Chapter 33: Squeaky Returns!

"What?" Shin almost showed a surprised look, he didn't expect Toga to catch him since the whole reason he took a shower was to avoid her noticing Tomoko's scent.


"Your scent is different." Toga's monotone voice interrupted Shin's explanation as she peered into the deepest depths of his soul.

"Usually when you come back I always smell traces of blood however this time it's different, you smell like peaches and a slight mix of lavender." Toga's voice was like nails scratching against a chalkboard pointing out all the discrepancies in Shin's smell.

'Her sense of smell is impressive.' Shin actually commended her since even when he scrubbed himself head to toe she still managed to pick up on the scent.

Inasa's shivering body only got worse when the pressure made him lose his balance causing him to fall to his knees.

He hadn't felt like this since the day he took his first life however this was different, the pressure wasn't internally but externally.

"Toga." Shin smiled caressing her cheek yet the soulless look never faded from her eyes.

"I love you." Shin made his words genuine and the room went into a sudden silence.

No sounds raidated in that small area until suddenly the pressure dissipated immediately, letting Inasa take a breath for the first time since she entered the room.

"R-R-R-Really!?!?!?!" Toga's face exploded with red as life returned in her eyes showing an expectant gaze.

"Really." Shin smiled while sighing internally knowing that this was only temporary.

"Hehehehehehehehe~" Toga snuggled into Shin's chest while giggling like a maniac.

'You ok?' Shin spoke silently to Inasa who finally regained his breath.

'Yeah.' Inasa answered back silently, his face looking as if draining of all color.

'You should leave.' Shin gestured to the door and upon saying this Inasa didn't hesitate, he scrambled himself to his feet while throwing himself out of the room.

"Toga, you have to control yourself, didn't I tell you time and time again not to release your bloodlust carelessly like that?" Shin rubbed her shiny blond hair resulting in a pout.

"I was scared! What would I have told our fifteen kids in the future when they asked me if you're a cheater!" Toga gripped his collared shirt showing a distressed look.

"Our fifteen kids?" Shin raised his eyebrow seeing Toga nod in confirmation.

"Yeah, in the future we will have five sons and ten daughters." Toga answered with a joy filled smile as his eyebrows twitched.

"And we live in a huge mansion and we have a big backyard to play in and we have a indoor pool and-" Toga joyfully yammered on about all the things they would have in the future leaving Shin a little speechless.

"Isn't our future amazing!" Toga jumped up and down in excitement as Shin tried to keep his smile.

"Yeah, I can't wait." Shin patted her hair causing a smile to stretch all the way across her face.

"Me too!" Toga giggled as Shin realized that she might always be in her own little world that only occupied both of them and no one else.

'I should-'

"EVERYONE COME DOWNSTAIRS NEZU IS HERE!" A shout from Mrs. Whiteworth disrupted Shin's thoughts, motioning him to put the matter aside for now.

"Let's go Toga." Shin instructed her to move to which she did, and instead started hugging his arm.

"I wonder what kind of person is Mr. Nezu?" Toga curiously stated her thoughts out loud while they walked down the stairs.

"He's not a person." Shin calmly replied, making Toga tilt her head.

"Huh?" Toga gazed up at Shin though before she could question him Mrs. Whiteworth suddenly pulled Toga away from him.

"NO!" Toga shouted trying to squirm free from suddenly being picked up by Mrs. Whiteworth.

"Toga I already told you we have designated places to stand and-"

"No! I want to be next to Shin, let me go!" Toga continued squirming before deciding the only option was to reach for something in her dress.

"Toga listen to Mrs. Whiteworth." Shin saw her actions and quickly went over to Toga to disarm her.


"It's only for the greetings so be patient, Mrs. Whiteworth went through all this trouble to get ready and arrange all of this so we should at least respect her wishes." Shin took the knife out of Toga's dress shocking Mrs. Whiteworth.

"Fine." Toga pouted crossed her arms following Mrs. Whiteworth who became a little hesitant to escort her now.

"She's unarmed now." Shin eased her worries and after a while Mrs. Whiteworth guided Toga to her place.

"Hey Inasa." Shin greeted Inasa arriving at his place at the back of the boys section since they were one of tallest in their age group.

