Chapter 32: Preparations Before Meeting A Old Friend

'I wonder why Nezu's finally making an appearance.' Shin thought to himself while gazing up at the ceiling of the bunk bed where Toga had put pictures of herself.

In her own words she said 'I want us being together to be the first thing you see when you wake up'.

Shin hadn't been paying attention closely to Toga's obsessive behavior since that's what he intended for in the first place however after the incident at the park Shin decided to start reeling her in more.

Right now she was quietly sleeping next to him with Whisker's in her arms, after that day Toga and Whisker's would play all day everyday until they eventually tired themselves out.

Blinking a star suddenly appeared in his eyes as he gazed in a specific direction until they suddenly returned to normal.

'I think I've let her simmer for a while now.' Shin was referring to Ragdoll aka Tomoko from the wild wild pussy cats.

What he meant by simmer is when they were at the beast forest Shin messed with her mind a lot, to the point where he programmed it to replay the events of her teammates leaving her behind, emphasizing the abandonment part of it every time she slept.

Shin honestly didn't care for her mental stability as she was a form of test subject for this sort of thing.

He could easily undo everything he did without Tomoko even realizing it, so it wasn't a big deal if he got there and she was completely mentally broken.

Another thing Shin had decided was to use this time to improve the usage of his quirks while he waited for 'doomsday' which would lead to combining the Yakuza again since instead of training himself he had been too focused on the Yakuza operations.

Shin wanted to understand the ability to manipulate people's memories on a deeper level but most of all understanding Overhaul to its peak.

This quirk had so much potential especially now that he could form water out of thin air while controlling it into a gas state.

However the last quirk he needed to finally become a matter generating machine is the single most destructive quirk currently present in the world, creation.

To the normal eye it might not seem like the most deadly quirk however to Shin it would be how he ruled the world behind the scenes.

Imagine if one day Shin wanted to hold business ventures in another country, what is the first step in putting your foot into the doorway? The answer lies in their economy.

Imagine a country that relies heavily on the exporting of tin, if Shin flooded the underworld with tin the prices would drop to insanely low and once the stocks of a company selling it were at their lowest, Shin would swoop in.

Shin would become a majority shareholder then suddenly cut the supplies from the underworld while the company stocks would slowly skyrocket, and this would all happen in the comforts of Shin's residence and that was only the tip of the massive iceberg known as creation.

The only two downsides to the quirk was memoizing the molecular structure of the objects and the objects are generated with fat.

However with high specs, things like memorizing a molecular structure became a laughing matter and he could just instantly regain his lost fat by using overhaul or healing himself.

Momo being a part of the Yaoyorozu family was also a plus since infiltrating the elite's close circle would benefit him meaning he would have a small chat with the head of the Yaoyorozu household aka her father.

Shin already knew the residence of the Yaoyorozu and before he greeted Tomoko he decided to pay them a visit first.

Slowly but surely Shin unhooked Toga from his body before silently making his way to the door, and right as he was about to leave he felt a stare on his back prompting him to turn back seeing Inasa gazing at him however instead of asking for something he instead rolled over to his side.

Shin stopped for a second though in the end left while silently closing the door behind him.

Flying through the air Shin gazed down at the bustling city of Musutafu, the shining lights illuminated on his face as he held out his hand before suddenly grasping it while chuckling to himself.

Shin then entered the upper side of Musutafu, only when he saw a blind spot in the defense did he set himself down onto the house, right now Shin was adorned in all black as he slowly made his way to a window.


Flowing some wind through the seams of the window he unlocked it before sliding himself in.

Gently touching his feet down in what seemed like a master bathroom he spread his authority all over the house, Shin slowly made his way to the door and witnessed the inside of the huge mansion.

Using search he shifted his gaze to the left while using his new quirk noise cancelation on his path towards his destination.

After passing the ninth door did he finally make his way into Momo's room to which he opened, the creaking of the door didn't resound as he slid his way through the opening.

There he saw the future heir of the Yaoyorozu family who quietly slept peacefully in her king sized bed.

Strolling over he tapped her forehead and as her eyes fluttered under his touch, immediately Shin used his power to knock her into an even deeper sleep.

Creation: the ability to create any non-living material/object from exposed skin by transforming the molecular structure of fat cells. In order to create something, user needs to understand the molecular structure of what the material/object is made of.

'Good.' Shin smiled whole heartily while strolling out of the door.

Now really taking in his surroundings he had to give it to the Yaoyorozu, they didn't waste any expense when decorating their house.

The inside was littered with expensive paintings with even some aspects of the house showing a golden interior.

