Women's War

Lu Ning now feels panicked. The four top Bai Fumei faintly surrounded himself.

   Some second-generation gazes around me flowed into envy.

   However, Lu Ning, who was at the center, felt that he had already shed a cold sweat.

   Others are eager to take their place, but Lu Ning considers how to get away early.

"Yeah, isn't this sister Ivanka? I didn't say it was good, fair play, how can I act first without even saying hello?" 17-year-old Paris is already very charming, and she can smile and laugh. Affected everyone's heartstrings, the delicate voice, but it fired the first shot of the battle.

   "Hey, don't call me sister or sister, we are not so familiar, if I remember correctly, it was Nikki who said just now that she saw a handsome waiter, you can't wait to find it."

   Ivanka counterattacked lightly, hitting Paris's sore spot.

   "You are talking nonsense, when did I say such a thing." Nikki hurried to clarify.

   "Ivanka, the media said you spent a romantic afternoon with the prince of Dubai last week? Is it true?" Georgina joined the war.

   "That was just discussing the feasibility of building a hotel in Dubai."

   Ivanka responded with a seeming understatement, but Yu Guang took a sneak peek at Lu Ning's reaction and saw that Lu Ning was nothing unusual, and felt relieved.

   The three kingdoms are now in a state where Ivanka and Georgina are in their own hands, and the Hilton sisters join forces against the enemy.

  Of course, it's not that the Hilton sisters have no grievances, but, as the enemy is currently, it is a good strategy to jointly retreat.

   "Well, do you want to talk first?" Lu Ning asked tentatively.

   "No way!" The four women said in unison.

  The combination of one man and four women have faintly become the center of the banquet, and many lights are concentrated here.

   After all, behind each of them is the top terrorist consortium in the United States.

   "Husband, do you want me to call Xiao Ning?" Lu Jingran and Lin Wanning naturally noticed this combination.

   "No, let Xiao Ning handle it by himself."

   It seems that Lu Jingran has absolute confidence in Lu Ning, but Lu Jingran, is your gloating smile really good?

the other side.

   Johnson, who was chatting with Trump, also noticed Lu Ning's situation.

   "Donald, your baby feels in a bad situation." Another old guy who fears that the world will not be chaotic.

   "Hehe, I have absolute confidence in my daughter."

   Ivanka's excellence is known to Trump, and Georgina and the Hilton sisters are not rivals.

   The four Bai Fumei didn't mind the eyes of others. No matter where they were, they were the absolute focus. They had long been immune to such attention, but Lu Ning was not used to it.

   At this time, a second-generation native in Miami finally couldn't help it and walked over at a self-thinking step.

   showed a tempered smile, pinching himself in an elegant manner.

   "Beauty, do you have the honor to invite you to the terrace to enjoy the charming night view of Miami?"

   "Hehe." Ivanka.

   "No time." Georgina.

   White-eyes, belong to Paris.

   "Please go away." Nikki.

   was originally full of confidence, but stood on the spot, with a stiff smile. The second-generation regretted it, so how could he feel good about himself? If it were an ordinary woman, the second generation would have already fanned it up.

   But none of the four people in front of me can afford to provoke them. This time, I'm in a dilemma. I leave in a dingy manner, and I will be the laughingstock of the circle from now on. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Qiang stayed but was rejected again.

   looked at Lu Ning with a look worth asking for help.

   MMP, I am now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and I cannot protect myself. What use is it for you to look at me?

   Forget it, who makes me feel soft.

   "This friend, we still have something to deal with, should we have a drink together later?" Lu Ning finished speaking and raised his glass.

   I have to say that Lu Ning's movements are made with the addition of aristocratic temperament, which is pleasing to the eye.

   Compared with the second generation that rushed up hastily, it is simply a difference.

   However, the steps have been released, and the second generation is now grateful to Lu Ning.

   "It's me who was rash, don't bother you." The second-generation flashed directly after speaking.

   came in full of confidence and left dingy.

   also gave a vivid lesson to other second-generation eager generations.

  Outside you may be the second generation that calls the wind and the rain, in the eyes of our top Bai Fumei, you are just passers-by.

   After this episode, the war of tearing force came to an end.

   "Let's talk about it, how did you get into the bear, Lehman, I heard that I was hospitalized?"

  Since I didn't tear it up, the topic naturally returned to Lu Ning.

   "If I said, I beat Lehman and his dog legs so hard at noon today, do you believe it?"

"you alone?"


   Ivanka smiled silently.

  Georgina looked up at the ceiling as if she could find something amazing.

   Paris's charming eyes rolls.

  Nikki is the most honest because her eyes clearly show: You lied.

  Lu Ning