"Hey Shin." Inasa waved looking a little out of it though still managed to recover a little bit of color to his face.

"You really know how to pick them." Inasa chuckled while elbowing Shin who smiled.

"I really do." Inasa laughter became louder until a gaze hit him like a dagger prompting him to flinch.

Shin turned his gaze to the side seeing Toga squinting at Inasa though once she noticed Shin looking at her caused a chain reaction in Toga changing her atmosphere to a cheerful one as she waved at him.

"Okay everyone like we practiced!" Mrs. Whiteworth appeared in front of every one of the orphans' views.

"Nezu has made so many donations that have improved all of our qualities of life, and has even promised to double the donations next year which is why we are throwing this celebration for him!" Mrs. Whiteworth explained as the smiles of the orphans radiated throughout the room.

The only donations they ever receive are from the government who has to support them and past orphans.

However compared to Nezu's contributions they can be considered to be pennies so having someone so generous making that many donations made everyone grateful to the donor named Nezu.

"Ok he's walking towards the door!"





"WELCOME NEZU AND THANK YOU FOR COMING TO DOLORES ORPHANAGE!" All the kids shouted once the door opened, a huge greeting shouted at the donor who had made their lives so much easier the past year.

"Hello children." Nezu greeted, his appearance immediately shocked everyone except Mrs. Whiteworth who already knew of his appearance from a quick internet search.

"Thank you so much Nezu for making time in your busy schedule to grace us with your presence." Mrs. Whiteworth flattered, holding out her hand, making Nezu smile.

"It is only right to help this orphanage since it seems no one else will." Nezu shook Mrs. Whiteworth's hand.

The orphans were surprised that the donor was an animal and a talking one though no one could really tell what type of species he belonged to.

He appears to have the charactics of more than one animal including; a dog, a mouse, and a bear while having some slight human characteristics mixed in.

"Children!" Mrs. Whiteworth angrily shouted out seeing their gazes however Nezu only laughed.

"It's quite alright Mrs. Whiteworth, I know that having a hybrid animal like myself talking like a human is a great feat that leaves many curious." Nezu motioned her to stop, resulting in a lot of nods from the children.

"What kind of animal are you?" A girl around four years old asked.

"Well I am a mix between a dog, mouse, and bear." Nezu explained, causing the kids to look at him in amazement.

"Wow! What type of bear!" Another kid shouted.

"Polar bear." Nezu chuckled, making him gasp.


The kids all surrounded Nezu while bombarding him with questions though Nezu's smile never vanished from his face.

At first he was nervous that these kids would gaze at him in disgust but the worries weren't warranted.

'I guess we're not so different' Nezu thought knowing that these kids were like him in a way since people always judged them without truly getting to know them.

Instead of joining the crowd Shin stood by the side with Inasa and Toga, waiting for him to come over and talk to him since he speculated that he might have come here to repay his kindness from four years ago.

It wasn't until an hour later that the kids stopped asking questions and instead enjoyed the food set out for his arrival.

"Hello Shin." Nezu cordially greeted finally making his way over to him.

"Hello Squeaky!" Shin waved, making his eyebrow twitch.

"I'm glad you remembered me." Nezu chuckled though internally he was a little surprised.

'I can't believe he didn't forget about that.'

"This is squeaky!" Toga gasped, resulting in Inasa also showing a look of realization.

"Shin always talked about a talking animal he saved but I never believed that you were that animal." Inasa's eyes widened resulting in Nezu raising an eyebrow.

"Shin has mentioned me?" Nezu said, a little delighted, prying even further.

"Yeah! He said bad guys were chasing you and that he helped you escape." Toga explained making gestures with her hand while using the other to hold Shin.

"Oh Nezu there you are!" Mrs. Whiteworth scurried over to Nezu, huffing a sigh of relief.

"I see you met the star of our orphanage, Shin!" Mrs. Whiteworth gestured to Shin, making Nezu very intrigued.

"Star?" Nezu inquired seeing Shin's calm face.

"Yes! Shin is exceptionally talented in school and has a bright future." Mrs. Whiteworth flattered him endlessly.

