Chapter 25: A Glimpse Into Lady Nagant and Paying Giran a visit

(Authors Note: Yo, she wasn't the president but the vice president at this time sorry for any confusion if there even was any, also someone named Emetaro posted a kickass gif of lady nagant but I had a punctuation error and it deleted it once I added a coma so I ask for the post once more cause I didn't save it.)

"Yes Lady Nagant, I have a mission for you." An older woman with blond hair pushed a packet forward as Lady Nagant emotionlessly gazed at it.

"A shipment of trigger is set to arrive at the Baipa gang per the bug we put in the leader's phone in exactly two weeks." The madam vice president gestured for Lady Nagant to take the folder as she walked over to the front of the desk and compiled.

Opening the folder she saw multiple people including Venom, Ink, and Mist all with their quirk information as well as their personal information.

"All of them are to be terminated but Venom is a priority in this mission." The madam vice president tapped her desk.

"Any questions." The madam vice president asked without truly asking as Lady Nagant just gazed at her without a hint of emotion.

"What about the suppliers?" Lady Nagant took the folder as a nod came from the madam vice president.

"Don't converge on them, only the Baipa gang is your target. If you kill them then the balance will be disrupted." Hearing this answer a wave of emotions sparked in Lady Nagants eyes though it was only for a short moment.

"Anything else?" The madam vice president raised an eyebrow showing a sudden cold look at her sudden talkative behavior.

"No madam vice president." Lady Nagant spoke out and the madam vice president flicked her away.

"Then leave." She turned back to the papers on her desk as Lady Nagant gaze didn't immediately leave her figure though she eventually turned around while walking to the door.

As the door closed behind Lady Nagant she gripped the folder tightly biting her lip in the process.

'It's always the same.' Lady Nagant aka Kaina Tsutsumi thought walking out of the association headquarters.

Entering a parked car she quietly drove back to her apartment building before using the elevator to reach the penthouse complex.

She set down the folder on top of other similar folders with the only difference between them being that this folder didn't have the big bold letters that read 'terminated' on them.

Walking to the edge of the penthouse she sat on a table with a clear view of downtown Mustafa, pouring herself a glass of rum as she took a sip of it.

The clouds started forming over top signaling rain was about to fall down causing her to lean back on her chair.

Over the years the hollow feeling in her heart became even greater resulting in her seemingly dead appearance yet she didn't always used to feel like this but instead at a point in her life she had the desire to be a hero.

Kaina wanted to save people, to bring hope, but instead all she ended up doing was bringing needless death.

Killing anyone who stepped out of the line of what they called 'balance' and it was after she killed for the fifth time did she have the aching feeling that the change she so desperately wanted to bring would never come.

Day after day, month after month, and year after year it was the same, receive a mission, stake out the target, study where said target would be, and finally eliminate the target.

Kaina didn't know when it happened but one day she started to feel numb to everything, it was at that moment she knew all she was to the association and society was an assassin.

Not a hero, not a villain, but just a killer, she had no purpose anymore as the sands of time washed away all her hope along with her desire to bring change.

Kaina was reaching her breaking point yet she didn't even know this herself as instead of seeking help all she did was bury these thoughts deep in her heart because deep down she still had the hope she could bring change but reality was always so clear to her.

"Is this what my life will forever be?" Kaina bit her lip while gripping the glass tightly before gazing into the distance.

"Will I always just be an assassin who brings nothing but death?" Kaina called out yet no one answered her as she sighed in defeat.

Turning her attention to the folder she got up from her chair and started memorizing her new mission along with all the details.

In a alleyway located somewhere in Mustafa slums

Shin decided before he ended the day he would pay Giran a visit since he really didn't want to do it later.

Checking his watch he saw that it was 6:35pm and he doubted that an operation like Giran's would be closed by now.

Walking down the dilapidated slums he gazed at the breeding ground for the future villains that would eventually be imprisoned by the future heroes breed in actual society.

