Top Bai Fumei

"Johnson, don't need to accompany us specially, there are still many people waiting for you." After chatting for a while, Lu Jingran gestured towards the distance.

   Sure enough, many of them are watching their small group. After all, big people like Johnson Douglas can't be seen casually. Now I want to talk a few words and leave an impression.

   "Well, I need to deal with them." Johnson seemed a little arrogant to these businessmen who needed to fudge themselves.

   "Let's talk later." After nodding his compliments, Johnson moved to the side.

   When those people saw Johnson ending his reminiscence, they swarmed.

   "Xiao Ning, your mother and I are going to talk to some old friends, do you want to be together?"

   "No, you know I don't like it."

   Lu Ning resolutely refused, come on, business bragging, bluffing, not suitable for him.

   "Okay, then you are free." Lu Jingran shrugged and agreed with Lu Ning's answer, but agreed to agree, the process that should be followed still needs to be repeated.



   Lu Ning came to the buffet area alone, the champagne tower of the flower of Paris, and the 1996 Lafite second-brand red wine. It's a pity that these have nothing to do with me.

   Damn America, the law of drinking at the age of 21 I really don't know how those in power came up with it.

   asked the waiter to ask for a non-alcoholic cocktail, took a sip, huh, okay.

   The dishes are quite plentiful, but the banquet hasn't officially started yet, and it doesn't seem to be very good to eat now.

   Just as Lu Ning was panicking at his leisure, a clear and beautiful female voice came.

   "I heard that you were beaten by Lyman's bear?"

   Lu Ning turned his head and showed a surprised expression.

   "You are not staying in New York, why did you come to Miami?"

   "I heard that you were beaten, I want to see how you were beaten." The voice has a pleasant tone.

   "It seems to disappoint you, I'm fine now." Lu Ning shrugged and put on an expression of undue beating.

   "Hmm, I'm quite disappointed." The visitor chuckled and couldn't put it on anymore.

   "Long time no see, Lu."

"long time no see."

   Miss Qian Jin is also the top white rich beauty in the United States, and most of the top second generations know each other.

   And Lu Ning, by virtue of his prosperous beauty, of course, has a very good personal relationship with these top white and rich beauty.

   "So, are you here too?" I will definitely not miss such a banquet.

  It seems that people from another life are still participating, but I don't know if there will be any in the end.

   "Of course, look, it's beside Mr. Douglas." Looking in the direction of the finger, sure enough, they were whispering to Johnson Douglas. The two smiled at heart from time to time, and it seemed that the conversation was very good.

"By the way, it's not just me. Georgina Bloomberg and Paris Hilton and her sister Nikki Hilton are also here." When they mentioned these people, they curled their lips and looked. I didn't catch a cold with those people.

   The same is true of the facts. Everyone in the top white Fumi in the United States. Each is a leader in their respective circles, and they usually try to avoid appearing in the same place.

  Everyone is of the same age and family, no one can conquer anyone, the boss is used to it, and they don't want to be sent to others.

   As long as they meet, they will compare them. Even if they don't think about it, the entertainment reporters will help you. The top white and rich melons are popular among the masses.

   So it's better to meet less often.

   I usually call myself good sisters in front of the media. In fact, I can't even count as a plastic sister.

   Hearing that even Paris Hilton and Nikki Hilton have come here, it made Lu Ning a little bit unable to sit still.

   The Paris Hilton sisters have a terrible reputation in another life, and the movies they starred in are even more hand-held. However, in this life, Paris Hilton is only 17 years old, and Nikki Hilton is only 15 years old.

   Lu Ning has always ignored things that haven't happened yet. Besides, it doesn't matter if you are friends, and it's not about falling in love, and you won't be the one who gets green.

   And Paris Hilton is not silly and sweet. In those years, relying on her popularity to launch her own various brands, it was not a huge fortune.

   The title of the first-generation traffic queen is not for nothing. I don't know how much-branded clothing has been brought into the limelight by her.

   Even the later generations of Kim Kardashian, who is also a follower of Paris.

   I still remember the famous saying of another world, Paris Hilton: I don't want to live well, I want to be amazing.

   However, in memory, Paris always looks strange every time she looks at her, coveting, yes, she must be coveting her prosperous beauty.

   Thinking of this, Lu Ning couldn't help but shudder.

   "Heh, it's all here, not all to see how I look after being beaten." Lu Ning smashed his mouth, making some unprovoked guesses.

   "Congratulations, you guessed it right." A coquettish voice came.

  Okay, everything that should be here is here. Georgina Bloomberg, Paris Hilton, Nikki Hilton, the top white and rich Americans of the American generation met together.

   For a time, sparks flew everywhere.

   Lu Ning was a little flustered at the center point.

   Surrounded by a group of Bai Fumei, how to get out, wait online...very anxious...