Chapter 30: A Decision That Can Break A Persons Will


Shie Hassaikai elegantly walked out of the door accompanied by Hari, Joi, and finally the man he would marry to his daughter Koji Hatsumura.

Koji didn't seem like anything special at a first glance however internally his beliefs were almost identical to Shie's, it almost felt like Shie tried to turn Koji into another version of himself leading Shin feeling a little weird at the thought that he would marry his own daughter to himself.

Shie held up his hand gesturing for his men to stop, which they immediately did, then walking to the chair positioned in the center he sat down before finally laying his eyes upon the leaders of the small gangs.

The three quietly stood by Shie's side upon their oyabun's actions not daring to speak during this important moment, Shie gazing down at the captured leaders and their most trusted subordinate smiled.

Shin had already informed Shie of his plan and this was his 'personal' request that he said out loud to the others in the vicinity.

"Yes Oyabun." Shin saw Shie's gesture and strolled up in front of the ten captured people.

"As you requested we managed to capture 5 out of the 7 gang leaders along with their trusted subordinates." An eyebrow raised at this and Shin nodded.

"My subordinates were not able to apprehend the leaders before they took their own life." Shin informed him and Shie frowned.

"May I see their bodies?" Shie asked and Shin gestured over to Atsuhiro.

Atsuhiro walked in front of the Oyabun and placed five marbles on the ground until they suddenly enlarged.

"The Mizu gang leaders which Dabi was in charge of decided to bite their tongues when he finally made their way over to them." Atsuhiro instructed opening three of the triplets' mouths showing them missing their tongues.

Shin had healed the triplets while having them bite there tongues to show there apparent suicide, the reason was to only show that to the surrounding people while his subordinates were strong they were not as perfect as him since he wanted to squash any unsightly comparisons between them.

"And the others?" Shie nodded his head along with some surrounding members since taking a leader alive especially back to another leader usually resulted in torture so many Yakuza members saw the reasoning in there suicide.

"My guess is cyanide since a tooth is missing, however when I arrived I found five people laying like this." Atsuhiro gestured to the others while opening their mouths to show a missing tooth in both of the mouths of the two he enlarged.

"I apologize for intruding in the conversation, but with your quirk, why would the Suna leader kill themselves when seeing your quirk since to me it doesn't seem that deadly?" Koji voiced out and Atsuhiro nodded, pulling out a handful of marbles.

"My quirk is special in a sense I can shrink anything into marbles." Atsuhiro revealed some of his arsenal that was stored in different parts of his clothes and areas of his bodies.

Everyone's eyes widened seeing the mass amounts of explosives, weapons, poisonous gasses, barrels of oil, flamethrowers, and so much more deadly equipment.

"I surrounded the gang's hideout in a ring of fire while using gasses to drive a large portion of members and once they left I exploded them, crushing a large portion of there forces." Atsuhiro lied through his teeth leaving Koji in shock.

"I-I see." Koji stepped back as Shie frowned a little at the dishonorable way to fight, however then he understood he would have had to act like this to defeat a whole gang with a quirk like that.

"Any more questions?" Atsuhiro announced and Shie shook his head.

"No, thank you for your explanation." Shie gazed over to the side and some Yakuza members dragged these five to the side to examine the claims.

Atsuhiro then turned his arsenal back into marbles before returning to the side and once he did Shie smiled seeing what Shin and his 13th division accomplished.

"Doctor, I can see you achieved everything you said, I'm amazed at your actions." Shin bowed since he only promised that he would bring his objective back instead of his subordinates.

"Thank you for your praise Oyabun." Shin spoke still bowing and Shie waved his hand.

"There is no need to bow, and if I may ask, is it okay if Arashi reports on behalf of your and the 13th division's accomplishments?" Shie asked and Shin nodded while stepping to the side giving way to Arashi.

"Greeting Oyabun." Arashi, filled with a proud look, greeted his Oyabun.

Arashi had thought of himself as a failure to his Oyabun for so long, he hadn't brought back something this major in his whole time in the Yakuza.

So having the ability to show himself along with the division he was in charge of completing something so large really made him happy.

"Arashi raise your head." The other members from the side also felt proud seeing Arashi's accomplishment.

They knew his dedication to the Yakuza as well as his struggles so being able to see their superior who had struggled for so long bring such glory to the Yakuza filled them with happiness since he deserved it.

"Yes Oyabun, first the report."

