I come across this much money well I recently robbed a Yakuza caravan, yea the same spot as last time."

Venom was on the phone per Shin's orders as Shin was walking to the dead bodies of Mist and Ink while copying their powers.

Tattoo: Allows the user to control the tattoo's on their body and gives it a certain amount of sentience as well. If the tattoo is destroyed then it will come back to the user regardless of its users wishes and won't respond to any orders for 24 hours.

Poison Mist: Allows the user's body to become poisonous mist that is deadly to all those who ingest the poison while making them intangible.

Acid: Allows the user to produce a form of Hydrochloric acid and control it to its users whims.

Shin had to nod at all the useful quirks he had come across, and once he was done he turned his attention to Venom who just finished the call.

"When?" Shin raised an eyebrow.

"They said it will be ready in two weeks." Venom reassured Shin.

"Contact the number I gave you a day before it happens because I'm going to be busy with other stuff so I need a reminder in case I get overwhelmed and forget." Shin ordered, causing a nod from Venom.

"Yes boss."

Shin nodded his head putting Venom aside for the time being before taking off in a certain direction.

Too many things were happening at once and Shin began to feel a little overwhelmed at everything.

The more he learned about everything the stronger his desire to control everything got, and now with figuring out the Inawa's angle his desire to control the underworld became even greater.

The Inawa, unlike the Sukowa have decided to take a different approach from what Shin deduced from Venom's memoires.

What they have been doing instead of selling their products straight to the underworld is instead choosing to sell them specifically to gangs located in the Yakuza's territory.

Venom had no clue about this however it was obvious seeing the similar equipment suddenly appear on other rival small gangs that matched the Baipa's goods.

The reason for this meeting was to one, rob the shipment, and two access the memories of the people making the drop to get a better idea of what is happening internally in the Inawa since all he knows right now is that the Inawa is supplying these gangs.

'I need to get the oyabun alone.' Shin needed to rearrange the memories of the head no matter what.

Originally he was going to play the long con however seeing the state of everything, that plan was no longer an option.

Shin preferred to do it in an enclosed environment since he wanted the head to spread good things to everyone under him while simultaneously solidifying himself within the Yakuza.

Then once Shin strengthened the Yakuza enough while wiping these pests out of the picture, he would implant memories in the head with the intentions of transferring the position of oyabun to him and by that time he would show his capabilities enough resulting in his claim being smooth.

Of course there will be some complaints but Shin will silence the opposition and by that time a couple of important people disappearing won't hinder the Yakuza's power like it would now.

While Shin was flying towards the warehouse, Dabi and Atsuhiro had already arrived and were waiting for him patiently.

"Are you still mad about me blowing you up, even now that we're roomies?" Atsuhiro asked while twirling his cane.

Dabi twitched his eyebrow, sighing at everything that happened since the last time he talked with Shin.


"Fine, what is it that you want?" Shin relented since Dabi has never asked for a favor that didn't benefit him.

"Can you spare the old man?" Dabi hesitated for a moment before asking the thing he desired most.


"Fine but I'm erasing all his memories about the two of us, especially the memories of you." Shin decided to spare the old man however on his terms.

Dabi became sullen at this as he closed his eyes, he stayed like that for a while until he nodded his head.

"Can I atleast say goodbye?" Dabi asked and Shin shrugged, not seeing the harm in letting him say goodbye.

"For the time being you'll stay with Atsuhiro." Shin pointed to Atsuhiro causing them both to be shocked.

"WHAT!" They both shouted, they looked at each other then at Shin while repeating the process multiple times.

"You guys obviously can barely cooperate with each other which is unacceptable since you will be constantly working with each other in the future, and I don't have time to always mediate you two so you'll learn to get along whether you like it or not." Shin said as if it was non-negotiable, making Atsuhiro speechless.

"Shin I-"

"This is your fault too Atsuhiro, you are in your twenties yet you act like a child all because Dabi who is still a teenager calls you a clown." Shin pointed to Atsuhiro who couldn't refute him.

"Alright let's get this over with." Shin gestured to the two resulting in both following him.

They arrived in Arata's backyard in only a couple minutes and Shin gestured to Dabi to make his peace.

Dabi nodded and took a good look at the house before walking in, Arata seeing this smiled and stood up.

"Hey Ren! Are you alright?" Arata who happily greeted Dabi saw his sad expression and immediately asked out of concern.

"Can we talk for a second gramps?" Dabi asked and Arata patted his shoulder.