The more he looked around the more thugs started to surround him secretly before he smiled.

"I wouldn't do anything stupid if I were you." Shin voiced out making eye contact with several people who flinched at their positions being spotted.

"He's bluff-" A metal spike shot out of Shin's hand grazing the guy's cheek, he immediately started shivering before sliding down a nearby wall in fear.

The thugs in the dark looked around at each other as they started to slowly disband knowing he wasn't an easy prey since the only rule in a place like this was that the strong ruled and the weak submitted.

"Eep!" The guy shrieked, scraping himself to his feet while running as fast as he could in the complete opposite direction.

Chuckling a little, Shin continued his walk down the alleyway until he arrived at a lone metal door that was the only seemingly clean thing in this alleyway.





"What is the password?" A peephole slid open as someone answered immediately upon his three knocks.

"I don't know, Mr. Compress recommended this place to me." Shin answered honestly, shrugging his shoulders.



The peephole closed a couple seconds later as Shin stood there with his hands in his pockets waiting for around five minutes until the door opened.

A man with a skee mask gestured for Shin to enter to which he complied, walking into the door he saw that it was just a lone stairway that led down deep underground.

"Follow me." The man said as he started descending the stairs and Shin followed him.

Finishing his descent he reached the end of the stairs showing another door, the man opened it revealing a table and two chairs.

Each seat was empty as the man gestured for Shin to sit down causing Shin to presume he was to wait for Giran.

Taking a step inside he activated search and saw that he was essentially surrounded by five figures hiding behind the walls though he wasn't panicked as he sat down in the seat.

"Giran will be with you shortly." The man spoke before immediately closing the door behind him without sparing a single word more.

Shin surveyed the surroundings as he spread his authority throughout the whole underground room, getting a better layout of the underground.

This was what Shin assumed was where Giran met people for the first time as there were around five rooms which he could only assume one was Giran's personal office as well as common areas for his workers.

"So you're the man who Mr. Compress works for now." A door on the other side of the room was opened revealing a middle aged man with a cocky smile.

He had silver hair, round glasses, and a distinct gap in his teeth though instead of hiding it Giran branded a wide smirk as if showing it off.

A lone cigarette lay at the edge of his mouth looking as if it would fall any second though somehow it remained wedged between the ends of his molars.

"I presume you are Giran?" Shin raised an eyebrow causing the smile on his face to widen at his notoriety.

"I guess my reputation precedes me, yet isn't it a little humiliating for an information broker like myself not to know someone who should be notorious." Giran elegantly walked to the chair across Shin who calmly waited for him to be seated.

"Well unlike Mr. Compress, I don't like to voice myself to the whole wide world at least not yet." Hearing his response Giran chuckled at his remarks, clearly picking up the ending part.

"So are you here to spread your notoriety through me or?" Giran raised an eyebrow while still brandishing a smile knowing that this guy in front of him could be a cash cow of information.

"What would you like to know?"

"What are you willing to tell me?"

Shin chuckled at this as Giran took another puff of the cigarette hanging on the edge of his mouth.

"I got a piece of information I would like to exchange for something useful." Shin leaned closer on the table deciding not to right away to make Giran a mindless gatherer though he still used his search quirk on him so as to always know his location just in case.

"Oh? Is it maybe that you're here to give me your name to spread after all?" Giran's smile couldn't get any wider, thinking the guy in front of him was just so interesting and for a guy who collects secrets for a living, Shin was someone who couldn't stop peeking his interest.

The main reason was his client who he had dealing with for the past year all of sudden stopped coming to him which at first made him confused however after meeting Mr. Compress he learned it was because he was employed now, which made Giran's curiosity peak at someone who could control someone as eccentric as Mr. Compress.

"Just call me the Doctor or Doc for short." Shin chuckled, deciding to spread his name a little through Giran who immediately picked up on this.

"Alright Doc, what is it you want to get off your chest." Giran leaned back in his chair ready for the treasures he would receive today.

