Chapter 24: Entering The Yakuza

(I saw your suggestions and decided to use two and the last one won't be used a while in the future since it fits so well with what I have planned but I'm not telling you what is; hint it was the most asked and most liked lol, and I saw the Hydra comments and I think it's a great idea and I will work it into the story but it won't show itself for a while.)

"Thank you for your courtesy, you can call me Doctor or Doc whatever you prefer." Shin gave him a name that suited him.

Shie lifted an eyebrow at this since he was expecting something to akin to a normal name yet he got a profession.

"Doctor?" Shie asked, feeling a little silly only calling him only a profession.

"Just Doctor, y'know like the profession." Shin held himself back from chuckling upon seeing Shie's face contort at the random name he chose.

"What brought upon such an interesting name." Shie tried to be as polite as possible.

"Well it's simple really, I heard that I'm good at taking people apart before healing them back together" Hearing Shin's words, his face became solemn.

"Respectively, may we move on from the topic of my name and move onto the reason for me coming here." Shin didn't want to stay focused on a topic that wouldn't move the conversation forward.

"Very well, I have been told by my underlings that you desire to bring the Yakuza to greater heights however you never stated your intentions, Doctor, which prones me to be curious as to what you truly want." Shie's voice became heavily trying to squeeze out Shin's intentions yet he was only met with a smile.

"Of course someone who has been around for so long like yourself knows that nothing in this world is free." Shin saw the cup on the table and started pouring himself a glass of what smelled to be sake.

Spreading out his authority he started to form a certain control over everything until he was sure there would be nothing to stop him.

"Oyabun it's simple, all I want in exchange for taking the Yakuza to the top of the underworld, to reclaim all its former glory, is the head position, your position." Shin smiled while setting down the cup.

"BHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Shie burst in a genuine laugh, going so far as to clutch his stomach while wiping his eye.


Shin snapped his fingers as the air surrounding Shie became thin allowing no sound waves to travel through.

Shie raised an eyebrow at this sudden snap as Shin took another sip from the sake cup without giving any clarification for his actions.

"Doctor, you seem like a very interesting man with great ambitions!" Shie's voice sounded however not from his own mouth but from Shin's.

Shie eyebrows scrunched and as he opened his mouth to speak, no sound came out of his mouth though confusing him.

"Thank you Oyabun, some people would mock me for my ambitions but I'm glad you can see my aspirations for more than a joke." Shin voiced out loud enough for the people outside to hear him.

Shie felt this meeting was spiraling out of control but before he could reach for the device in his kimono he suddenly lost the feeling to move his body.

'Do you want to hear something funny, Oyabun? I analyzed this conversation over a thousand times going over what you would be prone to say given the memories I received from Kai and all the end results were really disappointing.' Shin's voice echoed in Shie's head and once he heard the mention of Kai's name his pupils shook.

He remained calm at Shin copying his voice, at his body being unable to move, but when Kai was brought up Shie's front started to crumble.


"Well it is understandable for a young man like yourself to have aspirations like those, but if you would have said those things to anyone but me I'm afraid that they might have seen it in the wrong light." Shin's copied voice of Shie sounded even going so far as to project the sound waves thin enough so they have an easier time being heard from the other side.

"I thank you Oyabun for being so understanding of my dreams." Shin started the conversation with himself while Shie could only watch.

"Do not fret and instead let me pour you a drink." Shin patted Shie's body so that he could change his hand so that his fingerprints matched exactly to Shie's while pouring himself a cup.

"Thank you Oyabun, I would be honored." Shin then started pouring the drink before gazing into Shie's eyes.

'In all the scerinos of us speaking, every single one of them where you were allowed to speak more than four sentences while you diverge into your own tangent about honor and ethics resulted in the takeover of the Yaukza being delayed by more than two months accumulated, that's is frankly unacceptable given the current standpoint in the underworld and the state of the Yakuza.' The sake flowed neatly into Shin's cup as he started talking to Shie.

