Chapter 31: Next Steps

"We're going to form a terrorist organization." Shin announced, causing two separate reactions.

"Huh?" Dabi voiced out a reasonable response as he was very confused at Shin's reasoning.

"Well more of a dummy terrorist organization." Shin clarified while Atsuhiro rubbed his chin in contemplation.

"What would the ideals of the organization be?" Atsuhiro asked as he was intrigued by this idea.

"I was thinking of making up a religion to go with it which centered around killing people. It would sort of resemble the ideal of 'Death will set you free' or something like that." Shin answered since attaching a strong ideal to a terrorist organization would make it easier for the media to eat it up.

Dabi was very confused at this whole scenario especially the terrorist part, he didn't truly understand why this would work in helping them take over Musutafu.

"If you incorporate religion does this mean you want people to follow these ideals?" Atsuhiro curiously asked, receiving a nod from Shin.

"What I think would be best is to slowly spread the ideology through Giran and once it is somewhat known in the underworld of Musutafu then we'll make our move." Shin explained what he intended to do and Atsuhrio put his hands together.

"Shin, if I may, I think this role would be perfect for me." Atsuhiro could already feel how big of a performance this could be and desperately wanted to be at the forefront.

Shin raised an eyebrow and gazed over to Dabi who shrugged before gazing back at the deadly serious Atsuhiro.

"Alright but I want you to put together a basis of the ideology by the end of the week since you want to spearhead this." Atsuhiro nodded his head violently at Shin's words.

"Yes YES!" Atsuhiro stood up and Dabi rolled his eyes.

"This will be my moment, my dream! The chance of a lifetime where I can finally entertain all of Musutafu!" This is what Atsuhiro dreamed of and right now he couldn't let this opportunity slip from his fingers.

"Drama queen-"

"DRAMA KING!" Atsuhiro posed as the ugly expression only grew worse on Dabi's face knowing he directly fueled Atsuhiro's actions.

"Atsuhiro, calm yourself." Shin eased Atsuhiro who immediately sat back in his seat.

"Yes, I apologize but my artistic side really came over me there." Atsuhiro coughed while regaining his previous calm atmosphere.

"We need funds so I want you to put some of the products we have gathered into distribution." Shin took out a couple of marbles and flicked them over to Atsuhiro who caught them but raised an eyebrow.

"Not now but after you draw up an ideology since you will be going to Giran with the intention to raise funds under your new alias." Shin answered Atsuhiro's questioning gaze.

"Giran doesn't take clients without recommendations, he's not an amateur." Atsuhiro reasoned and this time Dabi chimed in.

"Tell him your god sent you." Dabi voiced out from the side randomly however a look of realization dawned on Atsuhiro.

"Yes that's perfect, I'll mask myself as a prophet and-*Audible mumbling*." Atsuhrio slowly became lost in his character's background and Dabi facepalmed knowing he did it again.

"Dabi." Shin suddenly spoke out to him, causing his posture to straighten instinctively.

"Take this." Shin threw a piece of paper towards Dabi who caught it.

"A kid?" Dabi questioned seeing a picture of a kid with white hair and white eyebrows.

"He's Ohta's kid and his quirk is useful; the address is on the back." Shin instructed Dabi who nodded.

"So you want me to kidnap the kid." Dabi understood but Shin shook his head.

"No it's the opposite, I want you to go to his house and compensate them while apologizing for the Yakuza." Dabi gave Shin a weird look, still not understanding.

"After you give the family the compensation I want you to observe the kid for a week before giving me a full report." Shin gazed down at Whisker's and moved her cheeks, already addicted to petting this fluffy animal.

"Shin I don't-"

"Do this and I'll overlook your meetings with the old man that you secretly have in the park" Dabi froze as Shin continued to play with Whisker's face.

"Did you think I wouldn't know?" Shin turned to the petrified Dabi with a smile.

"Well it is true I never said you couldn't speak with him after I erased his memoires since how you choose to spend your free time is your choice, but do you understand why I would be a little surprised when I came to find you have been slowly entering his life again?" Dabi couldn't speak knowing he had been caught red handed.

Shin honestly didn't care if the old man became Dabi's adoptive father, but Shin was a little displeased that he went behind his back and tried to slowly enter the old man's life again without even notifying him when he went through all of that effort to cut off the connection and erase his memories.