"Of course buddy what's on your mind?" Arata sat him on the couch while taking a seat right beside him.

"I." Dabi stopped at only the first word trying to find what to say to the old man that seemed like the father figure he never had and always wanted.

"Ren it's me, you know you can tell me anything so just say what's on your mind." Arata patted Dabi's back giving him all the time he needed.

"You'll never remember this but I wanted to thank you." Dabi words left Arata confused though Dabi continued before he could speak out.

"When I was a kid all I ever wanted was to be appreciated, everyday I would study and train myself to the bone however it was always never enough." Dabi couldn't face Arata as he gripped his hands together.

"I would train a quirk that would slowly burn me alive, pain started to become the only thing I felt as the need to be seen by my father became the only thing I desired."

"Until I figured out that it would never be enough........that I would never be enough, but even with all of that I still couldn't accept reality and went to the woods one day to show my father he was wrong." Dabi had an ironic smile on his face as Arata quietly listened.

"I completed my goal but I was left with severe burns across my body and when I was on the brink of dying all my father thought about was my younger brother's well-being."

"I was burning alive yet all that mattered was my younger brother." Dabi sadly chuckled thinking of a specific moment.

"That's when I knew it didn't matter if I died as in the end all that mattered to my father was my younger brother." Arata was speechless at this because these weren't the memoires planted inside his head by Shin, not knowing what was truly happening to his 'grandson'.

"So I decided to let Toya Todoroki die that day and wandered the forest as someone without meaning or a purpose." Dabi slicked his hair back though it just returned to its original spot.

"Then by chance I stumbled into the city and into a random abandoned building, it was then I found Shin or as you know him Haru." Arata started to become very confused at his words but still didn't interrupt him, letting him finish his peace.

"He gave me the name Dabi and healed me, but what shook me to the core was what he did next. I always associated the flames that I wielded with pain, it was something that was set in stone, ingrained into my mind, a never changing thing yet what he did next shook me to the very core and caused everything I ever thought was true to be flipped upside down." Dabi showed a smile in remembrance as a blue flame suddenly appeared in his hand.

"The flame I always feared and agonized, the flame that caused me to cry and to feel immeasurable amounts of pain felt for the first time in my life, warm."

"It just swayed in my hand, I'll never forget the feeling of awe I felt that day, feeling the sensation of this lone flame dancing in my hand." Dabi closed his palms while chuckling.

"I swear for a split second I thought he was god like the one from the bible as my mother always told me that if I prayed enough that God would eventually wash away all the pain."

"But he was just this random kid younger than me, my own flesh and blood abandoned me for his path of ambition yet this kid stood by my side while I was at my weakest and accepted me at my lowest."

"That day I swore that I would follow him with all my being and I thought that Shin would be the only one to accept me." Dabi built up the courage to look Arata in the eyes.

"Then one day this stupid clown found our hideout prompting Shin to move me somewhere else, it was then when he altered your memoires to make me your grandson which was only then did I realize something." Arata was speechless, not being able to understand what Dabi was saying.

"Everyone always just watched me suffer and when Shin helped me it caused me to form a conclusion that only Shin would accept me for my faults.........…..but then I hung around you." Dabi patted Arata's shoulder.

"I started to reject my body and you did your best to help me when I was at my lowest you'll never know what these six months were to me, you helped me understand that there are people out their that will see me as me, and I will always be grateful to you for what you did for me." Dabi squeezed Arata's shoulder as he clenched his teeth.

"It wasn't until Shin pointed it out did I realize that you've been suffering this whole time, trapped in a fictional world with a set path, and I don't want that for you." Dabi took a deep breath as he smiled.

"I'm not selfish enough to force emotions onto someone who did so much for me, and that's why I got to let you go." Dabi pulled Arata into a hug.

"I'm sorry for everything, for making you lose six months of your life, for forcing you to care about me even though you didn't even know who I was, and I'm sorry for wanting to keep you trapped in your own head." Dabi released the hug while wiping his eyes.

"But right now your baggage, and I promised myself that I would follow Shin with my whole being, and you'll only get in the way." Dabi got up, causing Arata to reach after him.

"Goodbye gramps, I know I never said it nor will you ever remember it but I always thought of you as the father I never had and always wanted." Dabi walked away and the confused Arata stumbled after him.

"Ren!" Arata called out seeing Dabi leave out the back door as his gut told him it would be the last time he would see him.

"Hey gramps." Shin appeared in his way, giving him a smile.