'Even if I wiped out all gangs tomorrow and unified the Yakuza then had you give it all to me, the rumors would spread of it being too suspicious resulting in too much unnecessary discourse in the gang, and I could just control each and everyone of the members, but the Yakuza has a combined total of 15,000 members if your exclude everyone that will die in result of my wrath.' Shin finished pouring the sake while setting the cup down

"May I pour you a drink, Oyabun?" Shin already turned his hand into its original while reaching over to Oyabun cup

"I would be very thankful if you did." Shie's voice showed a grateful tone from Shin's mouth as he started pouring his cup.

'Even when I tell you what I'm going to do, and how I'm going to do it, all you seem to care about is what I said earlier relating to Kai.'

Throughout Shin's monologue Shie did not even react in the least at anything until Shin mentioned Kai and it was to be expected as someone who has ruled a criminal organization won't be perturbed lightly to threats however Shie was still prone to feel for others especially Kai who he regarded as a son.

'Well I'll save you the ongoing questions in your head because he's dead, I killed him.' Shin poured the sake as he watched the tears fall from Shie's eyes.

'You're a commendable man, and a man who is very honorable and respectable.' Shin stopped pouring the sake as he set the bottle back on the table.

'But that's the reason the Yakuza are in this situation, there are no ethics and honor in the underworld, only money and power.'

"Now Doctor, tell me more of this plan." Shie voice resounded in a serious tone as Shin made sure it sounded he was ready to get down to business.

'Be at ease Shie you'll join Kai when I'm finished with you.' Shin reached for the crying Shie as he set his hand on his face.

'The things I do for my ambitions but I guess having a conversation with myself isn't so bad.'

Shie's eyes rolled back as the tears suddenly disappeared before they could touch his kimono as Shin started messing with his mind while forming it into what he desired.

Outside the door

Hari Kurono and Jori Irinaka had their ears pressed up against the door as Dabi and Atsuhiro lazily leaned against the wall.

"I understand that your name is Mr. Compress but what may I call you." Arashi tried to make small talk as his other associates were too busy eavesdropping.

"Dabi." Dabi moved his gaze towards Arashi who flinched before coughing.

"Do not fret and instead let me pour you a drink."

"Well Dabi and Mr. Compress I-"

"The likes of him got an honor like that?" Hari's clearly annoyed whisper made it into the ears of Dabi causing his focus to change and Arashi rubbed the bridge of his nose at Hari's actions.

"At least he shows respect to Oyabun." Jori unlike Hari didn't immediately hate Shin and thought a little higher of him hearing that Oyabun was willing to pour him a drink.

"He's completely disrespectful and not wor-"

"Watch it." Dabi interrupted Hari as a hint of bloodlust seeped into his words.

"Oh Dabi, I think their words were a little misplaced since they surely wouldn't talk badly about our boss right in front of us, right?" Mr. Compress saw a distant future of a roasted human smell and thought he would mediate the situation before his nose a whiff of that ugly scent again.

"Your boss should know his place in fro-" Hari's cold words caused Atsuhiro to squint under his mask and when Hari was about to move his finger his body suddenly stopped causing his eyes to widen.

"What should he know? Please finish that sentence I insist, my performances have made leaps and bounds recently and you seem like the perfect volunteer to use in one of my rehearsals." Atsuhiro's cold voice chilled the three of them to the bone.

"Dabi, Mr. Compress, I do apologize for Hari, he is a little sensitive when it comes to our Oyabun. Please forgive his actions." Arashi immediately went in front of Jori knowing he would retaliate on behalf of Hari who was scrunching his eyebrows.

Arashi bowed knowing that if something happened to interrupt the meeting with their boss then all hope for the Yakuza would be lost as unlike these two, he knew the outcome of the Yakuza's current path and if saving the Yakuza meant throwing away his pride then he wouldn't hesitate.

"You shouldn't bow Arashi, as you have nothing to apologize for." Mr. Compress raised his eyebrows wondering if he heard the words wrong that came out of Dabi's mouth.

"If Hari wants to say another word then he can just say it and see what happens." Dabi walked past Arashi who started sweating buckets seeing him size up Hari.

"Hey what do you think your do-"

"Jori was it? I think it's better for these two to hash it out right here since the likelihood of them working together is higher than them never seeing each other again." Atsuhiro patted Jiro's shoulder and after thinking about it a little Jiro nodded his head as Atsuhiro's words really made sense.