Then he made his way to a huge grandiose double door, not even hesitating he opened the door proning the person inside to gaze at the sudden disturbance.


"Mr. Yaoyorozu, how are you on this beautiful night?" Shin crushed every piece of technology located in the room since his authority finally reached the whole house before greeting the head of the Yaoyorozu family.

Of course before he could reach for the destroyed button under his desk, Shin halted his movements.

"You can call me Doctor or Doc, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Hearing Shin's introduction his eyes widened, Shin tilted his head at his subtleness while sitting down across from him.

"So you already heard of me? Interesting." Shin showed a look of surprise, not about being known by such a prominent figure like Mr. Yaoyorozu but at how comfy the chair was.

"I see you don't hesitate to go all out on comfortability." Shin complimented as cold sweat formed on Mr. Yaoyorozu's back.

"I'll release but before you think of embarrassing yourself, I already destroyed all the electronics in this room including the button under your desk, and I do apologize though I would rather no one know I'm here. Second, even if you scream none of your guards outside would even hear a peep." Shin released Mr. Yaoyorozu who stood there in silence for a while.

He was no idiot and being the titan he was in the motor industry, he of course had dealings with the underworld so he would know of the sudden figure known as the 'Doctor' who appeared out of the blue while subduing all those who he laid his eyes on in his evident path to reclaim the Yakuza's former glory.

Showing himself to be the reputable businessman he was, Mr. Yaoyorozu didn't show the slightest bit of emotion on his face and regained his posture.

"What have I done to be graced with the renowned Doctor?" Mr. Yaoyorozu asked and Shin smiled.

"I just would like to form a partnership with you in the near future and if I may call you-"

"I prefer to keep this as professional as possible meaning I will respect your name and you will respect mine, by calling me Mr. Yaoyorozu, Doctor, we are not friends nor do I feel obligated to get to know you on a personal level." Mr. Yaoyorozu explained and Shin smiled wryly, holding his hands up.

"I do apologize for breaking into your house, however meeting somewhere else wouldn't work." Mr. Yaoyorozu raised his eyebrow but didn't reply, waiting for Shin to finish.

"I'm here like I said early to form a partnership with you, mutual, not one sided, Mr. Yaoyorozu." Shin crossed his leg as Mr. Yaoyorozu scoffed.

"Listen Doctor, I understand you can kill me whenever you want with those spikes of yours, however not to be rude but you are just starting out. How can someone who just graced my ears make me willing to enter an equal partnership, that doesn't seem beneficial to me one bit." Mr. Yaoyorozu couldn't see the value in Shin's capabilities especially for something crucial like a partnership which would mean being on equal footing which made him think, this man in front of him thought so lowly of him.

"Because in about two years I will hold a death grip on Musutafu's underworld and after eight maybe nine I will own Japan." Shin interlocked his finger as Mr. Yaoyorozu showed him a look of disbelief.

"How." Mr. Yaoyorozu decided to humor Shin who happily held out his hand forming a solid gold bar while gently placing it on the desk in front of him.

"YOU!" Mr. Yaoyorozu shouted knowing only one person that could form a solid gold brick out of their hands like that.


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER YOU FUCKING BASATRD!" Mr. Yaoyorozu already associated Shin with All For One as he slammed his hands down on his desk.

The veins on his necks bulged as a crazy look formed in his eyes thinking this bastard stole his precious daughter's quirk which was now a symbol in their society.

"I didn't take your daughter's quirk." Shin explained however Mr. Yaoyorozu didn't believe him one bit.


"Go check and find out." Shin gestured to the door and Mr. Yaoyorozu didn't hesitate as he sprinted out the double doors.

10 minutes later

Mr. Yaoyorozu walked back to his office seeing Shin now sitting at his desk playing with his ball point pen.

"Please have a seat we have much to talk about." Shin showed him a toothy smile as Mr. Yaoyorozu had a serious gaze on his face.

Mr. Yaoyorozu had a huge role in Japan's economy as well as a lot of connections since he's from founding money.

The only reason the association didn't take his daughter away or kill her was essentially all because of his influence and his close relationship with the vice president as Momo's risk level to the world is classified 'SSS'.

"Who are you? All For One can only steal quirks and not replicate them?" Mr. Yaoyorozu understood the leverage he had previously had all been thrown out the window with the findings of Shin having the ability to copy quirks.

Shin just swayed the chair side to side seemingly waiting for something and Mr. Yaoyorozu sighed.

"I apologize for my outburst, please forgive me." Mr. Yaoyorozu apologized, taking the seat Shin had been previously in their last conversation.

