My Heart Will Go On

   During this period, Paris and Ivanka both hid from Lu Ning, and did not even eat together.

   Even if they met, Ivanka's eyes were dodgy, and Paris had a look of resentment, wishing to give Lu Ning cramps.

   It's one thing to like Lu Ning, but it's another thing that Lu Ning did something like this to himself.

what is this? Is it a certainty to be walked through the back door? If it's okay, doesn't it? Thanks to myself.

   And not alone, Ivanka must be the same as herself.

   It's clear that she didn't get out of bed on this day.

  . . .

  . . .

   The next day, Ivanka offered to say farewell, and now she is a little confused, so it's better to separate and calm down.

   Lu Ning wanted to keep Ivanka. After all, things had happened and he always wanted to do something.

   But the words came to my lips, I didn't say anything, if I left the other party, how would I explain to Alice.

   Ivanka is gone, Paris is too embarrassed to stay there anymore, if Ivanka is still there, at least he still has the courage to face Lu Ning.

   Now that Ivanka is gone, who will be the one who left if he was really bullied?

   Lu Ning, you are a scumbag, and now there is no such thing as a saying. If you are really bullied, who do you call to reason?

   And I still feel pain behind now, how big should Xiao Lu Ning be? It is false to say that you are not afraid.

   So Paris also left.

   Now, Lu Ning's heart is empty. When the two women were there, Lu Ning had a headache and wanted to drive each other away. But he really left, but it didn't feel good.

  Do you really have the potential of a scumbag?

   Lu Ning does not admit this. At most it belongs to fraternity, um, fraternity!

   At this time, the phone is on, and the message is unread.

   Ivanka: Lu Ning, let me tell you that I am not so bully, Ivanka, don't think about being irresponsible!

   One minute later, the phone lights up again, and the message is still unread.

  Paris: The scumbag, I tell, if you lose me, I must cut you, and Paris does what I say!

I don't even know what it's like, OK, I'm the victim!

   Xiaolu Ning:

  . . .

  . . .

  Paris and Ivanka have been away for 3 days, and Lu Ning has not left the manor in these 3 days.

   is not studying the script, or taking a swim in the pool to keep fit.

   keep talking with Alice on the phone for more than 2 hours a day.

   While studying the script, it suddenly occurred to me that there was a scene in the movie where Jack painted Ruth.

   There are **** in this lens. Lu Ning is absolutely unacceptable to this point. It must be confirmed with James Cameron.

   "Uncle James, when I was just studying the script, there was a scene where Jack drew Ruth."

   "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

   "I want to ask how you prepared to shoot?"

   "I was going to let Alice go into battle naked, but think about it, your kid will definitely not agree. Put on protection and block it with the drawing board, how about?"

   "Huh, that's good, Uncle James, I owe you a favor."

   "Forget it, I'm afraid Girl Lin will come to me to talk."

   Lu Ning,

   "By the way, is your kid in Los Angeles now?"


   "Well, come to Columbia Records at 3 pm, our theme song is out, let's listen to the effect."

"no problem."

   Lu Ning is now the leading actor and one of the investors. With reason, James Cameron will call Lu Ning about some things about the movie and listen to his opinions.

   In the afternoon, Lu Ning drove a Ferrari 488 to Columbia Records.

   "Uncle James, I'm here."

   "Here? I'll find someone to come and pick you up."

   Lu Ning waited in the hall for a while, when a young woman in her 30s came to him.

   "Is this Mr. Lu?"


   "Ah, Mr. Lu, welcome to Glenbia, please follow me."

   Led by the other party, Lu Ning came to the video studio on the 13th floor.

   "Lu Xiaozi, you are here, let me introduce to you."

   "This is Ms. Celine Dion, the singer of our movie theme song."

   "Of course I know Ms. Celine Dion, I am a fan of her."

   Talking, Lu Ning shook hands with Celine Dion friendly.

   Now Celine Dion is exactly 30 years old, she is the best age for a woman, exuding alluring charm.

   "Hello, madam, I often stop your song "BecauseYouLocedMe", it's really beautiful."

   "Thank you, I didn't expect you to be my fan. It's my honor."

   The selected song is not different from the previous life, it is the very classic, "MyHeartWillGoOn".

  It can be said that "Titanic" and "My Heart Is Still" are mutually complementary, and the combination of the two has made countless classics.

   Every time I think of "My Heart Is Still" in the theater, the film must have reached the classic tear point.

   "Titanic" made "My Heart Still".

   "My Heart Is Still" contrasts "Titanic".

  Classic, both are indispensable.

  Today is the day when this song was born. Lu Ning has witnessed a history.

  "Ding, system task: you who are in front of you and have the sound of nature, how to waste your talents, dedicate "My Heart Is Still", and get the approval of everyone present.

   and sang "My Heart Is Still" with Celine Dion, which was used as the theme song of the movie "Titanic".

   Reward: Instrument proficiency (you can master various instruments proficiently).

   Punishment: There was an accident during the performance and drowning Come on, boy, let the world shed tears for you. "

  I remembered the long-lost system sound.

   Lu Ning, fucking, you really know how to play the system, do you want to compile a protagonist's 101 ways to die?

   Lu Ning is also very interested in this song "My Heart Is Still". This is the **** song that won the Grammy Song of the Year, Production of the Year, Best Pop and other awards.

   has global sales of 15 million copies.

   Everyone put on their headphones, and the first recording officially began.

   Celine Dion's voice is still ethereal, which is indeed suitable for this song. At present, Celine Dion can perfectly interpret the essence of this song.

   However, Lu Ning always felt that something was missing.

   Yes, lack of emotion, although Celine Dion sings very seriously.

   However, that feeling of loneliness is indeed missing.

   In her previous life, Celine Dion sang after watching the movie.

   But in this life, due to a series of reasons, the film did not start shooting. Celine Dion, who had never seen a movie, did not have that deep feeling, and naturally could not sing the true essence of this song.

   Although it still sounds nice and ethereal, the problem still arises.

   "Not bad, but it seems that there is still something missing." The first recording was completed, James took off the headphones and smacked his lips. The song was perfect, but it didn't meet his expectations.

   It seems that James and Lu Ning feel the same. In James' heart, he has gone through the scenes of the movie countless times.

   "Uncle James, I want to try this song too."

   "You can sing?"

   "I know a lot, but you don't know."

   Lu Ning smiled mysteriously: "Perhaps you will get a different feeling after I sing."