"Do I really look like the sort of guy that gets scared easily by a guy who wears eyeliner when he's alone." Atsuhiro grabbed his mouth under his mask to stop his laugh as Dabi smirked at Hari's comment.

"Ha, at least I don't look like the sort of guy who sits in the dark and brushes his hair while staring at pictures of his boss." Jiro covered his mouth at this comment as Hari's eyebrow twitched hearing Dabi.

"I don't like to hit kids but I think that unruly children like you should be taught to respect their elders." Hari walked closer to Dabi sizing him up since right now Hari was taller than him.

"I doubt you could really teach me anything." Dabi scoffed though didn't stop staring at Hari.

"Um Hari don-"

"Arashi, I think this brat needs to know what the Yakuza's might truly is." Hari walked past Dabi while bumping his shoulder as Dabi followed behind him.

"Should we follow him or?" Jiro scratched his cheek gazing back at the door though Atsuhiro began to stroll after the two.

"Personally, I think I should go to prevent your colleague from being burnt to ashes." Atsuhiro twirled his cane while thinking that either outcome would be spectacular.

Jiro saw Arashi's pale face and shrugged following Atsuhiro knowing that the guy that oyabun was meeting wouldn't do anything drastic.

Arashi put his hands over his eyes while slowly dragging them down his face knowing that either outcome wouldn't be good and after gazing at the door he decided to rush after them.

Shin who was still having a conversation with himself saw that the people left the front door and dropped the act as now he could focus on rearranging the memories of the oyabun with all his efforts.

While he was modifying the memories in the oyabun's head to favor him greatly over any other candidate he raised an eyebrow at the person Shie Hassaikai saw as his successor.

'So he was planning on engaging this man to his daughter then handing over the organization to him.' Shin saw the man named Koji Hatsumura in Overhaul's memoires however he didn't think that Shie Hassaikai was grooming him to this extent.

'Well I better take him out of the equation as well.' Shin thought as he started to develop tumors deep within Shie's head that should go undetected for a couple of months to a year.

Shie Hassaikai was currently resting upright with his eyes rolled back as Shin held his face up with his strength.

Scavenging around his brain he started to delve deeper before finding all the elders' hideouts before finding a core memory that led them to where they were now.

Apparently once Kai disappeared the elders who had all shown discontent for the way their oyabun ran a criminal organization came full circle and Shie instead of killing them right there decided to let them go letting them split the Yakuza's power.

Shin shook his head knowing that reuniting the Yakuza was his first priority and then taking back the Mustafa underworld was second.

"Oyabun?" Shin showed a look of concern before calling out to Shie Hassaikai while moving his hand to his shoulder.

"Huh?" Shie flinched before rubbing his head, giving Shin a confused look.

"What happened?" Shie questioned and Shin knelt in front of him.

"You don't remember? I was pouring you a glass until you suddenly started to fall and I caught you before your head hit the table." Shie suddenly recalled the fake memory and smiled while patting Shin's hand.

"Thank you Doctor, I appreciate it." Shie showed a grateful look and Shin smiled.

"Anytime Oyabun, but while you were suddenly incapacitated something happened with our subordinates." Shie sighed already knowing the culprit as he stood up but stumbled causing Shin to catch him.

"It seems like I keep having to thank you." Shin chuckled at Shie's words.

"It is no problem Oyabun." Shin held Shie until he could stand on his own.

"I think I know where they are." Shie sighed while gesturing to Shin to follow him.

In the courtyard Dabi was standing arrogantly with his hand in his pocket while looking at Hari warming up.

The Yakuza from the surroundings started to curiously gather around the two before spreading rumors of a fight causing more grunts to circle around.

"Arashi calm down, Hari isn't going to hurt the kid too much." Jori patted Arashi though he surprisingly shrugged off.

"Hari isn't the one I'm worried about." Jori was confused at Arashi's words as he had never seen and only heard of Dabi's power however he always thought Arashi over exaggerated it.

"Greeting everyone! The man known as Hari has challenged this man over here known as Dabi to a duel!" Atsuhiro spoke before Jori could inquire more about Dabi, drawing all the attention to him.

"To the left we have the Oyanbun's right hand man representing the Yakuza! HARI!" Atsuhiro, who took a page from the ring's announcer, decided to turn this into a show instead of a boring duel.