"I'll forgive you since you're going to be important to my plans for the future." Shin smiled as Mr. Yaoyorozu gripped his pants now that the conversation had now fully spiraled out of his control.

"Now what should I call you?" Shin set the pen down onto the desk while leaning in.

Mr. Yaoyorozu clenched his teeth at Shin's sudden oppressive aura, it was different when they first meant since all Shin had in his eyes was a small control of the watered down Yakuza with a offensive quirk however upon learning about his quirk, Mr. Yaoyorozu mind changed.

How useful and powerful could an individual be if they could copy quirks especially if they could copy quirks without the person knowing.

'This is big, and what's worse is he's not narrow minded like All For One.' The main reason for them being able to beat All For One was because of his obsession for All Might however this man in front of him seemed like he couldn't care less about that.

Mr. Yaoyorozu had strong ties to the government and the association, always knowing the current situation regarding heroes and policies which put him even in a tighter spot.

"Doctor with all due respect if-"

"Mr. Yaoyorozu, I am a very patient man." Shin sighed, interrupting him before he could try to weasel himself out by playing both sides.

"However, today my patience has run thin, I need your support in the future for my plans and I can't have you being neutral." Shin pointed the pen in his hand at Mr. Yaoyorozu who gritted his teeth even more.

"Let me explain what is going to happen, one you refuse and I kill you along with your family, and two." Shin stood up while walking over to the front of the desk as Mr. Yaoyorozu refused to gaze upwards, not daring to meet Shin's eyes.

"You join me and you're able to have a spot as one of the founding members in the new society I will create." Shin tapped Mr. Yaoyorozu's head with the ballpoint pen, proning him to gaze up at Shin whose eyes turned into slits.

"If you are wondering about the blow back from the association retaliation when they eventually find out about your betrayal along with the other members in your apparent circle then be at ease since I can kill them with a flick of my wrists." Shin explained as Mr. Yaoyorozu felt the air surrounding him suddenly become colder.

"In fact I don't even really need you, however since you basically own a monopoly on the automotive industry along with part of the electronic industry. I decided to give you a chance to hop off the Titanic while you still can." Shin patted his shoulder while leaning in.

"Times up Mr. Yaoyorozu, what's your decision?" Shin words were like swords and they were fully placed on Mr. Yaoyorozu's neck making him gulp.

"Call me Hansuke, Han for short." Han seriously spoke gazing directly into Shin's eyes.

Shin chuckled, leaning back until he suddenly placed his hand on Han's face causing his eyes to roll back.

An unknown time passed until Shin released him leaving Han seemingly breathless though his eyes were still closed.

"I look forward to our cooperation." Shin nodded, putting an insurance inside Han's head.


Han gasped while his eyes rolled back into place, his hands shivered as he touched his head before gazing up at Shin in horror.

"Your plan, it's reckless and the amount of innocent people you'll kil-"

"Han please don't play the hero when I know for a fact you have also taken so many 'innocent' lives." Shin mocked as Han immediately closed his mouth.

"You're single handedly responsible for that chemical spill into Japan's main water supply a while back, you killed over 100,000 Japanese citizens and yet here you are, sitting comfortably in your hundred million dollar mansion and not behind bars." Shin shook his head in disappointment as Han looked ashamed at his greatest failure.

The product he wanted to push through would have 'revolutionized' the electronic industry pushing his power to even greater heights.

However the component solely responsible for it caused too much pollution, much out of their calculation.

Unprepared for the scale of pollution the pipes controlling the waste malfunctioned leading to a significant amount of blood on his hands that never seemed to wash away even with time.

"Play your part Han and you'll be able to see a new world, a better world." Shin made his way to the window.

"Is it truly possible, can you truly bring what you showed me in my mind." Han seriously spoke out gripping in chest feeling the huge guilt condense there.

That event truly changed Han for the better, the cold and ruthless businessmen he showed himself to be washed away with the tide of bodies he caused.

It haunted him for a great amount of time and when he had Momo he decided to be an even better man for his daughter though so far all he did was cause more pain to the world.

"Well I wouldn't lie to you since a partnership cannot be built on lies." Shin opened the window while side eyeing him.

"Han, one chance, it's all you get, if I find out you betrayed me I'll make sure to burn everything you treasure to the ground while leaving you alive to see it all unfold. Then once you see everything finally turn to ash before your eyes, I'll kill you." Shin stepped onto the window sill while turning back showing him a warm smile.

"So don't do anything stupid, I'm someone who always pays back a grudge in full." Shin turned his back to Han while jumping out the window.