"Haru?" Arata with tears streaming down his face asked seeing his other 'grandson'.

"Goodbye gramps, unlike Dabi I don't really have any attachment to you, no hard feelings for changing your memory right?" Shin reached out his hand covering his face.

"Wha-" Arata didn't get to finish his words as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and upon Shin releasing his hold caused him to fall but Shin caught him before his head could smack the pavement.

Carrying him, he sat him on the couch before turning on the T.V and the show Love Scales started playing.

"What if I forget about your love for my scales!"

"It doesn't matter if you forget how much I love your scales because in the end I'm not selfish enough to force my love onto you."

"How ironic." Shin mused, throwing the remote on the couch while strolling out the door.

Walking out he saw Dabi and Atsuhiro awkwardly standing next to each other causing him to chuckle.

"Atsuhiro, show Dabi to your place and I'll see you guys later." Shin flew into the air before they could respond leaving both alone.

"You need a tissue or-"

"Fuck off."

*Flashback end*

"I still can't believe it took them the whole day to paint that lone stripe." Dabi sighed as they had been watching them constantly scurry around the warehouse preparing for their arrival.

"Well they obviously want to make a good impression, it's why they were so busy cleaning the place before they eventually painted the red stripe." Atsuhiro also sighed as he could have been planning out performances but instead they were here watching them get ready for their own arrival.

"Whatever, I highly doubt Shin will even give a shit about something so minuscule like cleaning the warehouse." Dabi yawned.

"I actually do care since you can tell how someone truly is by seeing the way they maintain themselves and everything around them." Shin answered Dabi's question all of a sudden, causing him to flinch.

"Good afternoon Shin, how is your day so far?" Atsuhiro inquired and Shin shrugged.

"Pretty slow." Shin answered while lifting Atsuhiro off the ground.

"Let's go, I have a lot of things to discuss and plan with the oyabun." Shin floated down with Atsuhiro in tow and Dabi jumped off the building while using his flames to negate the fall.

Landing on the ground all three of them strolled in front of the painted warehouse as it slowly opened at their arrival.

"Greetings." Arashi bowed and all the men in suits behind him followed his actions.

"GREETINGS!" They yelled as Arashi stood up yet the others remained at a ninety degree bow.

"The oyabun has accepted your request and it is here that we will escort you to the main Yakuza compound where you will have your requested meeting." Arashi carefully worded his sentence so as not to offend the distinguished person in front of him.

"Well I am glad he is willing to hear me out." Shin eased Arashi's worries showing he was not unreasonable knowing the oyabun wanted to meet on his terms in the end.

"If you would allow us to drive you, the Yakuza would be grateful." Arashi bowed, gesturing to the limo behind him.

"You didn't have to go out of your way like this for us, truly" Shin, denied by Arashi, shook his head.

"It is not everyday you can meet someone who catches our oyabun's eye while promising to raise the Yakuza to even greater heights and having the power to match your words." Arashi flattered him endlessly, causing Shin to smile.

"Then who would I be if I denied myself a free and comfortable ride by such a flattering person." Shin chuckled while walking to the limo as the two followed him.


Arashi snapped his fingers causing a man to run out from the line as he opened the door for the three without showing a single error as if he practiced for this moment countless times.

They each entered the limo one by one before the man promptly closed it once Atsuhiro shuffled in closing the door as gently as possible.

"We can't make a single error, those three are important guests of the oyabun! We must not slack off when performing our duties!" Arashi yelled, causing each and every member of the thirteenth division to bow.


"Move out!" Arashi ordered and once he did all members went to their places while a miniscule amount got into two cars which were placed behind and in front of the limo.

Arashi personally got into the driver's seat of the limo showing how important they were for a leader of a division to drive them personally.

"They really went all out." Shin nodded to himself looking around the limo.

"For the whole day they have been preparing so it should at least be this much to make us wait so long." Dabi sighed, slouching down on the comfy cushions within the limo.

"Were they really preparing the whole day?" Shin raised an eyebrow looking at Atsuhiro for a second confirmation.

"Yes, they decided that painting the red stripe in the morning wasn't enough and cleaned the whole warehouse before preparing our transportation." Hearing Atsuhiro's confirmation Shin nodded his head.

"I can see their sincerity." Dabi rolled his eyes at this and Atsuhiro chuckled.

The car ride wasn't too long, only stretching to around twenty minutes before they arrived at the main Yakuza compound.