"WOOOOOOOOO!" The Yakuza surrounding them cheered for Hari who was representing them.

"And on our left we have the man who was challenged today for wearing eyeliner when he is alone! The man who is known for his blue flames! DABI!" Mr. Compress announced and Dabi twitched his eyebrow at the eyeliner part causing some other gangsters to chuckle a little at Atsuhiro's words.

"This match is just a friendly spar and there will be no killing whatsoever!" Atsuhiro spoke though in reality instead of everyone he directed this part to Dabi and the latter shrugged his shoulders not giving him a clear answer.

"Alright everyone let's start this match off with a count!" Atsuhiro spoke out holding out five fingers, getting the surrounding gangsters a little excited that they could be included.






"FIGHT!" With this remark Atsuhiro backed away to the side though no one attacked.

"Kid, I'll give you a chance to apologize and we'll just end it here." Hari spoke calmly thinking that Arashi over exaggerated this kid's powers.

"The only one apologizing today is you when I have my foot over your face." Dabi raised a smile as the surrounding gangster started laughing thinking he was joking.

"Alright but just remember you're the one that wanted this." Hari shrugged, taking his hand out of his pocket holding a gun in one hand.

The whole reason for challenging Dabi to the fight was not because he was perturbed by his comments but because he wanted to show these people their places in front of the Yakuza.

For a while it seems like everyone has been blatantly disrespecting the Yakuza causing Hari's usual cold and composed attitude to become a little more prone to reactions recently so Dabi is really sort of a punching bag for him in his time of need.

"Well I heard you can burn things to ash but does that also apply to a bullet?" Hari wanted to scare the kid a little however Dabi gave him a disappointed look

"All that talk for a gun?" Dabi's mood dropped a little as he shook his head pointing at the gun, Hari eyebrow twitched at this showing him an annoyed smile.

"Are you bulletproof or somethi-"

"Yes." Dabi scratched his head since he technically was thanks to rubber body.

"What?" Hari flinched and the other gangsters around him started whispering.

"I'm bulletproof, the bullets will just bounce off me." Dabi pointed at himself then at the gun.

Hari's eyes moved his sights to his left and right, seeing the gangsters question his scare tactic, causing him to show a serious face.

"Fine but don't say I didn't warn you."



Hari purposely aimed for the side of Dabi's thigh however just like he said would happen when the bullet came rocketing at Dabi instead of impaling his skin it bent inwards a little before pushing the bullet out of him and into the ground.

"Huh?" Hari's eyes widened as he was only told that his quirk was fire.

The gangsters watching also showed a look of surprise with some even instinctively gazing down at their handgun before looking at Dabi.

"Alright if that's all you got then I'll just end this." Dabi pushed the ground under him while propelling himself forward at the stunned Hari.

"Damn." Hari, seeing his closing figure, threw the gun away knowing it wouldn't do him any good though he still didn't panic.

Dabi decided to just give him a good smack with his building kinetic energy underestimating Hari's capabilities.

When Dabi got to a certain distance Hari smiled at this, extending the long part of his hair that was shaped like a clock hand at Dabi.

"So you can extend your hai-" Dabi saw the attack and dodged though Hari's hair suddenly shot upwards grazing Dabi's cheek.



Dabi's eyes widened as his body felt slower and upon moving his arm in slow motion he realized that he was the only one affected.

"I'll admit I underestimate you but I think you should surrender because I don't think you're stab proof." Hari started calmly walking closer to Dabi while pulling a knife.

"Are you fire-" Dabi's words were slowed as Hari smirked knowing the win was all but close while he slowly walked to Dabi to put the knife against his throat to end this.

"Proof?" Hari raised his eyebrow until Dabi's body suddenly ignited in a burst of blue flames causing Hari to widen his eyes while jumping back.

The blaze around Dabi was furious as even the gangsters on the side blocked their eyes at the sudden light.

Then the flames circling Dabi suddenly moved on their own shaping themselves into snakes, Hari felt that this was going astray and decided to end it here right now as he threw the blade at Dabi.

Dabi seeing this slowly smirked as the flame serpents hungryly opened their mouths swallowing the blade whole, the blade entering the snake's stomach didn't reach its destination but instead was burnt up on impact.