"I have recently come across some information related to the suppliers of the trigger outbreak from the smaller gangs." Giran's ears perked up as he too had noticed the recent gang violence increase though all he knew was that these gangs were being supplied by someone big.

"What would you like in exchange?" Giran folded his hands already getting down to business.

"Two things, one you keep this information in your hands for two weeks, and two an equivalent piece of information related to the territory they reside in." Shin held up two fingers and Giran started weighing the pros and cons.

"Is something happening in two weeks that if the information spread could result in losses?" Giran asked though he already somewhat knew the answer.

"Giran you seem like a smart man and I'm already being nice by giving you a name to associate this piece with so I would like it if you wouldn't waste my time with questions you already know the answer too." Shin's gaze became serious and Giran flinched before waving his hand.

"Alright, alright, partnerships are based on trust right? So I'll give you my word that I'll uphold your conditions since you're a friend of Compress." Giran held up his hands not wanting to lose this future big client of his.

Shin remained silent surveying Giran who outwardly appeared to him as a saint however Atsuhiro seemed to trust him so after comprehending the pros and cons Shin decided that having someone like Giran in his corner in the future would greatly help when it came to finding leads.

"The suppliers for these gangs are the Inawa gang." Shin dropped the bomb causing Giran's eyes to widen yet the smile never disappeared on his face.

"And the proof?" Giran weaseled his way forward a little, wanting some credibility.

"All the gangs supplied by this influx of trigger have all been located in the Yakuza's territory and you can check this fact yourself. I'm sure you're smart enough to know the reason why they're doing this." Shin crossed his arms not giving any more and Giran nodded his head as he would have to check this thoroughly since some of his clients have been pestering him about who the supplier is so that could get in contact while also getting a piece.

Shin knew he could keep this information to himself however the Inawa were trying to maintain themselves in the shadows before sweeping in which didn't sit well with him.

But by indirectly spreading this information he would get the Inawa to pull out for a while since he knew that the association would also pick up on this causing them to react in some way.

"That makes a lot of sense." Giran rubbed his chin as the dots started to all connect in his head and Shin gestured to him to speak his mind.

"Well since you gave me something that should benefit me so well I'll tell you the recent news in Tokyo where the Inawa primarily reside." Giran held out his hand knowing that this news would probably be of value for Shin.

"Recently an organization has popped up and has been doing business with the Inawa all of a sudden and going by the name villain factory, whatever that means." Giran took another puff of his cigarette as it was Shin's turn to lean in now.

"Villain factory?" Shin eyebrows scrunched feeling that the name seemed off while also ringing a bell in his head.

"Oh, are you interested? Well evidently they have been selling loads of trigger for what they call 'funding' though that is all they say when asked why they need the cash." Giran made the money gesture with his hand making Shin eyebrows scrunch.

"Who's in charge of it?" Shin pressed and Giran smiled causing Giran to lean in as well.

"The rumor going around is that it's related to All For One." Shin's eyes widened at this sudden proclamation knowing that this issue became his top priority if his father is evidently involved.

"But those are just rumors and I'm assuming that it's just some of All For One's past subordinates at work instead of the man himself." Giran slumped in his chair while shrugging his shoulders showing he truly didn't know the full extent.

"I'm guessing that's all you have to say?" Shin nodded at his words while standing up while reaching out his hand.

"Unless you have something more to offer or exchange." Both of them smiled at Giran's words.

"I hope we can do business in the future." Shin held out his hand knowing that someone as capable as him needed to be under him no matter what the cost.

"I hope so too." Giran's smile never faded throughout this encounter and instead hints of money bags formed in his eyes.

"Do you perhaps want me to hold off on spreading your name until two weeks later as well?" Giran asked, wanting to get into his good graces even more, grabbing Shin's hand to shake it.

Muddied: grants the user the ability to cause minor amnesia to his target by making contact with their head, causing their memories of the previous five minutes and the next five minutes to become vague.