"Busted." Atsuhiro crossed his legs as he had also known of this however kept it a secret out of good will for Dabi keeping his.


4 days ago

"Park! Park! Park! Park!" Toga jumped in the air with a smile on her face.

"Toga put on your coat." Shin handed her a baggy coat which made her smile ear to ear.

"Yes~" Toga put on the white fluffy coat showing off an indirect marshmallow cosplay.

"Park! Park! Park! Park!" Inasa joined in the chant, pumping his fist into the air.

The bags under his eyes had slowly disappeared over the course of the last week with him finally being able to get a full night's sleep now.

"Is everyone ready?" Mrs. Whiteworth asked the orphans who all cheered, however in reality she gazed at Shin for clarification to which she received a nod of approval.

"Okay everyone, let's go to the park!"


Two vans were parked outside with each sporting their own driver, once a month the orphanage residents would be allowed to go to the Musutafu public park.

Today was the day they always went and usually Shin would read a book though that stopped after Toga joined the orphanage.

Usually Inasa would constantly annoy him but now with Toga who invaded his personal space like Genghis Khan invaded Asia.

Shin had to relent since the tactics she used to grab his attention could even be used in war which inspired Shin while also impressing him at her dedication.

Walking to the back of the van Toga found her seat on his lap and swayed her head side to side while swinging her legs back and forth.

"Shin today let's play hero saves the princess." Inasa had an expectant gaze and when Shin was about to refuse he remembered just recently he made him murder someone in cold blood so maybe he would relent this time.



"I'm the princess and Shin's my hero!" Toga became giddy wrapping her arms around Shin making Inasa frown.

"I wanna be the hero-"

"No you're the villain, your face looks like a bad guy's face." Toga huffed, turning her head to the side making Inasa a little stunned.

"Am not!" Inasa couldn't find the right words so he fired back with whatever was on his mind.

"Are too!" Toga stuck out her tongue as a vein formed on Inasa's forehead.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"





"ARE TOO-wait." Inasa stopped realizing what he just said as Toga snickered.

"So you agree." Toga covered her fangs with a hand as Inasa's face turned red.



"Can you guys do this later?" Shin rubbed his eyes since it was too early for this.

"Hmph." Inasa grunted while crossing his arms as Toga giggled in victory.

The car ride to the park became filled with banter from the kids as Shin chatted with Inasa about miscellaneous stuff until they arrived twenty minutes later.

"Carry me~" Toga gave Shin her puppy dog eyes right as he was about to push her off of him.

"Tsk, if anything you're a witch instead of a princess." Inasa whispered from the side finally thinking of a comeback, making Toga's eyebrow twitch.

"What was that?" Toga cutely said while pulling out the knife Shin had gifted her, making Inasa pale, shutting his mouth instantly.

"Toga, didn't I tell you not to bring knives to public places until you're fully trained with them?" Shin frowned, knowing that if Toga had a knife in a public place with the little amount of training she had, then he couldn't rest easy.

"I'm sorry." Toga pouted, putting the knife back into her fluffy coat.

"I just love it so so so so so so so so so so so so much and I don't want to part with it." Toga's tone became quieter with each word until she stopped completely.

"It's fine but don't bring it to public places until we finish your training, ok?" Shin pinched her cheek resulting in a meek nod.

"Ok let's go." Shin picked Toga up and made his way out of the van, she glared at Inasa who flinched though put up a strong font remembering that she couldn't do anything with the knife since Shin would get mad.

Inasa stuck out his tongue and Toga squinted her eyes though before she could pull out the knife again she flinched remembering Shin's words gritting her teeth.

'I WIN!' Inasa started laughing hysterically since he never won against Toga, ever, so this was a momental for him.

"Be nice." Shin soothed Toga who huffed and rested her head into Shin's neck while taking a sniff.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" A shout filled with rage sounded from the side when Shin reached a clear surrounding in the park.

"Oh great." Shin sighed already knowing who it was.

"Good morning Bakugo." Shin turned toward the fuming Bakugo who gritted his teeth while holding an All Might action figure.

"Hey it's the loser." Toga, who gazed up, suddenly pointed at Bakugo who flinched.

"PFFFFT!" Inasa covered his mouth trying to hold in his laughter, Bakugo upon hearing this became a tomato in embarrassment.




