
   Lu Ning walked into the studio with a confident smile.

   "Celine, you sing very well, but director James and I feel that something is still missing. You can take a break outside and listen to what I sing. Maybe it will help you."

   "Lu, you can still sing?" Celine Dion was a little surprised, after all, James Cameron introduced himself to the basic situation of the starring in this movie before.

   For Lu Ning's introduction, Director James used the word genius.

   But Celine Dion never expected that Lu Ning would still sing. In front of a professional singer like himself, dare to say that he should find inspiration in his singing, which requires much confidence.

   "Okay, Lu, I'll listen carefully." Let me see if you are a genius or arrogant.

   Of course, Celine Dion would not say this, and Lu Ning had to personally confirm everything.

   "I don't think I will let you down."

   Lu Ning shrugged, picked up a professional headset, and entered the state.

   Celine Dion walked outside, greeted everyone, brought the radio earphones, and was ready to listen carefully.

  Everything was ready, Lu Ning gestured an OK gesture toward the outside of the glass.

   said that everything is ready.

   The sound engineer turned on the music for the first time, and everyone outside also showed serious expressions.

   "EverenightinmydreamsIseeyou, Ifeelyou." As soon as the expert makes a move, there is nothing.

   is just a simple sentence, completely shocking everyone, perfect, extremely perfect, vocal music, tone, etc., needless to say, absolute expert level.

   Feelings are mainly feelings. Lu Ning perfectly interprets what Celine Dion lacks.

   Just after listening to the first sentence, James Cameron's eyes are already shining brightly, this is it, this is the feeling I want.

   Lu Ning's voice was not as ethereal as Celine Dion, with a hint of deepness.

   But this does not affect everyone's appreciation, special skill: Sound of Heaven, that is a skill that makes everything sound like the sound of Heaven.

   There are a hundred Hamlet in the hearts of a hundred people, and there are 10,000 sounds of nature in the ears of 10,000 people.

   But the skill of the system made everyone recognize Lu Ning's singing.




   The singing continues, and Celine Dion at this moment has no doubts, only shock.

   He really can sing, and it is so beautiful, I am not as good as him.

   This is Celine Dion's true thoughts.












   Lu Ning sang the climax part. At this moment, everyone had already held their breath.

   Lu Ning's singing is too perfect, perfect is a bit unreal.

   They don't want it, I can't bear to break it. Now, maybe a small action or a little noise will destroy this incomparable song.

   James Cameron has closed his eyes, not only admiring, but his brain is running fast, some vague movie clips before, are now clearly connected.

   At this moment, James Cameron is extremely thankful that he signed Lu Ning. Yes, this genius will definitely make "Titanic" more brilliant.


   After Lu Ning finished singing the last sentence, everyone was silent for a long time, and then stood up collectively, applauding for a long time.

   Including Celine Dion, everyone is convinced.

   If Lu Ning's singing forced them to say what is good, only the word "perfect" can express it.

   Jack and Ruth are inseparable, my heart is with you, my heart is dependent on you.

   We will always walk together, in my heart you are safe and sound, my heart belongs to you, and love is endless.

   After Lu Ning finished singing, he stood for a long time, and finally let out a long breath.

  Walking out, everyone's applause continued, and everyone looked at him with respect.

   Yes, today Lu Ning's singing has completely shocked them.

   "Boy, I have to admit, you are a genius, I have no regrets signing you." James Cameron expressed his heart.

   "But, kid, you have to pay attention, this time I will explode with 200% concentration in the movie, and I will strive for perfection in every detail, so, congratulations, you are miserable."

   Lu Ning dead old man, cross the river and demolish the bridge, I want Queen Lin to talk to you.

   "Lu, great, you sang all my understanding of this song." James Horner, arranger and composer of "MyHeartWillGoOn".

   "Yes, I really didn't expect that my words would be so beautiful." Vergenings, "MyHeartWillGoOn"

   "Lu, I admit, you are more suitable for this song than me."

   Celine Dion stepped forward and gave Lu Ning a hug. This hug was a perfect interpretation for Lu Ning.

   "I think there should be nothing wrong with me here, I will leave first." Said Celine Dion was about to leave.

   Lu Ning ( ̄△ ̄;), shit, lady, you must not go, if you go, you will accompany me to complete the task.

   pretends to be too much!

   "Wait, you seem to be mistaken." Lu Ning hurriedly prevented Celine Dion from leaving.

   "I just told you the kind of soul you lack, the lead singer is still you."

   Celine Dion turned her head, and Lu Ning quickly explained.

   "But no matter how hard I try, I can't surpass you. You are indeed more suitable than me."

   Celine Dion insisted on leaving.

   Lu Ning, no, I don't want to be drowned.

   "Let's try it out together, I'm talking about a duo." Lu Ning quickly proposed.

   This time, Celine Dion turned around abruptly, her eyes brightened.

   "But the effect is not necessarily good, and are you sure you want to double sing with me?"

   "Of course, believe me, if anyone in this world can sing this song with me well, that person must be you, Celine Dion." In order to survive, Lu Ning was completely shameless.

"you sure?"

   "One hundred sure."

   "I agree." Celine Dion's eyes are bright, but why are you looking at Lu Ning so strange?

   Lu Ning, Miss Sister, don't you know, if I remember correctly, you're already married, isn't it my concern?

   The two entered the recording studio again, and the "MyHeartWillGoOn" they sang together was indeed better than Lu Ning alone.

   Lu Ning originally had a low-pitched singing voice, and joined Celine Dion's etherealness. There was no mutual interference at all, but instead they added a lot of points.

   The two recorded successfully at one time.

  "Ding, system task: you who are in front of you and have the sound of nature, how to waste your talents, dedicate "My Heart Is Still", and get the approval of everyone present.

   and sang "My Heart Is Will Go On" with Celine Dion, which was used as the theme song of the movie "Titanic".

   The task is completed, reward: instrument proficiency (you can master various instruments proficiently).

   Lu Ning, male, 16 years old

   Face value: 93 (you completely surpass the average male, I have to say that your genes are really strong)

   Intelligence: 8 (out of 10, you can learn everything very quickly)

   Physical strength: 6 (It can only be said to be so-so, such physical strength may be rejected by individual women)

   Skills: English proficiency, Mandarin proficiency, French proficiency, German proficiency, musical instrument proficiency (you can master various musical instruments proficiently), fighting (proficient), native love words (proficient)

  Special: aristocratic temperament (the existence of emptiness, but it can be felt), peak acting, possessed by the actor, the voice of heaven (your singing is heavenly to anyone)

  Current task: None

   Current wealth: For you, who owns an American Express Centurion, you don't actually need to fight. "

   "Lu, I am going to add my single to this song. Can I add the version we sang together?" At the end of the recording, Celine Dion pleaded like Lu Ning.

   "Of course there is no problem." Miss sister, you just saved my life indirectly, there is nothing to discuss.

   "Thank you, Lu." It was another hug, but this time, Celine Dion took the initiative to embrace Lu Ning.

  the young lady's figure is really good, this is Lu Ning's only thought.