Shin seeing it with his own eyes instead of Overhaul's memories, Shin had to admire the architecture of the prehistoric building.

This building's history could be a historic landmark if it wasn't the main Yakuza compound, countless generations of oyabuns have resided in this compound and soon so will Shin.

Arriving in the main driveway he saw a line of gangsters lined up on the side and as the car passed by a member it caused a domino-like effect making them bow ninety degrees.

It wasn't until Shin got out of the car did he see how much effort the current oyabun put into his arrival.

"Please follow me as I guide you further to our oyabun." Asashi gestured and Shin nodded as they walked on foot.

Their whole pathway was planned as the members copied their fellow members in the driveway by bowing ninety degrees.

Saying the compound was huge was an understatement, it even made both Dabi and Atsuhiro speechless as they realized just how enormous it truly was.

Then they arrived at two doors that led straight to the oyabun, and before Dabi/Atsuhiro could take another step did Asashi deny them for the first time since meeting them.

"Only your boss is allowed into the room with oyabun." Asashi bowed, showing his apology at the inconvenience.

Shin nodded to the two stating it was alright as Asashi opened the door before closing it behind him.

Walking in Shin saw the old man that was evidently supposed to be in charge of the whole Yakuza instead of only a portion.

The man known as Shie Hassaikai sat at the head of ten empty tables, he oozed an aura of nobility and power with two people standing next to him.

Shin recognized both of these people as they were close comrades of Overhaul when he was still alive.

On the right stood a man known as Hari Kurono and on the left stood a midget looking man known as Joi Irinaka.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Shin waved, causing a vein to form on Hari's forehead at his disrespectful attitude under the guise of the head of the yakuza himself.

Though before he could think another thought Shie held up his hand signaling him to not say anything.

"Indeed it is, I have heard much of your acts as well as your words but not of your intentions." Shie calmly voiced out while surveying every part of Shin.

Shin used search and almost couldn't stop himself from smiling seeing that only these two were here to protect the head if he so chose to attack.

"Before we go forward, since my subordinates stood outside it's only fair that yours also stand with them." Shin was basically indirectly making it seem like he wanted the head's sincerity and the head hearing surprisingly agreed.

"Very well." The two next to Shie became shocked at their boss accepting the request of this stranger.


"Enough, do not make me repeat my words and leave the room." The two hesitated before walking to the door.

While they walked Hari gave him a scowl to which Shin gave him a cold smile making him scoff, and after they closed the door Shin walked forward to the chair situated in front of Shie.

"I feel disrespectful not addressing you without a clear distinction, so if I may ask what would you like me to call you?" Shie asked as Shin hadn't said his name nor given it to Arashi.

"Thank you for your courtesy, you can call me-"

(You guys can decide it.)

In a large five story building in the center of Mustafa

In a neatly decorated office at the tallest floor sat a single distinguished man looking at a stack of papers, the man was known as Mirai Sasaki or better known to the populace as Nighteye.


Taking a sigh he set the papers down before leaning back on his chair, pushing his glasses up he messaged his eyes until he stood up.

Turning around he gazed out at the city before him thinking about everything that's happening now and would happen in the future.

His distraught expression was brought on by his own quirk which was called foresight, it essentially allowed him to see a third person view of a person's future when he touched them.



"Come in." Mirai said without turning his back, the door opened revealing All Might aka Toshinori Yagi.

"Hey Mirai, I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing." Toshinori smiled while walking over to Mirai.



"Do not touch me." Mirai turned his head, filling his eyes with hate forcefully.

"Why did you even come here, why do you still do nothing but let all the people around you watch as you die slowly before eventually dying the painful death I foresaw." Mirai words were like venom and he was relentless in his efforts for his hero to see his fate yet Toshinori only sighed.

"How many times must I tell you that relying on your quirk like that is unhealthy." Toshinori patted his old sidekick's shoulder while sitting down.

"The future is-"


"Why do you insist on being like this!" Mirai's lips trembled as he could no longer hold his anger back.

"When have I ever been wrong! WHEN HAVE I EVER LIED TO YOU! THE FUTURE IS SET IN STONE!" Mirai yelled at the man he looked up to with all his heart.


"Leave." Mirai coldly turned his back as Toshinori raised his hand towards him.

Before he could touch him Mirai moved his body to the side right as his hand was about to graze his suit.


"Alright I'll leave but I'm coming back another time whether you like it or not." Toshinori dryly chuckled, he stood there in silence until he sadly turned his body and walked out the door.