"No, Shin's saving me today." Toga swiftly stopped Bakugo's challenge as Inasa fell to the ground trying to hold himself back while hitting the ground in a fury.

"Saving?" Bakugo being caught off guard suddenly calmed down and tilted his head wanting clarification.

"Inasa wants to play hero saves the princess, and I'm the hero who will save princess Toga." Shin explained as Toga giggled at being called a princess.

"YOU CAN'T BE THE HERO! YOU'RE A VILLAIN!" Bakugo stomped his foot pointing his All Might action figure at him.

"A loser like yourself cannot be a hero since a hero always wins and you can't even do that." Toga's words were like bullets and they shot right into Bakugo's heart.



"YOU IDIOT WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SWEARING!" A woman suddenly appeared from the side of Bakugo while hitting him on the head.



"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!" Bakugo's mother 'lectured' her son again who grabbed his head.

"I'm sorry about him, he doesn't have many friends so he's shy when it comes to other kids." Bakugo's mom apologized to the three.

"WHY WOULD I BE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE WEAKER THAN ME-STOP DOING THAT!" Bakugo pointed until his mother slapped him again leaving him only more furious.

"Shin's way stronger than you, he's the strongest." Toga huffed, making Bakugo explode in rage.

"HE IS NOT STRONGER THAN ALL MIGHT!" Bakugo pointed to the action figure in his hand then to Shin while proclaiming for all to hear, making his mother sigh.






"IS TOO-what?"

"See, he is." Toga did the same thing she did to Inasa earlier leaving Bakugo confused until he realized what she did.

"You tricked me!" Bakugo stomped his foot onto the ground while his mother chuckled from the side.


Her phone buzzed and upon gazing at it she saw it was her work calling as a troubled expression eclipsed her face.

Bakugo, seeing this gesture, showed a saddened look since this was supposed to be a day they would spend together, just the two of them.

"Can you guys do me a favor and play with Bakugo while I take this?" Bakugo's mom asked, showing a guilty smile.

Inasa stopped laughing seeing Bakugo's disheartened expression and felt bad souring his mood, Shin who had also noticed this nodded his head.

"Of course." Shin answered politely to his Bakugo's mother who smiled.

"Thank you-hello? No, the fabrics for those clothes need to be in set 3, no set 4 is leather-I told this to the designers last week." Bakugo's mom answered her phone while immediately arguing with the person on the other line.

Bakugo gazed into the distance as his eyes lingered at where his mother was walking too, his face couldn't hide the longing expression he could never seem to put into words.

Shin could guess part of his personality was due to the neglect of his parents while concluding he acted like this to garner any form of attention from his parents.

"C'mon Bakugo were going to start." Shin set Toga down while gesturing to Bakugo.

"I don't want to play with villains like you." Bakugo crossed his arms showing a dissatisfied expression.

"I'll let you play the hero after I play it first." Shin proposed as Bakugo's ear twitched at this statement.

"Shin~" Toga whined but her whines were immediately soothed by a gentle head pat.

"We'll take turns just bare it, ok?" Shin asked to which Toga crossed her arms while pouting.

"Fine, but only because Shin asked me too." Toga tucked her head downwards as Shin chuckled.

"Thank you."

The scenario played out like it was supposed to, Shin fought Inasa while Toga cheered from the side until he rescued Toga who jumped into his arms.

"That's what you call a hero?" Bakugo scoffed, cracking his knuckles.

"A villain could never play the role of a hero, let me show you how it's done." Bakugo arrogantly spoke and Inasa gave him a malicious grin.

"I'm going to pound you into the dirt." A fire ignited in Inasa's eyes, he couldn't beat Shin however he wouldn't let this prickly hair loser beat like Bakugo beat him.

"Not if I explode you into pieces first!" Bakugo's hands cracked while he leaped towards Inasa.

Toga huffed from the side while Shin walked over to a tree in the distance to wait until it was his turn to play the villain.

"Dabi?" Shin surprisingly whispered seeing Dabi sitting on a bench feeding birds along with the familiar old man known as Arata.

"Thanks for hanging out with an old man like me." Arata laughed heartily next to Dabi who also chuckled.

"Gramps your company is worth more than gold." Dabi smiled, throwing some more bread crumbs making Arata laugh again.