Arashi then went into great detail of everything that transpired throughout their exhibition and it only left the members to the side slack jawed.

Many gazes forced themselves upon Shin who showed a relaxed expression telling everyone that it was no big deal.

The 13th division also puffed their chest when their boss mentioned them, the pride and accomplishment felt from having to shed so much blood to capture these ten individuals was immense.

Every member of the 13th division had brushed death at least once from this hard fought excursion, the amount of lives they each took also exceeded single digits and it was all thanks to Shin.

A lot of thankful glances appeared from the 13th division to which Shin smiled letting them know that it was only right.

Finishing his report the surrounding members clapped at their amazing feat, even Shie joined in surprised at how dedicated his subordinates were to draw so much blood for the sake of the Yakuza.

"The Doctor along with the 13th division will be rewarded for such an extraordinary feat, however the rewards I prepared are too little for such an amazing feat so I would like to ask you to wait."

"YES OYABUN!" Everyone from the 13th division shouted with the surroundings all agreeing in the Oyabun's decision.

"We will send reinforcements from the first and fourth division to occupy the free territory to help the thirteenth division." Shie ordered since he only had three divisions under his control after the division from the elders.

The oyabun, leader of the Yakuza, only had control of three out of the thirteen divisions in the Yakuza which made Shin scoff internally.

"YES OYABUN!" The surrounding Yakuza members sounded off.

"Now for the remnants." Shie turned his attention towards the ten who sulked, already guessing their fate.

"You have committed a grave sin by setting up your gangs on Yakuza territory, do you have anything to say to this." Shie spoke out in a booming voice though no words were spoken from the leaders nor their subordinates.

"I see." Shie sat back in his chair.

"For setting up operations in Yakuza territory you will be branded with the devil's warning and banished from Mustafu." Shie announced as the compound went silent.

The words didn't settle in until the leaders looked up in relief however the 13th division were speechless at their oyabun's decision.

"Oyabun if you let them-"

"Arashi, I have thought long and hard about this decision, you know my ideals and giving a warning is part of it." Shie interrupted Arashi telling him his decision was final.

"But-" Arashi unconsciously gazed at Ohta still unable to recover from his oyabun's decision.

"Arashi!" Shie shouted, causing Arashi's mouth to shut, he grit his teeth while cleaning his fist through relented to his oyabun.

"We can speak more in private but right now it is disrespectful."

"Yes oyabun." Arashi bowed his head not wanting to show his contorted face.

The 13th division wasn't any better as a mix of emotions flowed through them,thinking about how long these gangs terrorized their division.

The number of brothers they lost to these leaders were also numerous, it was also in part why they fought so fiercely in the first place under the help of Shin.

The pain they endured for years as well as today seemed useless in their oyabuns's decision.

How many times had they gone to their fallen brothers' homes to tell their families of their fate.

Countless amounts of emotions spiraled around the minds of each and every member of the 13th division as they felt a little broken knowing that the men responsible for all the pain and suffering they endured would be set free into the world with only a burn mark as punishment.

Shin who was watching the very thing he wanted grinned internally, this was the reason for all of this, this is what he desired, his gaze also turned to the other members surrounding the compound who also had troubling expressions at the oyabun's decision before turning back to the 13th division.

He wanted to break them internally, wanted to show them that all the blood, tears, and sweat they drew today and in the past were all worthless.

That the oyabun they so dearly respected didn't acknowledge their troubles and instead stuck to his ethics instead of the revenge they so dearly wished for.

It left a lot of the 13th division heartbroken knowing that if that Doctor was even a second late they would have joined their brothers in the afterlife for nothing.

"You are dismissed, and the 13th division will be given a week off for their deed." Shie announced and they all bowed.

"Yes oyabun!" They shouted but not at the level as before as they slowly exited the main circle.

"Doctor, you and your subordinates will be properly rewarded as high ranking members of the Yakuza and will also get the same reward with a week off." Shie informed Shin who bowed.

"Thank you oyabun." Shin finished his bow, leaving with Dabi and Atsuhiro trailing behind him.

"Arashi follow me." Shei stood up seeing Arashi still standing there and followed him into a familiar room where he first met Shin.

Shie walked over to his seat before sitting down and Arashi stood a ways away gazing at the man he respected so dearly.

"What were the movements of the Doctor?" Shie asked however Arashi gripped his first.