"I would appreciate that if you wouldn't mind." Shin released his hand as Giran took the cigarette out of his mind.

"Of course since trust goes both ways and I think should show my sincerity first." Giran waved seeing Shin turn around while walking out the door.

"Please come back with anything to exchange for more information." Giran called out signaling that he would accept Shin as a client causing the latter to wave his hand.


"Mr. Compress sure knows how to pick them." Giran took a deep breath of his cigarette smoke while also turning around walking back to the door he just exited only a moment ago.

"I sure can smell the money on him."

Walking out the door Shin showed a serious expression knowing that the Inawa were indirectly being played by All For One.

'I guess the Inawa have become my top priority.' Shin decided to remove all connections that the Inawa have been making after this deal.

The sole reason being he could use this chance to raise his notoriety in the Yakuza by using the 13th division for the eradication of the other smaller gangs while simultaneously lowering the prospect of them increasing their wealth along with All For One.

'I think I should also take a trip to Tokyo soon." Shin smiled while raising himself into the air knowing that no one was around him.

Flying into the night he eventually landed in a distant alleyway he used to change into his original appearance before walking into the Musafa orphanage.

Opening the door he was surprised Toga listened to him noticing she wasn't curled up at the entrance like a cat.

Walking in he made his way up the stairs and upon opening the door he saw the reason why Toga wasn't at the entrance as she was instead all wrapped up in his sheets.

"Shin?" Toga rubbed her eyes, smelling Shin's presence while lazily using her hand to stand herself up while using the other hand to rub her eyes.

"Yes Toga, it's me." Shin sighed knowing that something like this would probably happen.

"Yeah~" Toga showed her biggest grin before her vision cleared to show Shin taking off his shoes.

"I'm guessing it's useless to ask you to go back to your own bed?" Shin asked while hanging up his jacket making Toga pout her cheeks.

"No~ I won't go~" Toga pouted, rerolling herself in his sheets.


"Fine but only because I'm too tired to move you." Shin sighed while Toga chuckled as her eyes formed into crescent moons at this victory.

"Zzzzzzzzz." Inasa snored out suddenly, making Shin raise an eyebrow recalling earlier that he was having trouble doing just that.

"How long has he been asleep?" Shin pointed and Toga tilted her head showing her thinking expression.

"Ummmmmmm I don't know." Toga smiled, shrugging her shoulders since she was the first one to fall asleep between the two of them.

"Well thanks for your honesty." Shin chuckled at her words walking up to the bed before patting her head.

Seeing his hand approach her, Toga acted like a cat and leaned into it while moving it all around her head before pulling him into the small bed.

"I missed you~" Toga immediately cuddled up against Shin once he fell into his own bed while her eyes showed the desire for more pats.

"Oh yeah?" Shin smiled at her attitude as Toga nodded her head.

"Yes~" Toga said, rubbing herself over Shin's embrace.

"I don't like it when you leave." Toga grabbed his shirt and Shin just patted her head.

"Well we cannot always be together."

"Why not~' Toga whined at this statement not knowing the reason.

"Because right now it's not safe for you." Hearing Shin's words her eyes started to become a little teary.

"Then when?" Her lips quivered, not wanting to be excluded from Shin anymore.

"Soon." Shin caressed her chin as she nodded her head.

"Ok then you better tell me everything then ok?" Toga gazed up for reassurance and upon seeing his nod she smiled.

"This is enough for now though." Toga wrapped her arms around Shin who kept patting her head much to her pleasure.

"Hehehehehe~" Toga giggled at Shin's gesture, rubbing her face deeper into Shin's shirt.

It didn't take long for Toga to drift into a deep sleep now having her personal teddy bear in her embrace and Shin just gazed up at the bunk.

Though it wasn't long before Shin closed his eyes as he also too decided to let his mind rest a little since it wouldn't be long in the future that he wouldn't be able to sleep for days on end.