Once he closed the door behind him Mirai hit his fist hard onto his desk causing a slight crack to form at the force.

"DAMMIT!" Mirai yelled before falling weakly into his chair, he pushed his hand into his green hair as a distraught look formed on his face.

"Don't you think I don't want to rely on my quirk to see your future? I'm the one that has to see it against my will, if anything I want it to change more than anyone." Mirai clutched his hair as the strands popped out the cracks of his fingers.

Mirai decided one day to look into his All Might's future and all he saw was a horrible death for the symbol of peace, the person who dedicated his life to Japan was met with a death he wouldn't even wish onto his own worst enemy.

When he saw it he immediately pleaded for All Might to retire and to focus on finding his successor but that stubborn fool just laughed and gave him a thumbs up.

It was when All Might was lying in a comatose state in the hospital did Mirai realize that he couldn't watch him kill himself.

So he renounced the position of All Might's sidekick once he confirmed that All Might would live and dedicated his life to trying to find a way to save the symbol of peace, but everything he did just steered All Might closer to the fate he foresaw.

Every time they met he would glimpse into his future and upon all the possibilities he saw it again and again the scene became burned into his mind, haunted him, appeared in his dreams yet all he could do was watch it unfold time and time again.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." Mirai spoke to himself as he chuckled knowing he was going to see the same scene like he did every other time he used foresight.

His eyes suddenly became purple as All Mights future appeared in front of him yet something that would change the course of his life appeared right before his eyes.

A mountain of heroes' corpses stood stacked high into the sky as a single familar man sat at the very top of the mountain.






Mirai's heart throbbed even harder than the first time he glimpsed at All Might's death as he saw the man at the top.

"Impossible......IMPOSSIBLE!" Mirai yelled standing up yet the sight didn't disappear in fact the scene only became clearer.

"Rejoice All Might as you're going to be the first to witness the birth of a new age." The man slowly stepped down the dead heroes treating them as his stepping stones.

"How could you...….HOW COULD YOU!" The words were screamed out of the skinny Toshinori who cried tears as he fell to his knees.

"Why are you being like this? Didn't I do what you always wanted? I finally rid the world of Villains! Oh? Are you also talking about the heroes? C'mon All Might to get rid of Villains you have to also get rid of heroes, you should know this better than anybody." The man walked closer to All Might as Mirai had a full view of the man.

"Not like this, the way you did it is wrong." All might fell to the ground as he gripped the blood stained dirt below him.

"Peace is built on blood, All Might don't be foolish if anything the reason it became like this is partially your fault." The man sporting pure white hair along with blood red eyes shook Mirai's heart violently knowing only one man that resembled this.

"It's impossible you couldn't be-"

"You're right Nighteye I'm not All For One." The man suddenly turned to Mirai who flinched as his eyes shook at incredible speeds as he had actually been seen.

"MIRAI HE'S-" All Might's words suddenly became soundless as the man showed an evil smile walking closer to Mirai.

"Once I met you I knew one day you would peer into my future so I made it my mission to make sure you couldn't do that anymore." The man reached his hand outwards towards Mirai.

"WHY CAN'T I MOVE!" Mirai couldn't move his body as he could only watch the man's hand get closer.

"Because Nighteye, you who can only see the future is no match for someone who can control it." The man explained placing his hand on Mirai's face.

His eyes were not covered by his palm or fingers as he gazed at the man who was giving him a smile that sent shivers down his spine.

"I would take your quirk however unfortunately your quirk is still useful in the past so I will only limit your quirk." Mirai felt his body become hot as the man started to rearrange his whole being by reaching into the past.

"Don't worry you'll be able to use your quirk but I think it's best if you stop looking so far ahead into a future that no longer concerns you." Mirai gritted his teeth and when he looked to the side he saw All Might drawing something.


"Haha nice try All Might." The wind blew away his writing before he was lifted into the air.

"This buffoon always complained to you about how painful your death would be, right? So why don't I do you a favor and make it painless." The man generously spoke as All Might clutched his neck as if something was choking.

"Farewell All Might, the former symbol of peace."



Then once he saw the man he admired most in the world die he was suddenly banished back into the present as he fell to his knees.


The air finally returned to Mirai's lungs who ripped his suit as he started sweating furiously, his hands falling to the ground as his eyes started to leak tears for the first time in his whole life.



"What did I just see?"

Authors Note: No chapter tomorrow because I'm having surgery and if I never post again then I died lol.