"Actually Mrs. Whiteworth, it's funny you mention that because my visit was partially due to Shin since he saved me a while back." Nezu explained causing Mrs. Whiteworth to flinch.

"Really?" Mrs. Whiteworth showed a look of disbelief.

"Yes and today I came here to repay the favor." Nezu walked over to her while reaching into his suit as a piece of paper appeared from out of nowhere.

"This is a certificate I have acquired from the country of Japan that states that though I am an animal I retain all the rights of a human." Nezu handed Mrs. Whiteworth the piece of paper to which she graciously accepted.

"One of those rights included is the right to adopt." Nezu explained, making the rest shocked at his words including Shin.

'So he wants to adopt me?' Shin thought a little flattered that Nezu would repay the favor like this.

Shin could understand that from Nezu's point of view since it appeared that he lived in an unfair shit hole with no hopes of escape so to show his gratitude Nezu wants to give him a better life.

"This........I'm afra-"

"Squeaky, that's impossible." Shin shook his head as Inasa showed a saddened look since he also knew the reason why.

"Pardon?" Nezu stood in shock at Shin's words prompting Mrs. Whiteworth to intervene.

"Nezu, I think we should talk about this in my office." Mrs. Whiteworth frowned while guiding Nezu.

Shin watched them leave as Inasa rubbed his eyes before Shin patted his shoulder making Toga confused.

"Why is Inasa so sad?" Toga, seeing Inasa's unusual appearance, asked Shin.

"Because we cannot be adopted." Shin explained making Toga frown.

"Why?" Toga eyebrows scrunched at being told that her Shin couldn't do something.

"Because we were rated as high risk." Inasa finally spoke out, making Shin chuckle.

"That's stupid." Toga hugged Shin tighter thinking it must be a touchy subject for the two especially her dear Shin.

"Thank you Toga." Shin smiled seeing Toga lean farther into her hug as she showed her a toothy smile.

"Anything for my Shin."

In Mrs. Whiteworth's Office

"Can you please explain the reasoning behind the statement you made earlier." Nezu asked, breaking the awkward silence that had accumulated from the walk here.


"I apologize Nezu, but this orphanage is run by the association." Mrs. Whiteworth explained however this didn't surprise this one bit.

"I already know this Mrs. Whiteworth, but what does that have to do with me not being able to take in the young child known as Shin." Nezu asked, thinking it must be because he is an animal.

"If you are worried about an animal raising a human I can assure you-"

"Nezu it is not that it's...*Sigh*....since you are an approved prominent investor from the association I can tell you, but it must not leave this room." Mrs. Whiteworth pinched her nose before making her way to the filing cabinet.

Nezu nodded and she pulled out two folders with both of them having a big 'High Risk' rating on them making Nezu curious.

"Do you know that young boy that was sitting next to Shin?" She asked handing them both to Nezu who graciously received them.

"Yes I saw him, why do you ask?" Nezu opened the folder with Shin's name and picture on it first.

"His name is Inasa, He and Shin are the only designated orphans in this orphanage that are classified as 'unadoptable' due to their heritage." Mrs. Whiteworth sat back in her chair leaving Nezu speechless.

"This." Nezu's voice shook as his body trembled at every word he read as his eyes condensed.

"This is unethical." Nezu stammered out though his eyes never left the papers.

"I assume you have already built connections in the association since only donors vetted by them are allowed to donate to Dolores so sharing this with you shouldn't be an issue." Mrs. Whiteworth explained as Nezu turned to the last page.

"Who are Shin's parents?" Nezu shifted his gaze to Mrs. Whiteworth shaking her head.

"I don't know, it's classified." Mrs. Whiteworth explained in sadness.


"You cannot do this to children! This violates the civil liberties act-"

"Rules and rights don't apply to the association." Mrs. Whiteworth sighed seeing Nezu's angry expression.

"I apologize if the reason you went through all of this was to help Shin, however I cannot let you adopt him." Mrs. Whiteworth took the folder under the unwilling Nezu's grasp.

Then Nezu picked up Inasa's folder before she could reach for it seeing his risk assessment rated at the highest and unlike Shin, Inasa's parentage was not hidden.


