ARMANI’s endorsement invitation

"Master, you are back." Before Lu Ning entered the main building, Fu Bo was already waiting at the door.

   "Fu Bo, where are my parents?"

"Master hasn't come back yet. Madam is resting upstairs. By the way, Master, the master just called and ordered a charity dinner in the evening. You also need to attend. I have already contacted the ARMANI designer and stylist, and they will be there soon. ."

   "Okay, Fu Bo, I see, I'll take a bath upstairs first."

   After finishing speaking, Lu Ning returned to his room and lay in the jacuzzi. Lu Ning stretched his body comfortably to relieve the fatigue of the day.

   At this time, the mobile phone next to the bathtub lights up. Lu Ning's mobile phone is a customized Nokia.

  18K platinum body is also the most popular compact body at this stage.

   From the current point of view, it is impeccable, but for Lu Ning, who knows it 20 years later, it is really insignificant.

   SMS: Lu, are you home yet? Today is the happiest day in my life, don't forget the weekend date, Alice.

  Looking at the text message, Lu Ning smiled slightly.

  Edit: I didn't get home, because a place without you is not a home.


   After a few seconds, the phone lights up again.

   SMS: I hate it, just your mouth is sweet, :-)

   "Master, the designer and stylist of ARMANI has arrived."

   At the door, Fubo's voice came.

   "Okay, I will come out soon."

   got up to rinse, put on the silk bathrobe, Lu Ning returned to the room, the designer and stylist had been waiting for a long time.

   "Dear Lu, it's been a long time since we saw you." With a warm hug, the person here is the leader of the younger generation of the ARMANI design team, and it is also the queen stylist for Lu Ning to attend the banquet.

  Don't think that stylist is only important to women and equally important to men.

  Blowing and styling are essential.

   "Dear Lu, your skin is really good. If those women see it, they will definitely go crazy with jealousy." While complimenting this Lu Ning, he helped Lu Ning's skin moisturize.

   This time ARMANI brought 8 sets of Ultra-Formal in different styles. In the end, Lu Ning chose a tuxedo that can reflect his body well.

   Lu Ning, wearing a tuxedo, can no longer be described as handsome. With the blessing of aristocratic temperament, it is simply the most beautiful boy in the audience.

   "Lu, are you interested in picking up our endorsement? Our clothes are perfect on your body."

   The appreciation of the stylist's face is not only Lu Ning's prosperous beauty but also the nobleness and vividness of ARMANI clothing.

   "Don't be kidding, Armani still lacks a spokesperson?"

   "No, no, no, Lu, we are ready to enter the Asia-Pacific market, and your image is too perfect." The stylist said solemnly.

  " Ding, system task: As a teenager who has reached the pinnacle of his life, the endorsement of the top brand is the greatest affirmation for you. Accepting the endorsement of ARMANI, time limit: 1 month.

   Reward: peak acting, possessed by the actor

   Punishment: Cancel an ability randomly.

   "Well, I will seriously consider it, you can contact Fubo for details."

   Since the system gave the task, Lu Ning certainly accepted it.

   After finishing the styling, Lu Ning waited for his parents in the lobby, filling his stomach by the way.

   The charity dinner in my memory is in the form of a buffet, and everyone is busy with entertainment and greetings.

   Those exquisite foods are just decorations, and no one will really fill their stomachs. If they do that, they will become the laughing stock of the upper class.

   Not long after, Lu Jingran and Lin Wanning both went downstairs.

   Lu and his wife saw their son, UU reading www. was amazing in an instant, and he deserves to be my son, Lu Jingran/Lin Wanning, and Lu Ning is the pride of the couple.

   Two Rolls-Royce Phantoms, one black and one white, one for Lu Jingran, Lin Wanning, and his wife. Lu Ning drove to the Four Seasons Hotel alone.

   This is the first time Lu Ning has participated in a charity dinner since he has re-examined. It must be fake to say that he is not nervous, but he is more curious.

   What kind of scene is social in the upper class?

   Four Seasons Hotel is located in the heart of Miami. In 1998, it was a top five-star hotel and a place for celebrities and gentlemen.

  The sponsor of this charity dinner is Johnson Douglas, the deputy leader of the Democratic Party of the United States. It is intended to increase the prestige and popularity of the party, as well as to raise funds.

   You know the US presidential election is more than cash.

   Johnson Douglas invited many regional dignitaries and super-rich people to come this time. Of course, some famous film and television characters are also indispensable for this kind of dinner.

  Stars are an indispensable link. After all, it is not a congressional dinner. For charity-related banquets, stars are all in droves.

   Increase your fame and meet a few super big guys. If you can find your support for the rest of your life, it would be even better.

   The night view of Miami is unique, and the crystal clear buildings are particularly charming under the background of the lights.

   The reputation of "Magical City" is not for nothing.

   A row of golden palm coconut trees are planted at the entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel.

  The hotel also specially opened up a special channel for this charity dinner. After all, the guests this time are either rich or expensive.

   Two Rolls-Royce Phantoms in black and white are accurately parked at the entrance of the special passage.

   The well-trained welcoming guests swiftly stepped forward and respectfully opened the door to welcome the guests.