Chaotic Morning

   When he returned home, Wang Yong asked the servant to send the three drunk people back to the room, and then Wang Yong left without worry.

   Lu Ning is now completely confused, and immediately unconscious after being put on the bed by the servant.

   At this time, Lu Ning had been dreaming. In the dream, Alice appeared by Lu Ning's side. Lu Ning could no longer hold her back and galloped overnight.

   However, what nobody expected was that Paris and Ivanka, who were supposed to be in their own room, all climbed onto Lu Ning's bed at this time.

  . . .

  . . .

   The next day, Lu Ning woke up from a beautiful dream, her head hurts, her waist aches and her back aches. Did Paris and Ivanka beat me while I was drunk last night?

   Lu Ning wanted to raise his hand and rub his swollen head, huh? I was held down by something and couldn't lift it up.

   Look down, fuck, what's the situation?

   Lu Ning was completely awake in shock.

   A white tender and attractive thigh is hooking around his waist and pressing his arm. The owner of the thigh is the famous Paris Hilton.

   Wait, there seems to be some movement behind the back?

   When he turned his head, Lu Ning's mind went blank, with Ivanka behind him, with an arm around his chest.

  The point is that none of the three are wearing clothes! ! !

   Lu Ning, it's a dream, it must be a dream, I'll go to bed again, and I'll be fine when I wake up.

   However, Lu Ning's movements have already awakened the two women around him.

   "Ah!" The scream pierced Ning Jing's morning.

   There was chaos on the scene, Paris and Ivanka grabbed each other's quilts.

   And Lu Ning had been kicked out of the bed by Ivanka. There were messy clothes everywhere. Lu Ning couldn't find his own for a while, so he had to find a pillow to block him in front of him.

   The two women rushed to each other's quilt, but a lot of them disappeared.

   also feasted Lu Ning's eyes and ate a lot of ice cream.

   Hum, I didn't expect Ivanka to be a lot more than Paris. Hey, Paris's figure is so predictable, not smaller than Ivanka's.

   Damn, what am I thinking about.

   In the end, Ivanka took the lead to calm down.

   "Have you seen enough?"

   "Uh, enough."

   "I don't get out after seeing enough."

   "Ah, okay, I'll get out of here." Lu Ning who walked to the door suddenly woke up, this is not his room?

   "Hey, but this is my room."

   "Go!" the two women roared at the same time.

   Lu Ning flees in a desperate manner. . .

   There are no men in the room, and Paris and Ivanka will no longer fight for the right to use the quilt.

   Ning Jing fell into embarrassment at the scene.

   After a long time, Ivanka still speaks first: "You, that, do you feel any discomfort?"

   At Ivanka's prompt, Paris felt like checking her body.

   They were everywhere, but they didn't fall into the red. Not only did the two breathe out a long time when they discovered this.

   nothing seems to happen.

   Not right, Paris felt a tearing pain behind her after just a big move.

  In an instant, Paris knew what she had experienced.

   Lu Ning scolded it thousands of times! You **** bastard.

   You dare to do this to grandma and aunt! Lu Ning, let's not finish!

   Ivanka's face is not very good, it seems that she has also encountered Paris the same treatment.

   At this moment, Ivanka's face was blue, and the pain in the back was bursts of pain, as if to tell the humiliation it had suffered.

   "I'm okay, how about you?" asked Ivanka, who couldn't tell.

   "I'm fine, it seems that nothing happened." Paris also did not dare to tell what happened to her.

   Damn Lu Ning, is he really looking for a place!

   The two women endured the pain and took turns cleaning.

  . . .

  . . .

   Lu Ning, who left the room, randomly found a room and took a shower. It's not good, Xiao Lu Ning is slimy, so there won't really be an accident, right?

   The key is that I don't remember at all.

what should I do now?

   After nearly an hour of tossing, Lu Ning was called back to the room by the two women again.

   The air in the room is not so good, the strong alcohol smell is still filled with another kind of breath.

   Lu Ning observed the bed sheet, but it didn't turn red, but he let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, nothing happened.

   Seeing Lu Ning's movements, Paris and Ivanka were not angry.

   MMP, you dare to show such an expression.

   If it wasn't for the hot pain behind me, affecting my actions, I must let you know why the flowers are so red!

   "Say, why did we show up in your room." Paris was very angry. Really, from the bottom up, no one dared to do this to herself.

   "I don't know about this, or else, let me ask Brother Wang."

   Talking, Lu Ning got through Wang Yong's phone.

   "Brother Wang, what happened last night, I was confused."

   The phone was connected quickly, and Lu Ning didn't dare to directly ask why the two women appeared in his room.

   "Ah, Shao Lu, are you awake? Last night you, Miss Paris and Miss Ivanka drank too much. When you went out, one by one was unconscious. In the end, I asked the bodyguard to send you home.

   But don't worry, the two ladies were sent by female bodyguards, and they were sent back to their rooms before leaving. "

   "Ah, good I have a headache now, I will contact you later."

   After hanging up the phone, this time it was Lu Ning's turn to look suspicious.

   The eyes looking at the two of them seemed to say, did you covet my prosperous beauty last night and sneak onto my bed?

   Ivanka and Paris are doing waxing now. Could it be that they really drank too much?

   just made such a move? The two women now definitely belong to the wife who lost their money and lost their soldiers.

  I want to blame Lu Ning, but why? I was drunk last night, and I didn't shamelessly climbed onto each other's bed.

   If it were me and Lu Ning, it would be okay, but Ivanka (Paris) would have been added.

"The three of us know about this, Lu Ning, if it spreads out, I will never let you go." Ivanka is the calmest now. This incident must not be spread out, otherwise it will be the biggest joke of the American giants. .

   Threesome? So open to play?

   "Okay." Lu Ning nodded hurriedly, wishing that the big things would turn into smaller ones.

  Looking at Lu Ning's eagerness to clarify the relationship, the anger that Ivanka and Paris had just gone down broke again.

  . . .

  . . .

   Lu Ning seemed to understand the difficult walking posture of the two women.

   Both women are virgins. Lu Ning is certain that Ivanka and Paris will not lie to themselves.

   But the sheets didn't fall red, but the two women showed such pain again, so the only explanation is!

   Xiao Lu Ning, you have entered the wrong door!

   Fuck, Lu Ning looked at Xiao Lu Ning, speechless for a while, no wonder he was slimy.

   Amazing, my little Lu Ning.

   also apologized to the two women in his heart. The two women didn't say anything, obviously they couldn't say it.

   Love debt, love debt, I can't hide it after all.