"You're a funny kid y'know." Arata patted his shoulder.

"I hang around a clown sometimes, he must have rubbed off on me." Shin raised an eyebrow at this though never made his presence known.

"Is this the same friend who has helped you a lot?" Arata asked and Dabi shook his head.

"No he's someone different, that clown is only there for comedic relief." Dabi joked, making Arata chuckle again.

"Well in any case I'm glad I have a feeding partner now." Arata gave him a toothy smile.

"Me too." Dabi smiled warmly while Shin gazed from the side before walking away.

Shin decided he would let Dabi have this one, Arata might be a risk for Dabi if someone ever held him hostage, however the old man was good for Dabi's growth.

Shin could only do so much for Dabi but at a certain point it would be good for him to get along with other people excluding him.

'Alright Dabi, I'll keep myself out of this.' The end of Shin's mouth raised until a girl suddenly stopped in front of him.

"You're the kid that was here last time reading that villain book right?" The girl spoke out, adjusting her glasses as a flash illuminated in them for a second.

"Villain book? Oh you mean the Meta Liberation War." Shin questioned until it dawned on him prompting the girl to nod her head.

"So?" Shin shrugged, making the girl twitch her eyebrow.

"So? Destro, the author, who wrote it committed numerous terrorist actions resulting in countless lives lost and as a villai-"

"Let me guess you desire to be a hero." Shin hit the nail on the head interrupting the girl in front of him.

"That doesn't counter my argument." She frowned at his statement.

"You're right it doesn't but reading a book about a villain's philosophies doesn't make me a villain." Shin countered drawing the comparison from her based logic towards what her argument was getting at.

"I wasn't saying you were a villain." The girl scrunched her eyebrows.

"No, but indirectly you were, it obviously struck a nerve if you had to go out of your way to confront a kid you never met before while also empathizing Destor being a villain while adding about how many atrocities he committed." Shin explained as the girl's face became uglier with every second.

"So you were trying to essentially 'enlighten' me by forcing your beliefs onto me when you don't even know why I read the book in the first place, and so in conclusion you wanted to act like a hero instead of a reasonable person by making me out to be a villain." Shin concluded, making the young girl a little speechless.

"No I didn't-"

"Well you kinda did, I mean instead of politely asking me what my reasoning was you tried to make me out to be a bad person for simply reading a piece of literature." Shin shrugged, causing the girl to close her mouth.

"I apologize, it seems t-"

"Why are you talking to my Shin."

A voice appeared behind the girl who shook under the sudden pressure emitting behind her, the girl slowly turned around to see an emotionless girl gaze coldly at her while reaching for her coat.


"Toga, no" Shin appeared by Toga's side in a flash pushing her arm back into her coat while bobbing her on the head.

"Ow~" Toga immediately snapped out of it as she grabbed her head while becoming a little teary eyed.

"*Sniff* First you cheat on me *Sniff* then you hit me *Sniff* Shin's a meanie." Toga lips quivered as her eyes were on the verge of releasing the floodgates.

"I wasn't cheating on you, she talked to me first." Shin sighed, rubbing her head causing her to calm down.

"I see...…so that means I need to eliminate her." Toga's eyes became cold, reaching into her coat once again prompting Shin to push it back.



"No." Shin squinted and Toga huffed while stomping away though she turned back and tried to pull him away.

"Get away from that homewrecker." Toga used all her strength to try and pull Shin away yet he didn't budge.

"Sorry about her, I'm Shin by the way." Shin turned his sights to the shivering pale little girl.

"S-S-S-Saiko Intelli." She stuttered out leaving Toga furious.

"STOP TALKING TO HIM!" Toga tried to claw her, however Shin pulled her collar and brought her into his arms.

"Well Saiko, it was nice chatting with you." Shin smiled while holding the furious Toga.

"LET ME GO! LET ME CUT HER!" Toga screamed as Shin picked her up and calmly walked away.

Toga gritted her teeth while sliding her finger across her neck, Saiko trembled in fear under the constant death threats from Toga leading Shin to notice.

"Toga stop."


"Stop." Shin sighed as Toga pouted, laying her head onto his shoulder.

*Flashback end*

"Yes." Dabi seriously nodded his head.

"Now that it's settled let's go into the topic, Koji Hatsumura, straight off the bat he has to go preferably before the borders close." Shin got onto the next issue, snapping Atsuhiro out of his planning.