"Oyabun, before I continue, may we first talk about your decision." This surprised the four as this was the first time he had indirectly violated an order from Shie.

"Arash-" Koji stepped out, but was stopped by Shie.

"Yes, for your efforts I will relent to your request." Shie knew why his decision would make Arashi angry.

"Oyabun, please tell me why? I cannot understand why we would let them go after what they did to the Yakuza, and to the thirteenth division." Arashi had a helpless look on his face, not being able to comprehend this decision.

"Arashi the oyabun philosophy-"

"For how long have they terrorized the Yakuza!" Arashi interrupted Koji while taking a step forward.

"For how long have they killed our men, my men!' Arashi pleaded, showing the distraught look on his face, the one he had been keeping hidden for so long.

How many times have I had to look a mother, a father, a wife, and a child in the face and say their loved one will never return." Arashi's sadness couldn't be shielded as it started to affect Hari and Joi.

"How many times have I held a dying young man in my hands while reassuring them that the afterlife isn't scary...…..holding my son slowly falling into death's embrace while all I could do is hold him tight and watch." Arashi's hands trembled as the four showed their condolences.

"Ohta killed my son, one of the last things my deceased wife blessed me with, I can never see him again thanks to that bastard and you're letting him walk free?" Arashi's voice trembled as he fell to his knees, unable to stand anymore.

"Please tell me why? Please tell me why we must let him go, the others are okay but please tell me why Ohta must live." Arashi wasn't speaking as a member of the Yakuza but as a grieving father.

"Arashi." Shie stood up and walked over to his old friend.

"I know you must be hurting but you have to trust me, this will ensure the stability of the Yakuza. If we kill the leaders of these gangs, how will anyone see this organization as one with a code and morals? Trust me this will make a better underworld." Shie tried to ease Arashi, however it only did the opposite.

"Oyabun, may I give my report another day, I wish to be excused." Shie sighed and patted his shoulder.

"Yes you may." Shie walked back to his seat as Arashi stood up.

Not even glancing at the Oyabun he walked out of the hall under the frown of Koji, Shie dismissed the three after a while and proceeded to sit alone with only his thoughts to accompany him.


Now alone Shie sighed to himself while pouring himself a cup of sake, after drinking it he closed his eyes.

'Am I doing the right thing?'

Outside the door Koji was walking with Hari and Joi showing a displeased expression on his face.

"Arashi's disrespectful attitude needs to be corrected." Koji said to the two who frowned at this.

They were all die hard supporters of the oyabun but Koji, unlike the two, was heavily brought up on the oyabun's ideals believing in anything he said wholeheartedly.

"I don't know, it's his son's killer." Joi rubbed the back of his head, he knew it might be disrespectful however he could understand why Arashi became like that.

"Joi is right, Arashi has done much for the Yakuza and his loyalty is unquestioned but having to see his son's killer set free would obviously make any father-"

"But he is a Yakuza first then father." Koji spoke out, causing both of their frowns to deepen.

"Having morals in a place that doesn't have any is crucial for setting an example for other members of the underworld." Koji preached and Hari shook his head.

"We are not disagreeing with the oyabun's decision but showing an understanding of Arashi, that is all." Hari calmly spoke, causing Koji to finally nod.

"I'm going to find Arashi and talk to him." Hari announced walking in a separate direction already knowing where he probably was.

In the north side of the Yakuza compound

In what appeared to be a graveyard Arashi had set up a makeshift table with a couple candles and some sake, once finished he bowed respectfully before taking a seat.

This place was for the Yakuza who died after making a great contribution to the organization, and he set up his table in front of the 13th division's section.

Arashi always visited this section since his fallen subordinates and son rested here, he poured himself a drink before immediately downing it.

"We ended up driving those bastards out of our territory once and for all thanks to the help of the Doctor I told you guys about a little while ago." Arashi smirked, pouring himself another serving.

"Not a single one of your brothers joined you today thanks to him." Arashi choked up a little as he bit his lip.

"However the leaders of the gangs that took some of you from this earth were allowed to be set free after being branded with the devils mark...….including Ohta." Arashi's voice trembled even mentioning his name.

Arashi had held himself back today for the sole reason being he thought his revenge would finally be fulfilled yet he would only be wronged by the man he believed in most.

"Damn." Arashi downed the sake as his eyes started to become watery.

His heart truly hurt knowing deep down they would all do it again in fact he guaranteed that after they left Musutafu they would just form another gang.