Hari's eyes shook causing him to instinctively take a step back witnessing the deadly force that was Dabi's flames, more and more flame serpents formed from the blue flames until Dabi started to move at his usual speeds.

"I think we both underestimated each other so let's start over shall we?" Dabi's smirk became a crazed smile as the other gangsters felt a foreboding feeling as the scale slowly started to tip in Dabi's favor.

Then Dabi converged his hands forward as the snakes shot out from his hold at Hari at frightening speeds, a blue light shone in his eyes seeing the blue snakes rapidly approach him as he could only watch in disbelief.


Dust suddenly formed around Hari causing the other gangsters to look at him in shock before realizing what just happened.

Before anybody could think of any stupid thoughts the dust started to clear revealing Hari sitting on his ass while showing a confused look.

"Alright everyone! The winner of this duel is Dabi!" Atsuhiro raised his hands in the air as he used his barrier at the very last second before releasing it as the dust cleared.




All gazes turned at the sudden applause and once they saw who was behind it they all suddenly bowed.

"GREETING'S OYABUN!" They yelled as the clapping sounds were from their boss with Shin standing to the side of him.

"Oyabun?" Hari turned his lost gaze towards his oyabun before hastily making his way to his feet.

"Did you have fun Hari?" Shie raised his eyebrow causing Hari to put his head down at this sudden gaze feeling a little ashamed for acting like that on behalf of his oyabun.

"Everyone, this is our new member who goes by the Doctor and we have officially reached an agreement regarding him joining the Yakuza." Shie pointed to Shin who held up his hand.


"Greetings Doctor!" Hari's words were interrupted as the gangster bowed again greeting the new member.

"He will be working with the 13th division along with captain Arashi." This time it was Arashi's turn to be surprised at this, not expecting to be working alongside Shin.

"Please just call me Doc and thank you for your hospitality. I'm thankful for the oyabun for giving me a chance to join such a glorious organization with so much history." Shin showed a friendly gesture though half of it was covered by his facemask though everyone saw his intentions.

"I also am pleased to work closely with the 13th division to rid these smaller gangs from our territory." Shin announced causing some shock to form on these gangsters' faces since these pesky gangs have been popping up so frequently on their territory as of recently and Shin basically promised to get rid of them.

"The Doctor is one of us now so please treat him as such." Shie announced, resulting in the corresponding nods from everyone who heard him.

"Now get back to your duties." Shie gestured to the gangster who bowed once more.


Shin walked towards the shocked Arashi and slung his arm over his shoulder while guiding him back to the limo they rode in previously.

"We should start to get to know each other since we'll be working together closely from now on." Arashi put up a meek smile at Shin's words.

Dabi and Atsuhiro followed Shin as Hari watched them leave before walking up to his oyabun showing clear dissatisfaction.

"Oyabun respectively, why?" Hari composed face cracked a little showing a urgent look and Shie nodded his head.

"Very well, I'll tell you so follow me, you too Jiro." Shie turned around and both of them quickly scurried after him.

Arriving back at the place he was talking with Shin earlier he walked to his original seat while Hari and Jiro both sat politely in front of him waiting for him to speak.

"Now please voice your concern." Shie gestured and Hari was the first to speak.

"Oyabun with all due respect we just met him and to let him join while giving him the thirteenth division is a littl-"

"I'm not giving him the thirteenth division." Shie voiced out as instructed by his memoires causing Hari to raise an eyebrow.

"Arashi is one of my most trusted subordinates and even though he showed a good first impression it doesn't mean I'll trust him out the gate." Shie instructed and Jiro furiously nodded his head at his oyabun's words.

"I will have Arashi work with the Doctor while having him judge if I was correct in what I saw." Hari closed his eyes before bowing knowing that his oyabun knew best.

"Yes oyabun." Hari bowed his head reluctantly, deciding to give into his oyabun's actions not knowing that he was dancing in the palm of Shin's hands.

Shin, while all of this was going down, was talking to Arashi in the limo with the latter nervously replying to all his remarks.

"I do apologize ag-"

"Don't be so stiff it wasn't your fault after all." Shin heard what happened and saw the ending part of the duel so he was well informed.