"I agree, like you said he's too close to the head and is obviously being groomed as the successor." Atsuhiro calmly agreed with Shin.

"I'll burn hi-"

"No." Both of them didn't even let Dabi finish as he rolled his eyes while collapsing back onto the couch.

"Fine." Dabi crossed his arms trying to show he didn't care at the immediate answer.

"Should I ask Giran to place a bounty on him when I go in disguise or?" Atsuhiro asked and Shin Shook his head.

"No, that would only make things harder when trying to unite the Yakuza." Shin calmly stated making Atsuhiro raise his eyebrow.

"Shie's personality is geared toward honor and respect, the second it gets out that the organization we created had him killed then Shie will spare no effort in trying to take the terrorists down instead of uniting theYakuza." Shin explained after analyzing Shie's personality.

"How did someone like him get put in charge of a criminal organization?' Dabi genuinely asked not understanding how someone could act like that in the underworld.

"Familial ties, his father was the last head." Shin answered, resulting in Dabi nodding.

"Then are we going to frame the elders?" Atsuhiro asked, making Shin nod.

"Yes, before we make the attack to close the borders we need to give Shie enough motive to actively put his efforts into uniting his broken Yakuza instead of helping the citizens." This was easier said than done and it only left Atsuhiro with more questions.

"What about his daughter? If it's like you said, then Koji is supposed to marry his daughter and bear a child." Atsuhrio asked and Shin shrugged.

"I'll marry her, it's not that big of a deal." Both Atsuhiro and Dabi had the same expression when Shin announced it though they didn't say anything.


"If you're wondering how that's possible I will force my body to produce more testosterone." Shin understood the questioning gazes but Atsuhiro was still hesitant.

"Shin that's...….that's easier said than done, the marrying part doesn't matter but if you really want to solidify your position a child from your union is crucial so maybe-." Atsuhiro explained but Shin already knew where he was getting at.

"Yes I know but I'm not raising someone else's child." Shin interrupted already knowing where the conversation was trailing to and informed Atsuhiro who rested back into his chair.

"I think it would be better for you to receive a quirk that increases fertility." Atsuhiro commented and it caused Dabi to raise an eyebrow.

"How would we even find out about who has one?" Atsuhiro nodded at this and turned to Dabi.

"It is not required to register your quirk however almost every parent gets there kid checked at a young age in hopes of them being potential heroes so if it does exist then it will be in the association database, and if your wondering if a quirk like that exists then yes, if a quirk that can manipulate matter exist than a quirk like increased fertility has to be around." Atsuhiro squashed all the questions forming in Dabi's head causing him to nod.

"Oh." Dabi understood everything and leaned back into the couch once more.

"Shin, are you sure you want to marry this girl you don't even know?" Dabi asked though Shin knew from a glance why he asked this.

Seeing that look Shin knew Dabi began comparing this girl's situation to his mother.

'No I wont rape her like your father did to your mother if thats what your wondering.' Shin spoke in Dabi's subconscious, leading to his eyes flashing with immense rage causing his body to shake violently.

"I'll make sure she falls in love with me so don't worry." Shin eased Dabi's raging heart as Atsuhiro remained quiet knowing Dabi could explode at any moment.

"I already intended to make her happy and fulfilled so don't worry and if you're wondering if I'll mess with her mind, I won't." Shin reassured Dabi who took a deep breath in.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that I just-"

"I know, it's fine, I understand that stuff like that is a touchy subject." Shin waved his apology off as Dabi remained quiet.

"Moving on, the first and fourth divisions need to come under my influence before the assaination." Shin moved onto the next point while underlying the other divisions.

"The fourth might be easier but the first doesn't seem likely." Atsuhiro countered as the first division is the head's primary division directly under him.

"I'm not saying all the divisions but the majority of both." Shin implied since he didn't need the leaders like Arashi though it would be easier if he did.

"That's where both of you come in." Shin pointed to the two causing Atsuhiro to tilt his head.

"Right now they see me as this untouchable figure however they don't see you like this." Shin had already known that Shie had been purposely isolating him in a order to fully assess whether he was a threat or not.

"Wouldn't the head be wary of us?" Atsuhiro scratched his chin also knowing what the head's intentions were when it came to this matter.