Arashi felt responsible for all these young mens deaths, and truly wished it would've been him instead of any of the names inscribed on the pillar in front of him, especially his son.

How his heart hurt when having to watch his son drown in his own blood as his lungs collapsed from Ohta's punches, the ambulance didn't make it in time yet his son smiled, and all he could do to help his son was to try to let him be at ease knowing he would see his mother soon.

Arahsi was helpless watching Ohta run away at the sound of sirens, and once again he had to watch him run away once more.

"Arashi." Shin spoke from the side, making him flinch.


"Y-Yes Doctor." Arashi was about to stand, however Shin motioned him to stop.

Shin first walked over to the pillar and put his hands together while bowing showing his respect before pointing to his side.

"May I?" Shin asked and Arashi nodded while scooting over.

"You know I admire you Arashi." Shin said, surprising Arashi.

"Can I pour you a drink?" Shin didn't immediately say why and instead changed the subject.

"Uh yes." Arashi nodded as Shin reached for the sake.

"The reason I respect you so much is because even with all the adversity you have faced throughout your stay in the Yakuza you still manage to keep a strong front, even through all of the events you are burdened with including when someone close to you dies." Shin started pouring the cup until the liquid reached the brim.

"I know words cannot put your heart at ease so let my actions speak for it." Shin set the sake bottle down.

On the side Hari saw Shin conversing with Arashi but before he could even take another breath Dabi and Atsuhiro appeared from the side.

"Don't." Dabi held out his hand causing Hari to frown.

"I cannot speak to-"

"Yes you can't, you piece of shit." Dabi didn't hold back and Atsuhiro decided to step in.

"Hari, please forgive my colleagues' words, he is just displeased after learning why Arashi is like this." Atsuhiro eased the tension as Hari sighed.

"Oyabun made the decision so it's final." Dabi scrunched his eyebrows at this though Atsuhiro shook his head.

"Please allow the Doctor to finish his words before you make your way over to him." Atsuhiro asked and Hari was silent for a while until he nodded.


"Your actions?" Arashi confusedly asked and Shin nodded.

"Yes Arashi, though I cannot give you clarification I will give you my words." Shin stood up as Arashi still remained confused.

"I look forward to my future with the 13th division and our continued cooperation." Those were Shin's last words walking back to Dabi and Atsuhiro.

"Oh, hello Hari." Shin waved as he received a single nod from Hari in acknowledgement.

"Let's go." Shin spoke to the two who followed his lead.

Hari watched them leave before turning his gaze to Arashi who looked at him with a plain look.


"Hari, please leave me to my own devices." Arashi turned back to the cup while downing the sake poured by Shin.

"Arashi I-"

"Please." Arashi couldn't hold it back any longer and Hari, seeing this, knew why.

"I understand." Hari understood that this was his limit.

Turning around the sounds of grieving resounded behind him yet he didn't judge him at all while sighing.

'Oyabun knows best.'

An hour later in a random storage yard

Ohta walked down the alley with Renji in toe, on their backs were a burn mark that showed the Yakuza's symbol.

"What now Ohta?" Renji asked only for Ohta to walk to a storage container.

"We leave of course." Ohta opened the hatch revealing numerous goods along with countless stacks of money.

"That Doctor guy is bad news, just the thought of staying in Mustafu makes me queasy." Ohta remarked pulling a duffle bag from the side and stuffing it with essentials.

"We'll head to Tokyo and report all of this to Inawa." Ohta remarked and Renjji lifted an eyebrow.

"We're joining th-"

"No, we are telling them why all of a sudden their plans went to shit and maybe the head will give us something for the information." Ohta threw a duffle bag to Renji without looking at him and he took this as a sign to start.

"Great plan." A voice sounded out from behind the two that made their hairs stand on end.

Slowly turning around he saw three figures however his eyes never left Shin's figure not even caring about the other two.

"Retrain Renji." All of a sudden Shin spoke out to Atsuhiro as he walked over to Ohta.

Immediately he tried to tap his skin however he became still as a log along with Renji as they looked in horror.

"Let's see what we got here." Shin took the duffle bag from Ohta's hand and started to rummage through it.

"Oh? What's this?" Shin pulled out a picture of a child the same age as him causing Ohta's pupils to shrink.

"Don't tell me, is this your son Ohta?" Shin rubbed his chin seeing a child with silver hair along with long white eyelashes.

