A wonderful day

Alice is in a very good mood now, Lu Ning, who has always been very fond of her, suddenly confessed, plus a shocking kiss that made her miss her.

   When I saw a photo of herself and Lu Ning embracing and kissing each other on the campus network, Alice was not angry at all, but a little bit of joy.

   This photo was taken so beautifully, and Lu Ning's profile is also so charming. There is a hint of shyness in the photo, but it is also charming.

   had to give a thumbs up to this secretly photographed student

   This photo is more than enough to be used as a movie poster. Alice has already downloaded and saved the photo due to a ghost.

   Not only that, the previous contact had always thought that Lu Ning had a somewhat dull personality, but I didn't expect to overthrow the previous perception of Lu Ning today.

   Love words come if 20 years later, such love words have become popular, but today in 1998, such love words made Alice deeply involved.

  The action is also quite bold. If you kiss yourself, you can kiss yourself. Although the kissing skills are a little bit young, no one wants their boyfriend to kiss for the first time, and the kissing skills are very skilled.

   What surprised me the most was that Lu Ning suddenly had his boyfriend MAX!

   Alice wanted to laugh thinking about the miserable situation of Lyman's group.

   American girl, who doesn't want his man to be a hero?

   Lu Ning Wei'an's body instantly rose up in Alice's mind.

   "What's the smirk?" Alice's smirk hasn't stopped since sitting in the dining room.

   "Ah, no, nothing. I thought of some fun things. By the way, Lu, do you really know Chinese skills? Then why was it given by Lehman last time..." The fast beat is really hard to say.

   "Secretly tell you, I have superpowers." Lu Ning looked mysterious.

   "Really? Tell me, what superpower is it?" Alice was instantly appetized.

   "I really like your ability." Lu Ning replied solemnly.

   "Puff..." Steve, who was eavesdropping on the side, spouted a mouthful of happy fat house water, splashing on the white dress of a freckled girl next to him.

   "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Steve apologized quickly.

   "It's okay, it's okay." The freckled girl said it was okay, but the look in Steve's eyes was a little affectionate.

   Uh, Steve waxed instantly in such a situation.

   On the other side, Alice, who was bombarded by Lu Ning's love words again, blushed again. Today, she blushed more times than the previous year.

   "I hate it." Alice rolled her eyes with amorous feelings. I didn't expect that Lu Ning, you flirted up and flew up. Have you always treated me decently before?

   After lunch, Alice and Lu Ning agreed to eat Chinese food on the weekend. Steve wanted to go together, but they were ruthlessly refused.

   Just kidding, let's cultivate feelings. What do you want with this super-large light bulb?

   Where to stay cool, there is no eye to see.

   There is only 1 class in the afternoon, and there are some club activities after class.

   In the beginning, Lu Ning was dragged by Steve to join the basketball club. However, Lu Ning's basketball talent is really average, he belongs to the marginal soy sauce role, the water dispenser manager.

   On the way to the arena, Steve once again showed the essence of talking, constantly complaining that Lu Ning was not a mountain or leaking before. It turns out that he would be so fond of a girl, and those local love words were regarded as classics by Steve.

   "Hey, Steve, hey, Lu, I didn't expect Lu you to be Chinese. It's too bad for Lehman to provoke you."

   The teammates in the arena are joking with each other, and the center of the chat is naturally what happened at noon.

   There are many witnesses at noon, and with all the others, now they have become Lu Ning kicking the entire rugby team.

   Lu Ning couldn't help but smile at such a rumor.

   "Hey, boys, come and gather." Coach S, a famous coach in American high schools, is already strict and famous.

   "Seeing that you are all in good spirits, come, each prepare 10 sets of return runs, and, Lu, did a good job this time, let the rugby team know how good we are."

   The old coach S looked at Lu Ning with admiration. Well, the young man is good, shouldn't he give him another chance to let Lu exercise again? Maybe there will be a pleasant surprise.

   The atmosphere in the arena gradually became lively, and a group of sweaty young men was full of youth hormones.

   Lu Ning trained well. His 185cm height is only suitable for defenders. Even the small forwards are not up to the standard. Of course, he is still growing.

   is not a high school player in the United States, and there are no more monsters among them.

   2 hours of training, everyone tossed enough, fortunately, there is a system to improve the physique, otherwise, Lu Ning really may not be able to hold it.

   Close combat (proficient) is not only the theory in his mind but also appropriately changed Lu Ning's physique and muscles. Lu Ning obviously felt that he was running faster and jumping higher than before.

   After a simple rinse, when he came to the school gate, Rolls-Royce had been waiting for a long time, said goodbye to Steve, took the back seat, and Rolls-Royce slid out steadily.

   Listening to light music, leaning on the seat, closing his eyes to rest, thinking about Alice, well, it's a wonderful day.