"This is unbelievable!" Nezu slammed the table once more after reading Inasa's background.

Nezu realizing that his emotions had overwhelmed him coughed while setting the folder back onto the desk while sitting back down.

"What about the young girl next to Shin?" Nezu calmed himself down almost instantaneously before inquiring about the girl.

"Her name is Toga, she fled from her parents after they abused her because of her villain quirk and developed an attachment to Shin who she says 'saved' her and if you desire to adopt her then I can start the process however I doubt Toga would ever leave Shin." Mrs. Whitewroth explained as Nezu rubbed his forehead.

"May I talk to Shin alone?" Nezu asked and Mrs. Whiteworth smiled.

"Of course as long as it's not adoption anything else is fine." Mrs. Whiteworth stood up from her chair and walked to the door.

"I'll go get him, you can wait here in the meantime." She bowed while taking the folder back and placing it where she placed Shin's before leaving, Nezu became distressed, proning him to slump in his seat once she made her way out the door.

'It never ceases to amaze me how cruel humans can be to their own kind.' Nezu rubbed his forehead again in distress.

Nezu only had to wait a few minutes until Shin arrived with a cat in his arms who was quietly sleeping in his arms.

His gaze didn't linger onto the cat for long before a sad smile formed on his face once he made eye contact with the calm child in front of him

"So you found out right?" Shin asked pulling up a chair to face Nezu who nodded his head.

"Yes I......….I'm sorry I can only do this much." Nezu sadly spoke since it wasn't supposed to be like this.

"Well it's fine, I'm happy that you have been well." Shin gestured to him, seeing his expensive three piece suit.

"Yes, after we parted I made sure to protect myself by building up my wealth and connections." Nezu explained, Shin nodded his head since if he didn't then he would have ended back in another lab.

"And the revenge?" Shin inquired as Nezu sinisterly chuckled.

"I always pay back a debt." Nezu's sadistic side briefly escaped him before immediately reeling it back in while not giving a concise answer.

"Congratulations on making it onto the board of directors for U.A." Shin praised and Nezu showed a look of surprise.

"Thank you, I'm a little surprised you know about that." Nezu accepted his words, a little shocked that Shin had been keeping up with his current affairs.

"Well I stumbled across an article about you two years back and after realizing it was you I started to keep track of your achievements." Shin lied since he had always been trying to get information about him ever since they parted though his explanation resulted in a genuine smile appearing on Nezu's face.

"I thought it was only right for someone with an impartial judgment like myself to join an organization that had so many dealings in the protection of humanity and they thought so too." Nezu spoke with some underlying tones which Shin picked up on.

"I...…..I also apologize that I couldn't repay the debt I owe in full." Nezu ducked his head in shame.

Nezu had only just gotten access to a network to the association no he wasn't privy to a lot of information he should've been.

"It's alright Squeaky." Shin patted his head, making Nezu snicker.

"You're the only one who calls me that you know, everyone else calls me Nezu." Nezu laughed, feeling a bit better.

"Well at the time, I thought it was better than subject 13." Shin shrugged and Nezu nodded.

"Much better." Nezu agreed, showing a bit of disgust at that old name.

"I'm guessing you have met all kinds of heroes through your work, I bet you even met All Might." Shin curiously asked since something didn't add up in this timeline.

"Yes I have met him." Nezu showed a plain look at the mention of the symbol of peace.

Shin frowned internally since in the show they were evidently great friends so to see this reaction he became curious.

In fact it was weird he even met Nezu in the first place since he shouldn't even have been in that situation in the first place.

Shin had seen some discrepancies in the supposed timeline and Nezu was the greatest evidence of maybe the possibility of them being in a parallel timeline.

"Do you have anything against All Might?" Shin tilted his head, deciding to straight out ask instead of tip toe around the topic.

"Shin I don't think it's appropriate to tell you about-"

"Please Squeaky, I really want to know." Shin showed Nezu that this was important, resulting in Nezu stopping the next words.

Nezu became quiet while looking up in the air before huffing a deep breath until he finally made eye contact again.

"Yes, and it's in part to the fact I feel All Might is responsible for me having to suffer an extra twenty years of experiments." Nezu explained as Shin's eyes widened.