"Yes, however compared to me, no."

"What I need you guys to do is to seem approachable for the other divisions." Shin side eyes Dabi who flinched.

"That includes you Dabi, I need you to find something you have in common with those grunts and bond or at least pretend too." Dabi showed a hesitant expression.

"That means I have to spend more time in that stuffy compound." Dabi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"And Atsuhiro, do some magic tricks for the kids of the members or even the Yakuza members, anything to get you to appeal as a kind hearted individual." Atsuhiro nodded, spawning a deck of cards out of nowhere.

"Of course." Atsuhrio shuffled them until they all of a sudden disappeared while moving his fingers to show they were truly gone.

"Finally we need to turn Joi or Hari to our side." Shin said the last thing on the agenda.

"Not Hari." Dabi immediately spoke out.

"I don't know, I think Joi would be harder since he thinks with his emotions rather than Hari who is calculative." Atsuhiro chimed in, having observed both of them he saw the logical Hari as the better option.

"Then Atsuhiro will try and convince Hari and Dabi will try to convince Joi, and do it subtle don't just blurt it out." Shin motioned the last part to Dabi who frowned.

"That's enough for today, I also want to commend you on your efforts as well." Shin stood up while walking over to Atsuhiro.

His skin suddenly crawled seeing that gaze prompting him to stand up causing Shin to smile.

"Wait wa-"


"AHHHHH!" Atsuhrio didn't get a chance to respond as the pain hit him like a freight train though Shin's grip on his face remained firm.

On the side Whisker's seeing Atsuhiro's in pain smiled while waving her tail slowly in the air, the delight was shown on her face watching her former captor in so much pain.

"What a sadistic tiger." Dabi whispered from the side, though the smile on his face also never lessened at the constant screams of Atsuhiro.

Shin gained a lot of useful quirks from the all five gangs and knew that some of them would greatly increase Atsuhiro's capabilities.

Useful Quirks Obtained(Excluding the ones listed before since I already said them):

Rotasu Gang:

(Leader's Quirk) Fear Projection: Projects some worst fear as an illusion onto a person with less mental power as the user.

(Subordinate) Skid: Allows the user to make anything skid like a rock on water

(Subordinate) Trace: Allows the user to see a line that shows a direct path to land a perfect hit in their weak spot

(Subordinate) Polar Bear: Allows for the user to transform himself into a polar bear while keeping the functionality of a human.

(Subordinate) Eagles Wings: Can transform arms or spawn wings out of users back, warning the user will feel all pain associated with wings and once retracted cannot be used for a day.

(Subordinate) Cut: Allows the user to cut anything perfectly; Warning: to cut something the user must at least match the durability of the object.

Ongaku Gang:

(Leader) Soothe: Any melody played by the users makes any attacker unconsciously soothed allowing for them to be lost in the tune you play.

(Subordinate) Noise Cancelation: Anything within a ten meter radius.

(Subordinate) Rupture: Any wound inflicted by the host will allow the user to rupture the wound.

(Subordinate) Ten Arms: Allows the user to outstretched five arms on each side of their body allowing five arms on each side of the body.

(Subordinate) Trip: Any target will trip regardless under this quirk; after every use on the same target the effect greatly lessens.

(Subordinate) Balance: Allows the user to always maintain their balance; This can be used on objects as well.

Anshin Gang:

(Leader) Safe: Anything deemed unsafe can be diverted before it can become hazardous to the user; Warning: If the attack is twice as strong as the user then safe cannot be activated.

(Subordinate) Dodge: Allows the user to dodge anything if fast enough.

(Subordinate) Hesitate: Allows the user to make the target hesitate; after every use on the same target the effect greatly lessens.

(Subordinate) Double Impact: Doubles the impact of any physical attack while simultaneously doubling the force of every attack inflicted.

(Subordinate) Eclipse: Allows the user to eclipse the line of sight of the target during the day; after every use on the same target the effect greatly lessens.

Tento Gang:

(Leader) Thunder: The user can manipulate the shockwaves and rumbling crashing noises caused by lightning strikes due to the expansion of rapidly heated air; Warning: Unable to perform without sufficient electricity needed to activate the quirk and the efficiency relies on the constant output of electricity.

(Subordinate) Amplify: Allows the user to amplify an element located in their grasped to its full extent; Example: Can amplify and essential bring out elements out of an object like a battery.