"Honestly, it was that guy with the weird hairdos fault if anything, he's the one who wanted to make an example of me and yet he turned into the example." Dabi lazily slouched on the chair while putting his hands in his coat pockets.

"Truly a wonderful performance though I think it was my announcing that really tied it together." Atsuhiro waved his hand before bowing.

"Ah yes." Arashi collapsed into his shoulders, lowering his head.

"Well Arashi, like I said I'll contact you when I've prepared enough to deal with those runts on our territory." Shin emphasized 'our' making Arashi gaze up before remembering he was part of the Yakuza now.

"Y-Yes! Please look after me!" Arashi bowed and Shin patted his shoulder.

"Don't sweat it anyways thanks for the ride." Shin spoke out while opening the limo door with the two following him.

"Ah! Have a pleasant evening!" Arashi flinched as he said his goodbyes.

"You too Arashi." Shin smiled before closing the door.

Using whirlwind he made Atsuhiro float as Dabi followed him, Arashi watched this and sighed, slumping down onto the chair.

"Where too boss?" The man who was driving rolled down the window to ask Arashi.

"Just stay here for a while as I try to reign in everything that just happened today." Arashi took a cigarette out of his pocket while sighing again.

Lighting the cigarette he took a puff and after a while blew out all the smoke he gathered in his lungs.


"What is the oyabun thinking?"

At the abandoned building

Shin was relaxing as everything was in his control now and all he had to do was slowly make his notoriety known throughout the organization before taking it for himself.

"Other than the fight did anything happen on your end?" Shin asked, leaning on a chair causing both to nod.

"Nope." Dabi leaned on a nearby pillar as he shook his head.

"Sadly other than Dabi's performance nothing happened in the first act that was worth your time." Atsuhiro shrugged when Shin looked at him.

"Well we're going to start purging the smaller gangs soon, however I need to squash their supplier first." Atsuhiro's ears peaked upon hearing this walking closer to Shin.

"Shin, would you like to meet my information brooker?" Atsuhiro thought that this piece of information would make a nice introduction for Giran.

"Who is he?" Shin raised his eyebrow at Atsuhiro words with this being the first time hearing about an information broker.

"His name is Giran and the best way to quickly make his acquaintance is by trading information." Atsuhiro immediately took out a marble before enlarging it into a map.

"This is where he usually does his dealings, once you get their knock thrice and say Mr. Compress sent you." Atsuhiro handed the paper to Shin who took it while gazing at it.

"Hmmmm anything else?" Shin, who was still reading the paper asked, Dabi was about to open his mouth until Atsuhiro shook his head, mouthing 'it's not ready'.

Dabi rolled his eyes but acquiesced surprisingly to Atsuhiro's wishes, making him sigh in relief until he turned his gaze towards Shin who was raising an eyebrow at him.


"NOTHING!" Atsuhiro flinched, Shin knew he was hiding something however judging from Dabi's look he already guessed it wasn't a harmful secret so he would let it be for now.

"Alright I'll pay Giran a visit, I'll contact you guys when I've finished planning out the operation that will take place with the Yakuza." They both nodded as Shin stood up while walking away.

"See you soon." Shin waved as he made his way out of the building.

The building was silent as Atsuhiro fiddled with his fingers as Dabi shook his head at his antics.

"You think he noticed I was hiding something?"

"Definitely." Dabi got up from the pillar while making his way to another exit.

"I wasn't that obvious was I!?!?!" Atsuhiro walked after Dabi.

Dabi just rolled his head over his shoulder giving him a look making Atsuhiro stomp his feet.

While this interaction was happening another confrontation was about to happen with the cause being Shin's sudden actions.

In the head office at the top of the association headquarters sat an old woman waiting patiently at a desk.



"Come in." She spoke without even a hint of emotion in her tone as the door opened.

A woman in her early twenties opened the door, her appearance consisted of distinct dark blue and purple hair with violet eyes to pull it all together, but in those violet eyes was a seemingly dead look.

"You called madam vice president." The woman walked in before sitting down when the president gestured her to.

"Yes Lady Nagant, I have a mission for you."

(Also I'm drugged up heavily right now and if any dialog is messed up then comment any corrections as I read over this chapter like 5 times but everything except my computer feels like it's spinning.)