'This didn't happen in the show.' Shin internally spoke as suddenly he had an aching feeling his hypothesis of this being a separate timeline was indeed correct.

"Squeaky, please tell me why, this is very important to me." Shin inquired, scooting his chair a little closer to Nezu.

At first Nezu hesitated however he still owed a lot to this young child so instead of avoiding the conversation he just sighed.

"It was twenty years ago."

Twenty years ago


"Dammit there's an intruder!" A scientist cursed as his scalpel stopped inches away from Nezu's throat.

"Dr. Garaki, What about experiment 384-"


"Put it on hold, subject thirteen is vital to our studies on the animal genome being able to hold quirks." A short stubby man with a mustache known as Dr. Garaki voiced out gazing at the monitor.

"It's that damn brats disciple." Dr. Garaki gritted his teeth pulling out his phone.


"What I'm busy." A deep voice sounded from the other side of the phone with subtle crashing noises in the background.

"Shigaraki, The brats disciple is here, subject 13 is about to be compromised." Dr. Garaki rubbed his forehead as the building shook again.

Nezu, who had recovered from the anesthesia a while ago, quietly listened while his whole body was strapped to a table.

"Perfect timing since his master is currently fighting me now." Shigaraki chuckled from the other side of the phone.

"What should I do? He'll meet me at a cut off point if I try to make an escape." Dr. Garaki saw the route a young blond man was taking knowing they would clash.

Nezu's ears twitched as a look of hope flashed in his eyes gazing at the monitor seeing the man make his way towards this area.

"She gave him One For All so she should currently be running on the fumes of the power." Shigaraki calmly spoke to Dr. Garaki who had a look of realization.

"She can't even put a dent in you then!" Dr. Garaki laughed maniacally as Nezu's ears twitched as a look of hope flashed in his eyes gazing at the monitor at his previous.

"Yes, and he should know that too, right now we're currently fighting on an island along with that weak man known as Gran Torino, so threaten him and leave no traces." Shigaraki instructed Dr. Garaki who nodded on the other side as a loud explosion resounded through the phone.

"Of course I will carry out your will." Dr. Garaki nodded as his assistant watched the monitor showing a man running through all the guards.

"Doctor what shoul-"


The assistant's words were interrupted by a bullet entering and exiting his skull, blood splattered all around as he slumped to the ground.

Dr. Garaki put the gun back into his coat while rushing to a portable cage and once he did went to a strapped Nezu.

"Good, I expect results for when we conduct project Nomu, call me back when you meet the disciple." The words sounded before he hung up prompting Dr. Garaki to put the phone back into his lab coat to free up his hand.

Before Nezu could struggle, Dr. Garaki grabbed his neck and threw him into the cage, making him grit his teeth.

Then he packed a couple more documents into a briefcase and before he exited the door he put on a mask while taking the portable cage with him while rushing down the hallway.

"STOP VILLAIN!" A young All Might suddenly appeared in the pathway of Dr. Garaki while puffing out his chest and proclaiming his righteous words.

'Dammit he arrived so fast.' Dr. Garaski gritted his teeth.

"Stay back!" Dr. Garaki gestured to the cage rattling around Nezu inside.

"LET THAT POOR ANIMAL GO YOU FIEND!" All Might shouted, taking three steps upon seeing a scared Nezu in the cage.

Reaching into his lab coat, All Might went on guard until a phone appeared causing him to hesitate not knowing what a phone could do until Dr. Garaki suddenly pressed a button.

"Hello, All Might." A familiar voice sounded from the phone causing his pupils to shake.

Dr. Garaki looked all around while this was taking place until he saw a trash chute and after swallowing his pride slowly started to scoot over to it.

"ALL FOR ONE!" All Might shouted getting ready to lung at Dr. Garaski until the next words made him stand still.

"LET GRAND TORINO GO ALL FOR ONE!" The voice of his master resounded from the other end of the phone making All Might hesitate.

"You hear that All Might, right now I'm fighting both of your precious comrades including your master." All For One laughed from the other side of the phone.