(Subordinate) Feline: Allows the user to change anything classified as a feline.

(Subordinate) Extend: Allows the user to extend any object; but once the mass of the object is exceed the extension will stop.

(Subordinate) Poison touch: Allows the user to inflict a poison on a target just by the touch; Warning: Needs a poison to be ingested for quirk to take effect.

(Subordinate) Rhino: Allows for the user to transform himself into an rhino while keeping the functionality of a human.

Shin decided to give Atsuhiro dodge, balance, trip, hesitate, eclipse, safe, noise cancelation, and fear projection since they seemed to go well with him.

"I hate this but it always brings my performances to greater heights." Atsuhiro laid panting on the ground while covering his eyes.

"Dabi." Shin gestured to Dabi who had already taken off his coat showing himself to be ready.

Shin placed his hand on his head and unlike Atsuhiro who screamed he only winced, Shin decided to give Dabi rupture, double impact, trace, balance, dodge, hesitate, eclipse, amplify, and tattoo.

Shin decided to give the offensive quirk tattoo since Dabi needed an emergency backup quirk that could help him whenever his fire or kinetic energy quirk got countered.

The whole reason for sending Dabi to the Mizu gang was for him to fight against a quirk that was his complete opposite, and even though he won it was because they became lax so Shin decided to give Dabi another card since it wouldn't hurt.

Both had new memories on how to use each quirk placed into their head as they both lay on the ground mentally drained.

"Whisker's come here." Shin gestured to Whiskers who tilted her head.

Walking up to Shin she sat in front of him while curiously gazing at what her master was going to do.

"It won't hurt as bad but trust me when I say this is to help you, okay?" Shin put both hands onto Whisker's head and explained slowly since she had a child-like mind, so it made it hard for her to comprehend things like an adult could.

Whisker's nodded her head and laid down as Shin started the process, she whimpered a bit but held on as Shin gave her Feline and Telepath.

Feline so she could transform into a cat and telepath so she could communicate with people but most importantly could communicate with Shin.

'Hurt, pain no feel great.' A child's voice sounded in Shin's head seeing her teary eyed gaze.

"I know but you know why right?" Shin asked and Whisker's closed her eyes.

'Cause humans scary of tiger and make Whisker's able to speak.' Whisker's delved deep into her mind until finding the memories and instructions placed by SHin.

"Correct, you're such a good girl." Shin scratched under her chin making Whisker's wag her tail.

'Whisker's good.' She confirmed before changing into a cat and jumped into his arms.

"Whisker's Good." He reaffirmed her, making her nod before falling asleep in his arms.

"You guys can have the next two days off then we start the plans." Shin announced to which they both waved him off.

Walking back Shin changed back into his appearance greatly confusing Whisker's however after explaining she kinda understood.

"SHIN-KITTY!" Once he opened the door Toga greeted him until she screamed for Whisker's in his hands.


'Yes be nice to her.' Shin handed Whiskers to Toga who took her carefully.

"Be gentle with her Toga." Toga nodded her head in a over exaggerated manner.

'Only talk with me, okay Whisker's.' Shin sounded in her head and she nodded.

'Yes Master.' Whisker's then pureed under Toga's petting as she ran into another room.

"You got a cat?" Inasa asked, walking down the stairs.

"Yea, why did you want a dog?" Inasa nodded his head at Shin's response since that is what he indeed wanted.

"Yes, can we get one?" Inasa seeing Toga playing with Whisker's felt a little jealous.

"Sure but not this instant it will probably be a while." Shin answered and Inasa nodded.

"Oh you missed it but the person donating all of our furniture is coming by next week, Mrs. Whiteworth said to be on our best behavior because our new budget is 75% of his donations or whatever that means." Inasa told Shin who smiled in delight.

"Does he have a name?" Shin inquired and Inasa rubbed his temples.

"Ah, what was it?" Inasa rubbed his temples until a light bulb formed on top of his head.

"Oh! Mrs. Whiteworth says his name is Nezu!"

Authors Note: I would like to thank the spell checker known as MagnuS, dudes a G and I appreciate the corrections.

P.S: Also the tiger thing keeps making laugh when I read the comments.....still not doing it.

P.P.S: When writing the flashback I got lost when writing it and that's why it was so long, my bad.