"Dammit." Han fell to the ground as his legs finally gave out.

"Dammit!" Han didn't have a choice in this partnership from the beginning; it was why he became so distressed.

Money and influence can only take you so far against overwhelming power because at the end of the day power can only be beaten by an even greater power.

Rubbing his hands on his face, he sat up and made his way to his desk while immediately taking out a bottle of whiskey until his hand slowly morphed upon touching body.

"W-what is happen-" Before he could scream out a memory planted in his mind played like a video.

'Hello Han, before I left I wanted to give you a gift to celebrate our future partnership. I saw that you were quirkless and I thought that having two would help you in the future. They are called polar bear and bulk, the details will play in your mind now.'

The memory finished and it was then Han felt the rush of power flood his body, his clothes ripped into pieces but he didn't care focusing on the memories implanted by Shin.

His muscles suddenly bulged out as he gazed at the art piece from the side of the room which was an art piece known as recollection ' just a fancy mirror' that cost 1298670000 yen (10,000,000 million U.S Dollars).

"Is that me?" Han spoke out in a deep voice reaching out towards the mirror.

"I have a quirk?" Han unfortunately like Shin said in his memories was formerly quirkless.


Tears fell from his eyes while dripping onto his expensive carpet seeing himself, he wasn't sad but relieved.

He had everything in the world he could ever want, money, power, but the thing he desired most was the ability to protect himself and his family.

For how long did he desire the power to protect himself in a world where people could destroy mountains with a single punch.

A vicious grin formed on his face as he turned back into his original appearance before turning towards the window.

"Don't worry Doctor, I know a gold mine when I see one." Han whispered to himself before making his way to the door as a flash of determination appeared in his eyes.

This changed Han's entire thought process, his mind swirling with all the possibilities of this power and couldn't even fathom what the doctor was truly capable of.

"I guess I should show my gratitude by ensuring full closure on the borders."

While Shin flew through the air he couldn't stop the malicious smile threatening to form on his face after what he did to Han.

It would be illogical for a man of his caliber to bend down to someone else which is why Shin proposed the partnership however when he entered his mind, he fiddled with it to suit his interests more.

In reality the reason for Shin's main desire for Han's support became focused on the idea that he most likely had connections to people in power so the information he had possessed was his true purpose.

However he didn't expect him to have a direct connection to the vice president of the association and this group called the black room.

To put it simply it was like a group of people whose identities were anonymous, like the illuminati but for Japan.

'Annoying.' That's really all it became to Shin once the information fell onto his lap.

'There's too much going on for me right now though.' Shin frowned, knowing the association and this black room would have to be put on hold since he needed to prioritize the full control of the underworld.

It would be good to have someone with Han's standing in his back pocket while he focused on other matters especially when it came to the border.

Then Shin arrived at his last stop for the night hovering in front of the second highest floor in this luxurious apartment complex.

'She really is a trainwreck.' Shin who gazed through her window saw her messy appearance which matched her room.



Tomoko's eyes quivered until they suddenly shot open, she grabbed her head showing a pained expression before gazing out the window with a dead gaze.

"Eep!" Tomoko squealed, seeing Shin hovering in front of her window waving at her.


Tomoko lost her balance causing her to fall onto the floor with her sheets following her and Shin took this as a sign to enter.

"Long time no see." Shin greeted Tomoko watching her scramble to the door.

"Stay back!" She yelled, managing to get to her feet before making her way to her living room.

"Well I know it's technically illegal to just suddenly come into your place of residence without an invitation but I can assure you I'm not here to rob you." Shin assured as Tomoko ran to her hero outfit.

"THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL ANY BETTER!" She screamed putting on her claw as sharp nails shot out of her paws.

"Wait, it's you!" Tomoko finally got a good look at Shin, her paws pointed at him causing a nod from him.

"Yeah it's me, also do you mind if I make a sandwich I'm really hungry." Shin acted this way to show Tomoko he wasn't a threat while putting on the facade of being completely harmless.

"What? No!" Tomoko became confused until she saw Shin actually taking out the ingredients to make a sandwich.

"Gross, why do you have organic gluten free pumpernickel bread?" Shin frowned, showing her a look of disgust holding the bread like it was trash.

"It's good for you." Tomoko frowned, seeing the bread she ate being treated like garbage.

"Really? Like you really enjoy eating this?" Shin asked, taking another look at the bread.

"It's good." Tomoko hesitated for a second while making Shin sigh.

"I guess this will do." Shin started layering the sandwich while Tomoko wearily watched him put together a make-shift sandwich.

