Shocking the G.O.A.T

   At the beginning of the second quarter, the attention of the fans on the scene returned to the game itself. However, when the Lakers timed out, the camera once again swept both Lu Ning and Alice.

   "Are we famous all over America?" The two huddled together and discussed in a low voice.

   "It should be a global game." Lu Ning curled his lips. The United States is nothing. This game was broadcast live worldwide.

   "Oh, it's much faster than me making a movie."

   The second quarter of the game belonged to O'Neal. Although the Sharks have not yet reached the peak, they do not have the traditional center forward against the Bulls. Dennis Rodman is not the Sharks opponent.

   Rodman, who received four offenses in the second quarter, can only come off protectively, and the Bulls' inside line is even more open.

   It's not a problem to kill a big shark with four in and four out.

   At the end of the first half, the Lakers led by 51:44.

   However, the leading Lakers look a little dignified, while the Bulls who are 7 points behind have a relaxed look.

  Slow-heating Bulls, most of the games, the first half is behind, it is really not a big deal to be behind by 7 points.

   At this time, Jordan walked towards Lu Ning with a smile on his face.

   Lu Ning, (????) I feel a little flustered, the basketball **** came by himself.

  Lu Ning can be sure that he and Jordan absolutely don't know each other, why the **** of basketball will find him.

   "Hey, Lu, hello, I shouldn't need to introduce myself." Michael came up to say hello with a humorous tone.

   "Of course, Michael, no one in the world who likes basketball doesn't like you." Lu Ning said flatly.

   "However, I'm curious how you met me."

   "I watched your game."

  Lu Ning o_o..., the **** of basketball said he saw me playing? MMP, a little flustered.

   "It was the game last week. It should be a high school game."

   Lu Ning suddenly realized, ah, it turned out to be that game.

   "You are very good. I watched the video and found that your skills are very similar to mine."

   Lu Ning, can it be different? The Peak Jordan Experience Card is better than you now.

   Of course, this also includes height, physical fitness, experience and other issues.

   "Ah, I have imitated you to play since I was a kid." Lu Ning made up a temporary reason.

   "Many imitating me." Jordan shrugged. This is not arrogance, but a fact. Not only did he imitate Jordan's actions, but even the standard tongue-out was imitated by many people.

   "However, this is the first time I have seen you like you, how about it? Are you interested in coming to the Bulls for trial training, I can recommend you." It turned out that Michael was just paying attention to him.

   "Michael, you know, I just love basketball and don't regard it as my profession." Lu Ning declined Michael's invitation.

   "Well, that's a pity, you know, you have a great talent, and there are not many talents higher than you in the entire NBA." Michael is a little regretful.

   "If you change your attention, you can come to me." Michael was still unwilling to die.

   "Of course, if you want to try out, I will definitely come to you as soon as possible." Lu Ning promised.

   And the close conversation between Michael Jordan and Lu Ning was spread all over the world through the lens.

   Many people around the world have a question, who is this? It feels so big.

  . . .

  . . .

   During the intermission, the NBA will definitely have a lot of entertainment activities to please the audience.

   One of today's midfield activities is trampoline slam dunk.

   Performed by a professional stunt team in Los Angeles. Of course, the performances are somewhat special.

   Just like now, an old man mopping the floor has been staring at the performers in the venue.

   Then a basketball rolled under his feet.

   The old man threw away the mop, picked up the basketball and rushed to the trampoline. You must know that trampoline dunking poses a certain risk to non-professionals, let alone for the elderly.

   In the audience's exclamation, the old man completed a difficult dunk.

   After landing, the old man pulled off his headgear and beard.

   Well, it turned out to be a stuntman posing.

   This is a routine commonly used in the United States. The NBA also has a practice of inviting live audiences to complete some activities.

   This time, the live broadcast directed his gaze to Lu Ning.

  Who else is more topical than the top second generation of the United States?

   The staff came to Lu Ning, exchanged a few words in a low voice, and Lu Ning nodded in agreement.

  Of course, these must be discussed in advance, otherwise it will be embarrassing if the invitee refuses.

   After a while, Jack Nicholson personally came to invite Lu Ning to play. Of course, the camera has been following this scene and cast it on the big screen at the scene.

   Don't doubt, the Los Angeles Lakers do not have their own mascot, because the actor Jack Nicholson is the mascot of the Zijin Lakers.

   Lu Ning's task is very simple, that is to use the trampoline to complete a dunk.

   Lu Ning moved his body a little, and ran to the trampoline with the ball.

   It's a pity that Lu Ning had never touched jumping on a bed before, so he jumped straight up and down.

   The audience burst into laughter and, of course, there was applause, encouraging Lu Ning to do it again.

   "Ding, system task: As a young man who has reached the pinnacle of his life, how can he be so embarrassed in front of the audience? Blast the audience, making the cheers of the audience reach 100 decibels.

  Special props: Free throw line take-off and dunk (one-time props)

   Mission time limit: 10 minutes.

  Reward: None

   Failure penalty: Blindness for one week (Experience the fear of being dominated by darkness.

   Lu Ning, ( ̄▽ ̄

   Lu Ning walked to the host, and the two sides exchanged a few simple words.

   "Are you sure?" the host asked in surprise.


"ok, I get it."

   The host arranged for on-site work and someone moved away from bed jumping, which caused the audience's doubts.

   Didn't Lu Ning's first attempt fail? Why did you move the trampoline away now?

   Lu Ning started to warm up, eh, press his legs and stretch his arms.

   Then, Lu Ning took the ball and walked to the backcourt. was under the gaze of the audience.

   ran forward with the ball, crossed the three-point line, adjusted the pace, stepped on the free throw line, and jumped sharply.

   Now the audience and the audience in front of the TV are all dumbfounded at the moment.

   Isn't this too weird? Like copying the basketball god michael Jordan's free throw line to jump and dunk?

   Lu Ning's body at this moment has appeared in the air, and gradually glides forward.

   At this moment, in the eyes of the audience, Lu Ning in mid-air is like slow motion.

   Expand the body, a standard trapeze Jordan action.

   "Gosh, he's flying!~~~~~~"

   The real shocking buckle, until Lu Ning landed, there was no sound at the scene, only the sound of inhaling.

   At this moment, Lu Ning was a little panicked, demanding 100 decibels.

   Now the arena is like a vacuum zone, how can this be broken?

   Suddenly, the audience lost their voice. As the second half is about to begin, the Lakers and Bulls players are also ready to return to warm up.

   just saw Lu Ning's shocking click.

   "My God." Pi Erye looked at Jordan for a while, and Lu Ning for a while, his face full of incredible.

   "He's flying." Rodman, the rebellious representative of the NBA.

   Lu Ning is only 185 cm, Jordan is 198 cm.

   Lu Ning's free throw line jump is not a little more difficult than Jordan.

   Jordan also looked shocked. He thought that Lu Ning was already very good, but he didn't expect to be able to copy his own masterpiece.


   broke 100 decibels instantly.

  "Ding, the mission is complete

  Reward: None"