"You won't mind if I keep this right?" Shin asked as Ohta tried with all his might to move his limbs.

"I'll take that as a yes." Shin pocketed the picture while walking over to the side seeing a handgun neatly placed on a crate.

"You didn't really think I would just let you go and do this all over again right?" Shin asked out but of course Ohta didn't respond.

Shin then slowly walked over to the things located in the storage unit and turned them all into small marbles one by one.

"Pathetic." Dabi who was leaning on the storage container spoke in a bored tone seeing them both scared shitless in the container.

"Oh c'mon Dabi, they couldn't have known that they were going to die regardless." Atsuhiro chimed in from the side being understanding in their reaction.

Dabi rolled his eyes while boredly gazing at Shin who finished turning everything located in the container into marbles before strolling in front of Renji.


He shot him right in the forehead as Renji's brain matter and blood sprayed all over the empty container under Ohta's shock.

Pulling out a spike he started beating Renji's corpse to make it seem like he was tortured until his body was black and blue.

"Phew." Shin wiped his forehead while strolling in front of Ohta.


"Any last words?" Shin asked out, showing him a mocking smile.

"No? Well, alright."


Shin then proceeded to beat Ohta's lifeless corpse until he was satisfied in his work, dissolving the spike he strolled out of the container, closing it behind him.

Ohta and Renji were the last of the other eight he had taken care of but the difference being he didn't dissolve them into ash.

"We need to talk about where to go from here." Shin spoke out to the two.

"Let's converse at my place." Atsuhiro immediately voiced out since he wanted to give Shin his gift.

"Dabi?" Shin turned to him who shrugged.

"Alright let's go."

Using his quirk he flew up Atsuhiro along with himself as Dabi followed behind until they arrived at Atsuhiro's house.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Atsuhiro opened the door revealing the contents of his house.

Atsuhiro's house was a clean and a moderate sized place, two stories, three bedrooms, and four bathrooms.

"Tea?" Atsuhiro asked and Shin nodded his head.

Sitting down on a chair Dabi sat on the couch while laying his head back, Atsuhiro nodded and hurried to the kitchen.

While in the kitchen Atsuhiro took out a marble and enlarged it to a confused Whiskers, however seeing Atsuhiro it started to cower.

"Whiskers today you'll meet your new owner so don't mess this up, got it?" Atsuhiro leaned closer to Whisker's who nodded its head.

Wiping off the blood from Whisker's mouth, Atsuhiro finished it off by wrapping a bow around its collar.

"Alright this is a tray with a cup of tea, now like we practiced." Atsuhrio put the tray in Whisker's hold followed by gently setting a cup of tea on it.

"Don't mess this up, first impressions are everything." Atsuhiro patted Whisker's head causing it to recoil at his touch.

"Tsk." Atsuhiro didn't care and adjusted his attire before holding the door open for Whisker's.

"A tiger?" Shin tilted his head seeing Whisker's enter the living room holding a tray with what he presumed to be his tea.

"Yes a tiger, the same tiger-"


Whiskers dropped the tray along with the tea right into Shin's lap causing Dabi to hold his laughter and Atsuhiro to look in horror.

"WHISKER'S!" Atsuhiro shouted and Whisker's became shocked while backing up.

"It's alright." Shin eased the clearly traumatized Whisker's while pulling it closer to him.

"It's ok." Shin pet Whisker's head while touching the soft fur.

Consciousness: Allows for the user to have the ability to comprehend their surroundings and learn like a human.

'Can it understand me then?' Shin looked surprised before gazing down at the saddened Whisker's located in his hands.

"Can you understand me?" Shin asked and Whisker's nodded much to his shock.

"Atsuhiro?" Shin asked Atsuhiro who was cleaning up Whisker's msikate.

"Oh, it's an animal with the ability to learn like a human, she's the same tiger that went missing from the zoo recently." Atsuhiro calmly explained the gift he had gotten for Shin.

"She?" Shin tilted his head before confirming Whisker's gender.

(No just no, I already know that exact thought running through the minds of some of you are and just no I'm not explaining why, just no.)

"Very interesting quirk though." Shin pet Whisker's head as she closed her eyes, laying her head in his lap.

Shin soothed her mind and she felt relief for the first time since she was in the zoo and that pleased her.

"Did you know about this Dabi?" Shin turned his gaze to Dabi who nodded.