"Why are you here?" Tomoko squinted as Shin took a bite of the finished sandwich.

"A little birdie told me you were a little shook up from the experience from the forest." Shin spoke out though once he tasted the bread he frowned.

"This is disgusting Tomoko." Shin held out the sandwich towards Tomoko who was still shocked about how he would know about her behavior recently.

"How do yo-"

"I mean just judging from your appearance I can see you're a trainwreck, the bags below your eyes, the disheveled hair, and the pajamas that look like they haven't been changed in around 2 weeks." Shin threw the sandwich on his plate in disgust while pointing out all the discrepancies in her appearance.

"Is it that obvious?" Tomoko rubbed her arm gazing to the side as her lips pursed.

"Get dressed." Shin slid the sandwich into the trash while putting the plate he borrowed into the sink.

"Why would I go out with someone who indirectly caused all the trauma I'm currently experiencing." Tomoko showed him an apprehensive look putting the blame onto Shin.

"Well I won't force you however you look like maybe some fresh air would do you some good." Shin shrugged, not denying her accusation.

Tomoko stood there in silence thinking to herself for an uncomfortable amount of time, even proning Shin to sit down in a chair and read one of her magazines while she contemplated.

"If you try anything I'll......…..I'll scream." Tomoko finally gave in while showing the consequences if he were to try anything.

"Oh god anything but that!" Shin held his hands into the air showing a fearful expression before laughing, a frustrated expression formed on her face seeing his reaction.

"Hmph!" Tomoko huffed angrily, stomping to her room to change.

55 minutes later

"Ok I'm ready-are you sleeping?" Tomoko walked out with a simple shirt and jeans while raising an eyebrow.

"You took an hour only to put on a shirt and plain jeans?" Shin pulled the magazine that was resting on his face revealing a dissatisfied expression.

"I also put on some makeup." Tomoko whispered, pushing the hair on the left side of her face behind her ears while gazing to the side.


"C'mon." Shin gestured to her as he walked to the balcony.

"Why are we on my balcon-EEP!" Shin pulled her into a princess carry before flying into the air.

"What are you doing!" Tomoko yelled, showing an anxious expression hitting Shin's chest.

"Flying?" Shin said as if it was obvious.

"I know that! Why are you using your quirk without the associations approval its illegal-"

"Well I guess you're my accomplice." Shin's laugh resembled that of a villain seeing Tomoko's scared face.

"No I'm not!"

"Don't worry, I'll only tell the police it was your idea."


The flight between the two became filled with an incessant amount of teasing from Shin as his victim kept refuting him while giving way to even more teasing.

"I can't believe you're blackmailing me." Tomoko hissed and Shin chuckled again.

"It's not blackmail, it's just a secret between two people with one having all the leverage." Shin explained his reasoning making Tomoko red in anger.

"THAT'S BLACKMAIL!" Tomoko yelled until Shin set her down.

"We're here." Shin finally spoke to Tomoko who realized she forgot they were even flying in the first place.

"Where ar-...........why did you bring me here." Tomoko's words stopped once her brain realized where they were.

Right now they were in the exact same spot they met last time as Tomoko's body slowly started to tremble as the memory flashed back however before it could fully play back in her mind Shin touched her shoulder.

Then to her shock it stopped making her flinch, turning her head she saw Shin smiling at her.

"It's good to confront your problems instead of hiding from them." Shin instructed while guiding her forwards through the woods.

"What are you a therapist?" Tomoko scoffed, making him smile.

"No but some people call me a Doctor." Shin referenced himself but Tomoko took it as a joke.

"Yeah and I'm a martian." She rolled her eyes as Shin tilted his head.

"Your a mart-"

"I'm not a martian!" Tomoko, already knowing what he was going to say, beat him to it.

"Hey look, it's the dome where you showed me your tits." Shin pointed, resulting in Tomoko blushing uncontrollably.

"Y-Y-You!" Tomoko remembered all of a sudden as her face turned bright red replicating a tomato.

"I'm surprised you didn't tear this down, it must be a pretty embarrassing memory for you." Shin calmly teased inspecting the dirt dome.


Tomoko took a nearby branch as her emotion got the better of her, resulting in her hitting it with all her might.


The branch however broke under the sturdy dome leading Shin to start laughing at the failing Tomoko who blushed even harder.

"DID YOU ONLY BRING ME HERE TO RIDICULE ME!" Tomoko's eyes started to water as she gripped her fist tightly.

"No, I apologize but I honestly didn't expect it to still be up." Shin eased her but before he could touch her shoulder she pulled away.