"She already gave you One For All right? That means she can't even hold her weight against me anymore." All For One laughed hysterically as All Might's body convulsed in shock.

"H-how do yo-"

"You better come quick, I might just accidentally kill one or both, who knows?" All For One hung up right as Dr. Garaki made it to the trash chute.

Nezu, understanding all of this, reached out his paws for help knowing if the man known as All Might left he would have to endure even more experiments, his anxious look caused All Might to meet his eyes though all he did was bite his lip in contemplation.

"You can fight me but if you waste anymore time then my master will surely kill yours!" Dr. Garaki shouted, seeing All Might take another step.

"Your bluffing she-"

"One For All is a fascinating quirk! But that's only for the current user!" Dr. Garaki anxiously spoke as All Might bit his lip even more, drawing some blood.

"Right now your master is running on the fumes! She can't contend with my master and every second you waste on trying to catch me will result in another drop of her blood staining the ground until she makes her home into the ground-"

"SHUT UP!" All Might roared as his muscles enlarged as an unknown power burst forward.

Dr. Garaki started shaking under the immense pressure he was exerting, even stopping his movements right as he was about to hop into the trash chute.

Nezu never stopped reaching his paws out of the cage as All Might stood there clutching his fist tight, he knew best how weak his master was right now and even with Grand Torino, it wouldn't be enough to stop All For One.

"I'm sorry." All Might apologized in a soft voice to Nezu watching Dr. Garaski climb into the trash chute before bringing the cage.

"Squeak! Squeak!" Nezu didn't have proper vocal cords so only squeaks managed to come out of mouth.

The distress in his tone was apparent even with his lack of words, he desperately wished his pleas would reach him but much Nezu's dismay, All Might turned his back.


All Might leaped out of the ceiling right as Nezu followed Dr. Garaki into the trash chute though he never stopped squeaking.


"SQUEAK!" Nezu squeaked as tears flowed down his eyes seeing the light slowly dim into darkness.


Nezu's cage suddenly shook violently as a sudden force hit his cage throwing him all around.

"Stupid One For All." Dr. Garaki huffed, picking up his briefcase and Nezu's cage while scurrying into a nearby alley.

Nezu gazed up into the distance seeing the hero known as All Might leap from a nearby building before disappearing before his sights.

*Flashback End*

"That's what happened so I don't really have the most favorable first impression with the symbol of peace." Nezu nervously chuckled as Shin stood there a little stupefied that Nezu was experimented on by All For One.

"So you want revenge on All For One?" Shin curiously asked but much to his surprise Nezu shook his head.

"I have ill feelings for All For One however my true animosity lies in the scientist who experimented on me." Nezu gripped his fist showing a deadly gaze.

"I have gotten revenge on everyone except Dr. Garaki, he is my final goal, however every lead I get on him results in a dead end." Nezu's voice shook at even the mention of his name.

"Then after I pay back the debts with interest on Dr. Garaki, I will make it my mission to ensure that animals with quirks like me will be protected by the law so as not to suffer the same fate I had to experience." Nezu calmed himself down before looking at Shin though the cat that was asleep in his lap lazily opened its eyes.

'Animal speak?' Whiskers sounded in Shin's head seeing Nezu across from her.

'Yes, he is like you in a way he also possesses a quirk that makes him smart.' Shin explained in Whisker's mind as she curiously gazed at Nezu.

"I see your cat is awake." Nezu gestured to the cat that curiously looked at him.

"Yes but she's a bit special." Shin pet whiskers head while explaining.

"Oh? Can she shake your hand?" Nezu laughed a little and Shin held out his hand to which she put her paw into it.

"Yes, she can." Shin joined in as they both laughed.

"She also can speak, Whisker's speak to Nezu." Shin said, resulting in Nezu laughing even more.

'Whisker's can speak like Nezu too.' A child-like voice resounded in Nezu's head making him stop all his movements.


Authors Note: I like the idea with playing with the timeline while changing a few things since I want to make the story my own while still keep the underlying parts that make MHA so great, especially now that I get to explain the reasoning to everyone on why Nezu escaped four years ago instead of twenty.

P.S: Also its shorter than normal today since I decided to combine the later half with the next chapter since I'm not feeling well today.