"Yeah, the clown said he wanted it to be a surprise so I relented." Dabi explained as a vein appeared on Atsuhiro's forehead at the mention of 'clown' though he took a deep breath.

"Hmmmmmm, well I guess thank you." Shin nodded his head finally knowing the reason why Atsuhiro had been acting so jumpy recently.

"Now let's talk about the next step we need to take in order to fully have Musutafu's underworld in our grasps." Shin spoke out as Atsuhiro sat down in a nearby chair.

"Are we going to eradicate the Inawa and Sukowa all at once or?" Dabi asked, showing a smirk.

"No, we should first unite the scattered Yakuza." Atsuhiro chimed in, causing Shin to nod.

"Yes that is what we will focus on, right now if we eradicate those two gangs a huge chunk of territory will be unable to be occupied leading to smaller gangs taking up residence so we need to focus on reuniting the Yakuza." Shin told them what he intended for however Atshuhiro shook his head.

"Shin, when the Inawa and Sukowa hear about what we just did to all the smaller gangs in the Yakuza's territory they won't just stay idle while we unite the Yakuza." Atsuhiro sighed knowing they would probably do something if they actively tried to untie the Yakuza.

"Yeah if it was me I wouldn't watch the Yakuza unite." Dabi actually agreed with Atsuhiro, surprising him.

"It's why we're going to shut down the borders of Musutafu making reinforcements from outside the city useless." Shin announced, causing them to be surprised at this sudden proclamation.

"The whole city?" Atsuhiro adjusted his posture intrigued by this sentence.

"What would make the city of Musutafu shut down especially with the symbol of peace residing in it." Dabi thought out loud as Atsuhiro rubbed his chin.

"There would have to be mass panic, death, and media coverage which-wait." Atsuhiro finally caught on a little stunned that Shin was going to go this route.

"Yes Atsuhiro, it's exactly what you're thinking." Shin spoke while caressing Whisker's head.

"We're going to form a terrorist organization."

Meanwhile on a familiar building

Kaina rubbed her head as her phone repeatedly buzzed her pocket, sitting up she reached for it instinctively while pressing the answer button.

"Lady Nagant report." The vice president's voice resounded in her ear, jolting her awake.

"Venom has been eliminated." She spoke without even thinking.

"And the others?" She asked and the memory planted into her head by Shin appeared.

"They're dead." Her eyes shook not knowing why she spoke those words nor did she cause their deaths which greatly confused her as to why the memory of them dying was implanted in her head until it dawned on her.

"Anything usual to report." The vice president plainly spoke out and Kaina remained quiet.

"No madam vice president." Kaina answered, showing a determined gaze.


"Madam vice president." Kaina spoke up before she hung up.

"Yes Lady Nagant." Her plain voice showed some signs of annoyance yet Kaina didn't care.

"I would like to take two weeks of leave starting now." Kaina asked and the madam vice president remained quiet.

"Fine but not a day more."


The vice president hung up after that, Kaina slowly put down the phone as she stood up while making her way to the door as another name formed in her head that wasn't there before.

'Who's Giran.'

In the upper side of Musutafu located in a nice apartment

"Don't leave, please...…DON'T LEAVE!" A green haired girl screamed, reaching her hand out into the air.

She shot her eyes open while laying in her bed panting with sweat formed all around her bare skin, sitting up the moon light shown on her face showing it to be Ragdoll aka Tomoko.

Tomoko had tears streaming down her face showing the moon a distressed look, her hair was disheveled, and she had heavy bags under her eyes.

Everyday since the fateful day in the forest she had been having the same dream every night she closed her eyes, it got so bad that over the course of the last couple of months she had developed insomnia.

Even at the slighted idea of sleeping she saw the memory of her teammates leaving her alone to burn in the forest.

Over, and over again she cried out to them yet they always turned their backs to her leaving her to burn a slow and agonizing death under the rampant flames.

It got to a point where she couldn't even be next to fire leaving her almost unable to work, her teammates seeing this had recommended she take a work sabbatical to feel better and she agreed.

Tomoko didn't know when but at a certain point she formed a slight resentment for her teammates, and even when they told her of what really happened she could never forget the sight of them leaving her behind.


Tomoko curled herself into a ball unable to hold back the tidal wave of emotions flooding through her heart.

"Make it stop someone, anyone."

Authors Note: Also thanks for a million views!