"Jerk." Tomoko crossed her arm though still glanced at the dome.

"Do you want me to get rid of it?" Shin asked, walking over to the dome.

"I don't even care." Tomoko had an expectant gaze though she masked it with a pout.



The doom suddenly imploded on itself as Shin stood next to it with a thumbs up and a toothy smile.

"Better?" Shin wiped the dirt off his hand though still kept the thumbs up in the other.


Tomoko turned her body away from Shin, hiding the smile threatening to form on her face.

Shin eventually caught up as they entered a part of the forest that still didn't recover from the fire he started.

"I still can't believe you set the forest on fire." Tomoko frowned seeing the blackened trees.

"Well in the first place I said it was the people that captured my friend if you remember correctly." Shin continued his lie, gazing at the trees.


"And anyways it's better than a fire started by the forest itself." Shin instructed Tomoko, resulting in him being shown a weird look.

"What do you mean?" Tomoko inquired and Shin pointed to the dry vegetation on the ground.

"Some forest fires are starting to be regulated by governments, meaning they try to thin out the dried and dead vegetation in an effort to suppress the likelihood of a wildfire." Shin handed Tomoko some of the dried vegetation to inspect.

"I understand that wildfires are worse than regular forest fires but is the difference that big?" The beast forest was a heavily regulated forest by the Japanese government so she had experienced only man made fires.

"Tomoko the blaze of a wildfire is incomparable to a forest fire started by a campfire." Shin shook his head, not entirely surprised that Tomoko wouldn't understand since Japan as a whole is good about keeping forests regulated to prevent them.

"I'm surprised you know so much about forest fires." Tomoko complemented not expecting him to know so much.

"Well for my aspirations it's only right I know about things like these." Shin didn't give a concise answer and Tomoko understood that she reached a dead end in the conversation.

"You feel a bit better now?" Shin asked, causing her to scoff.

"Yeah all my trauma is suddenly gone, thanks." Tomoko sarcastically spoke while rolling her eyes.

"That's good." Shin purposely remained oblivious to her sarcasm making her eyebrow twitch.

Tomoko gazed at his dumb smile which made her chuckle while simultaneously lightening the mood.

The conversation flowed like water after that until they made their way up the trail and onto a lookout point.

"What a view." Shin spoke seeing the city lights of Musutafu glisten in the night but Tomoko sighed.

"It becomes less appealing if you always see it everyday, especially when you work." She gloomy sat down on a bench to which Shin shamelessly sat right next to her.

"Oh? Something on your mind?" Shin asked as Tomoko side eyed him.

"Did you threaten them-"

"They still left right?" Shin already knew what her words were answered first.

"Yeah but you gave them an ultimatum." Tomoko refuted pointing her finger at him.

"Yes I did because I needed assurance to escape but I honestly didn't think they wouldn't even hesitate." Shin shrugged though his answer made her speechless.

"I mean when I said, them or you it took them around like three seconds I think? Maybe four, I'm getting off topic. They didn't hesitate to pick the others over you which greatly surprised me." Tomoko gripped her jeans, clenching her teeth.

"You should of seen the look of surprise on my face seeing them leave you so fast but you can blame me if you want-"

"Please stop talking." Tomoko's words shook, wanting Shin to stop bringing it up.

"Sorry." Shin patted her shoulder as a couple water droplets fell onto her jeans.

"Hey I over exaggerated it they probably didn't see me as a threat for them-"



Tomoko's eyes were filled with tears so she couldn't see the smile on Shin's face as he slowly put his arm around her.

"Tomoko." Shin whispered, bringing her closer to him to which she relented.

"It's okay." Shin cooed while wrapping a hand around her, taking her shaking body into his embrace.


"It's all your fault." She cried as he patted her back.

"It's all my fault." Shin agreed.

"None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you." She continued to blame, making him chuckle.

"Well you are right about that-Ow!" Shin flinched looking down seeing her twist his nipple.

"Did you just purple nurple me?" Shin's question resulted in her chuckling in her tearful sob.

"No~" She whined trying to go back into her grieving atmosphere.

"No, I clearly saw your fingers pinching my left nipple when I gazed down." Shin reaffirmed his words with solid evidence making her hit his chest.

"Jerk." She softly hit his chest with both hands in a playful manner.

"Ok ok I get it." Shin grabbed her fist resulting in her looking up.

She became surprised at how close they were though she conceited to gaze into his hazel eyes, their breaths slowly started to become in sync as she continued to gaze deeply at him.

