Watching a good game

   Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, at 8pm, heads are surging, there is a highlight at Staples Arena tonight.

   The Los Angeles Lakers played at home against the Chicago Bulls.

   Not only fans around the world are paying attention to this game, but many celebrities are also unable to bear the inner commotion and set off to watch the game.

   A flaming red Ferrari F355 was moving slowly on the street, with too many people and cars.

   Lu Ning deeply understands why supercar owners like drag racing, not because they can't control the adrenal hormones in the body, but because they can reach their destination as soon as possible.

The sound of    super running is really nice, but it feels unbearable after hearing it for a long time.

   Especially the powerful heat from the rear engine makes Ferrari's car air conditioner look so pale and weak.

   "Should I change a car?" Inside the car, Lu Ning asked Alice in the co-pilot.

   "If you like it, look at the pedestrians outside the car."

   Lu Ning looked out the window. Most of the pedestrians on the road looked at his car with envy.

   "That means people in the car want to get out, and people outside the car want to come in." Lu Ning said in a summary.

   "Okay, don't be sentimental, drive your car well." Alice patted Lu Ning amusedly.

   "Go on, yes."

   Lu Ning exaggerated an American military salute, causing Alice to laugh.

   Finally, he parked his car into the parking lot of Staples Arena.

   It takes about 5 minutes to walk in from here.

   Tonight they both wore casual, sports suits, and Alice also wore a peaked cap.

   For this, Lu Ning was teased a few words, saying that she did not have a household name, and she didn't need to hide herself.

  Because of Lu Ning's cheap mouth, Alice chased Lu Ning and beat him half the street.

   This kind of small interaction between lovers continues to enhance their emotions.

   Check the ticket and enter the venue. When the staff saw that Lu Ning's VIP ticket belongs to the first row, they behaved very politely.

   Today's tickets are mostly sold out at the beginning of the season. Of course, VIP tickets, ordinary people will not consider an average ticket of 5,000 US dollars, most families will be discouraged.

   The VIP tickets for today's game are even more expensive, just like the two held by Lu Ning and Alice, both of which have exceeded US$40,000, which is indeed a sky-high price.

   But at such a sky-high price, there is still some shortage.

   Lu Ning and Alice came late, and the players have already practiced on the court to find their hands.

   The superstars I know well in my previous life, I saw several of them today.

   The Bulls have Joe's gang leader, Pi Erye, Big Worm Rodman, and Steve Kerr, who coached the Warriors after retiring and had a dazzling record. Of course, his light as a player was completely obscured.

Lakers There are young big sharks, green black mambas. There are also two All-Star players Jones and Van Exel.

   Lu Ning and Alice found a seat, just behind the Lakers bench.

   Lu Ning ordered a large bucket of popcorn, and Alice happily ate them.

   came to watch the game mainly to see the atmosphere, as the home team began to announce the starting five tigers.

   The first climax of tonight is here, and the DJ on the scene will very well drive the atmosphere.

   Every player who enters the field will get cheers and applause from the audience. Of course, today's game was a lot less boos.

   After all, the visiting team is the bull who owns the god of basketball. Jordan here, his father did not accidentally pass away.

   The current Bulls have won 7 championships under the leadership of head coach Phil Jackson, and this year is sprinting towards the dream of the eighth championship.

   is also the only recognized overlord of the NBA so far.

   is exactly the same, the home team fans are very polite to the visiting team, sending a lot of cheers.

   The entire league is also the Bulls can get such treatment.

   At the beginning of the game, the two sides played evenly on the court. The Bulls belonged to a slow-heating team. Generally, it is normal for the Bulls to fall behind by 10 points at halftime.

   Today's Kobe didn't start. He was sitting on the bench watching the game carefully when he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him.

   turned his head and saw that it was an Asian mixed-race young man calling himself, well, a bit familiar, I didn't think of it for a while.

   The girl beside him wears a peaked cap. She is very beautiful, like Alice Kim. She used to like to watch her idol dramas.

   "Hi, Kobe, hello, I'm Lu Ning, your fan, can you sign me?" Lu Ning handed over the jersey in his hand.

The jersey was bought in the store a few years before entering the stadium.

  Lu Ning? Ah, isn't it our top second generation in the United States. It was reported in newspapers before, so it's no wonder that I am so familiar.

   "You are Lu, I know you, are you my fan?"

   Kobe is a little unbelievable. After all, the black Mamba has not grown up yet, and he is not an 81-point superstar in later generations.

   "Of course, can you sign me?" Lu Ning handed over the jersey again.

   "Ah, of course, it makes you a fan of mine, it feels great." Kobe was excited about the result of the jersey and signed his name on it.

   "Is there anything more to write? Man." Knowing that Lu Ning is his own fan, Kobe is really a little frustrated, so he offered to write a few more words.

   "Well, if you can, please write: This is the testimony of the beginning of our friendship, how about it?"

   "Of course no problem, we will become good friends, I promise."

   While talking, Kobe brushed his pen and wrote what Lu Ning said just now on his shirt.

   The game on the field was in full swing, and off the field, Kobe, Lu Ning and Alice also had a good chat.

   It was determined that the girl next to Lu Ning was Alice. Kobe immediately mentioned several idol dramas that Alice had filmed, and said that he thought Alice's acting skills were great.

   At this time, the Lakers coach informed Kobe that he would play next timeout and play against Jordan.

   "Hey, man, you must cheer up after you go up, you are no worse than Jordan." Before Kobe went on the court, Lu Ning cheered for him.

   Maybe Lu Ning's cheering was effective, or because Kobe's hand feels hot today.

   In short, Kobe scored 6 points on Jordan.

   However, this form of performance also angered the god of basketball and started his own crazy scoring mode.

   The Lakers lead the Bulls 28 to 23 in the first quarter.

   Rest time According to the usual practice, photography opportunities are looking for lucky viewers or celebrities in the arena, allowing them to appear on the TV broadcast, increasing the interactivity.

   Many celebrities came today.

   There are several Hollywood celebrities, all of whom were named by the camera, and they also waved in greeting in a friendly manner.

   When the camera turned to Lu Ning's row, the choreographer immediately called to stop, and it happened to be aimed at Lu Ning and Alice.

The director of it recognized Alice first, and the audience had already called out the nickname "American Baby".

   Then, Lu Ning could not escape the fate of being discovered.

   The director called out that he had found a big fish.

   Lu Ning is the top second generation of the United States. Now he is sitting with Alice to watch the game, and he is also wearing couple sportswear.

   "Quickly, the camera is aimed at their hands." The sharp-eyed director was excited about his discovery.

   Breguet's limited ultra-complex series of couple pairs' watches appeared in the sight of global audiences.

   Okay, just hit the hammer directly.

   "Kiss one, kiss one." I don't know when, the slogan of kiss one was shouted at the scene, and I don't know if it was an artificial rhythm.

   At this moment, Alice was a little bit shy, but Lu Ning generously held up Alice's cheek and kissed her lips.

   "Oh..." There was a roar everywhere.

   However, what Lu Ning didn't know was that at this moment, several angry women smashed the TV in front of them

   Lu Ning, hey, how does my sixth sense tell myself that it is dangerous?