Losing herself in the moment she closed her eyes and leaned forward as the swirl of emotions that flowed through her mind empowered her to reach out.

"Usually when someone wants to get intimate with me they at least buy me dinner first." Shin's voice jolted her back into her senses.

Realizing what she just did, her face turned red, a slightly darker shade than a ripe tomato as she looked down.

"I-wait-its just-I didn't mean." The words jumbled out of her mouth as she tried to process why she just did that while also multitasking in putting together a coherent sentence.

"However, just this once I'll make an exception." Shin voiced out prompting Tomoko to gaze up in confusion.


Still confused she saw Shin put his hand on her cheek while slowly caressing it before slowly taking her into a kiss.

Their lips collided under Tomoko's shocked face, her eyes widened but before she could process it fully Shin pulled her in deeper.

Then their tongues met causing Tomoko to instinctively close her eyes, Shin slowly wrapped his tongue around hers taking it into a slow dance.

Intertwining themselves the moment became passionate as Tomoko wrapped her arms around him seemingly wanting to become lost in his touch.

Their tongues flowed continuously under Shin's lead, their saliva slowly becoming more and more intertwined until it became one concurrent liquid.

After satisfied with his work Shin pulled away much to Tomoko's dismay leaving the only result being an intact saliva bridge between them with it being the only physical proof of their union.

"You're a good kisser." Shin complemented proning Tomoko to snap out of her daze.

"Y-Y-You kissed me." She said in shock leaving Shin to laugh.

"Why are you acting like a victim you're the one who started it originally." Shin pushed the hair to the sides of her ear yet she still gazed at him in shock.

"But you said I would have to buy you dinner." Tomoko pointed, prompting Shin to grab her finger.

"Didn't I also say I would make an exception?" Shin put her hand on his face causing a correlating red hue to form on her cheeks.

"Next time I expect to be wined and dined if you decide you want another slice." Shin joked, resulting in Tomoko gritting her teeth.

"The nerve." She lightly punched him as he pulled her closer.

"Yeah they're made of steel." Shin wrapped his arm around her, his arm didn't stop and continued sliding down her side until he grabbed her left hand, interlocking her fingers with his own.

"Smooth, have you done this before." She scoffed at his actions while turning her head away.

"No, you're my first." Shin wasn't exactly lying but if it was just a regular kiss then Toga stole his first when he was doing homework one day.


"Mwah!" Toga pulled Shin's head while he was doing homework while lightly pecking his lips.

Shin who was about to finish writing down the answer to an equation had his face suddenly jerked to the side and with this his first kiss in this life was stolen courtesy of Toga.

"Huh?" Shin questioned as Toga grabbed her cheeks with both hands showing a slight blush.

"Hehehehehehehe!" Toga giggled while jumping up and down.

"I'm Shin's first!"

*Flashback End*

"Yeah right." Tomoko huffed, resting her head on his shoulder.

They sat like that for a while until she eventually drifted off into a deep sleep, Shin watching from the side pulled her into another princess' carry while flying back into the air.

Shin honestly didn't expect Tomoko to make the first move but could understand that after being in so much emotional distress that it might end up like this.

Returning to her balcony he walked back to her bed before setting her down gently, and right as he was about to turn his back she grabbed his shirt.

"Don't go~" She lazily said, Shin turned around still seeing her still asleep before an idea formed in his mind.

'The look on her face will be priceless.' Shin took off his shirt before entering the bed.

Pulling her into his embrace he set an alarm on his phone, then after he finished he tossed it to the side while closing his eyes.

The next day

Tomoko eyelids twitched as she hazily opened them, her vision became blurred at first but only for a second until a bare skinned chest appeared in her view.

"What?" She looked confused thinking it was sort of an illusion until her fingers stopped confirming it was indeed a solid object.

"WHAT!" Tomoko screeched, prompting Shin to wake up.

"Why are you yelling so early in the morning? It's only...…5:30, geez." Shin rubbed his eyes before he reached for his phone noticing that his alarm wouldn't go off for another 30 minutes.

"Why are you shirtless!" Tomoko pointed at his chest, resulting in a confused gaze to form on Shin's face.

"You don't remember when you kissed me you fell asleep but as I put you back into your bed you slowly tore off my clothes while pulling me into your embrace." Shin explained under Tomoko's horror.

Her face became a thermometer and under the illicit detailed description of Shin, her face became hotter and hotter hearing what transpired prompting her to cover her eyes with her hands.

"I can't believe I did that!" She spoke in a shaky tone horrified at what she did to him.

"I don't believe it either." Shin agreed with her.

She stood silently register his words before tilting her head, she pulled her hands away from her eyes showing a confused gaze.


"Oh, because I made all that up, so I wouldn't believe it either." Shin calmly spoke, showing a gentle smile to her.



"Then why did you?" Tomoko's incessant blinking only continued as she pointed to Shin's chest asking why he was shirtless.

"I thought it added to what I was going for." Shin shrugged, Tomoko gaze slowly shifted from a apologetic to a livid one.

"Damn you!" She punched his chest while he chuckled continuously.

"Alright, Alright, I get it." Shin got off the bed while walking to the bathroom.

"Where are you going!" Tomoko, who still hadn't released all her anger, pumped her fist into the air, still showing an embarrassed expression still present on her face.

"I'm going to use your shower, why do you want to join me?" Shin winked, resulting in a pillow connecting with his face.

"Ouch~" Shin caught the pillow, throwing it back at the furious Tomoko.

Tomoko thought he was joking until she heard the sounds of water hitting the floor, sighing Tomoko rubbed her forehead until she suddenly froze.

Touching her face and tracing her hands along her own skin, Tomoko became surprised that she didn't break out into a cold sweat.

'I slept peacefully?' Tomoko questioned trying to recall herself having the nightmare but she couldn't remember.

'I didn't have a nightmare.' She started laughing before it turned into a soft cry.

'Finally, finally I can sleep without worries.' She smiled, wiping her eyes, relishing in the feeling of being refreshed after a good night's sleep.

Shin walked out of the bathroom while rubbing his still wet hair, he had already put on the clothes in the bathroom and upon walking out he saw Tomoko happily rolling around her bed.

"Well someone looks happy." Shin suddenly said, interrupting her moment.

'Wait.' Tomoko stopped while slowly turning her head towards Shin.

'It wasn't because of him right?' Tomoko asked herself, seeing Shin reach for his shirt while putting it on.

'No, no it was a coincidence...…..that after six months...…..the reason I had a good night sleep...……was it him?' Tomoko sighed falling back into her bed as Shin walked out of the room prompting her to jolt back up.

"Wait!" Tomoko yelled, hurrying out the door to see Shin already on her balcony.

"So your here to say goodby-"

"How did you make me sleep better!" Tomoko asked, interrupting Shin, prompting a frown.

"Wow." Shin jumped onto the railing a little stunned.

"No goodbye or what's your name?" Shin was a little surprised that she didn't say those two things first.

"Oh yea what is your name?" Tomoko nodded, asking the question.

"Well to answer your first question, maybe I'm just a great comfort doll." Shin playfully joked as Tomoko walked closer.

"Ha ha now what's your name?" Tomoko fake laughed while asking once more.

"I'll tell you next time."


"See you around Tomoko, and I'm glad you're feeling better." Shin saluted before he fell off the railing.

Tomoko eyes widened as she sprung forward though her worries for nothing seeing Shin flying threw the air while waving to her.

Drifting through the air he landed in a nearby alley he stashed a duffle bag that contained his clothes he wore for the orphanage.

Changing back Shin then made his way to the orphanage only to see kids along with Mrs. Whiteworth scurry around to get ready for Nezu's arrival.

"Shin! Oh thank god! Can you please put on the outfit for Nezu's arrival?" Mrs. Whiteworth grabbed her chest in relief before pointing upstairs.

Shin nodded and walked back to the boys shared room seeing Inasa struggle to put on a bow tie.

"This is stupid!" Inasa threw the jumbled up excuse for a bowtie onto the ground in anger.

"Good morning Inasa." Shin greeted walking over to the outfit set out for him.

It was nothing special being a collared shirt and some dress pants along with a choice of either a bowtie or tie.

"Oh hey Shin." Inasa waved while reaching for the bowtie he himself dropped.

"When is Nezu coming?" Shin started putting on the collared shirt while asking.

"I don't know but Mrs. Whiteworth keeps screaming 'he will be here soon' so probably any minute." Inasa shrugged as Shin finished putting on the outfit along with a tie.

"Shin!" Toga, who was wearing a pink dress, happily shouted while charging towards him.


Toga started her ritual until her movements halted, her giddy movements were replaced with her standing as still as stone.

The air became deathly cold as when Inasa breathed out he flinched at being able to see his breath until his whole body started to shiver intensely feeling a sudden murderous aura.

Shin gazed down seeing Toga not even move a inch, then slowly but surely her hollow eyes were revealed to him.

"Did you cheat on me?"

Authors Note: 7,400 words cause I just wanted to get this out of the way.