Disney Trip

   Tomorrow is the day to go to Mexico. Lu Ning and Alice decided to put down the script and go out for a day.

   The goal of the duo is to build the world's first Disneyland in 1955.

   The two dressed up in disguise, Lu Ning dressed in a LV casual suit and paired with a pair of Balenciaga casual shoes.

   Alice is wearing very youthful today, Chanel sports jacket, sneakers, LV backpack.

   Lu Ning drove the Ferrari all the way to the southeast.

   This Disney is the world's second-ranked comprehensive amusement park, with eight themes: Main Street, Adventure Park, New Orleans Plaza, Animal Kingdom, Pioneer Land, Mickey Cartoon City, Fantasy Land, and Future Kingdom.

   Lu Ning applied for a special VIP in advance. This VIP needs to be reviewed. The service targets include: political and business celebrities, Hollywood stars and other special groups.

   The Lu family holds 15% of the shares of Disney. Knowing that the young boss is coming, the general manager of Los Angeles Disney showed up at the entrance with high-level personnel early in the morning, waiting for Lu Ning's presence.

   After Lu Ning and Alice arrived, Los Angeles Disney General Manager Parker greeted them with humility.

   "Hello, Shao Lu, I am Parker, the general manager of Los Angeles Disney. I only represent all the employees of Los Angeles Disney and welcome you and Miss Alice."

   "Parker, we are mainly here today to play, don't engage in these fictional things, just a VIP **** will do."

  Although Lu Ning was smiling, Parker had already sensed that Lu Ning had a hint of impatience. It seemed that the young boss didn't like the inspection.

   "Of course, we have arranged the best VIP escort, Tina, will make a special trip to serve you today."

   talked about introducing a blond woman in her 20s.

   "Okay, trouble you."

   Lu Ning expressed satisfaction with Parker's knowledge. Today, I was playing with Alice. I don't want to mess with things. Socializing is a waste of time and energy.

   "Then we will say goodbye. I hope you have a good time today."

   After finishing speaking, Parker decisively evacuated with a group of high-level officials.

  . . .

  . . .

   "Shao Lu, Miss Alice, I will take the two of you to spend a happy day today." Tina was a little nervous today. Yesterday, the general manager called herself and asked herself to be in the park within 30 minutes.

  Although today is her day off, Tina did not dare to waste any time and reached the park in 20 minutes.

   Then, I saw all the high-levels in the park were busy in a mess.

   After asking a colleague, I learned that the heir to Disney's second largest shareholder will take his girlfriend to visit the park.

   The general manager gave himself one of the most important tasks, and today he will receive VIPs.

   After receiving a promotion and raising salary, if something goes wrong, I can roll up and go home.

   That night, Tina didn't sleep well all night and used 3 alarm clocks just for fear of missing time.

   But in the end, the alarm clock was useless. I couldn't fall asleep at 4 in the morning. I simply came to the park to wait. But I didn't expect to find that most of the high-levels had already arrived.

   It seems that they are more nervous than themselves.

Tina specifically asked for the other party's information, only to know that the other party's name was Lu Ning, the top second generation in the United States, and his girlfriend was Alice King, known as the "American Sweetheart". Tina knew her and she liked her starring very much. Some of the youth idol dramas.

   waited with a group of high-level officials until after 9 o'clock, the other party finally appeared.

   Tina swears that she has never seen such a handsome man, and that unspeakable temperament makes herself ashamed.

   Alice is more beautiful than on TV, and the "American Sweetheart" is well-deserved.

   However, Lu Shao seems to be very difficult to approach. Although he was polite to the general manager just now, he had obvious talents.

   Tina is worried that she is not good at serving the other party, so this good job will not be able to keep.

   "Okay, trouble you, Miss Tina." Lu Ning said to Tina gently.

  Huh, it turns out that Shao Lu, like other big people, is very kind to a small person like himself.

   "Shao Lu, Miss Alice, please come with me. Our first stop is the Central Avenue Scenic Area."

  Although Alice didn't speak, her smile was so beautiful that people wanted to get close unconsciously.

   Lu Ning and Alice talked while walking, and Alice asked Tina some questions about the scenic spot curiously from time to time.

   "Look, Lu, the old-fashioned carriage, this, I only saw it on TV."

   Alice pointed to a carriage that was modeled after the 1870s not far away, and looked very excited.

   Lu Ning asked if Tina's carriage could ride, and got Tina's affirmative answer.

   turned around and pulled Alice towards the carriage.

   In front of the carriage, Lu Ning pretended to be a housekeeper, bent over and performed a standard aristocratic etiquette toward Alice.

   "Hello, dear Princess Alice, your frame is ready, please get in the car."

   Seeing Lu Ning's weird look, Alice couldn't help laughing.

   After a while, Alice straightened up, showing the appearance of a noble and inviolable princess.

   "Thank you, my dear housekeeper."

   With the support of Lu Ning, Alice boarded the carriage.

   Alice's cousin, who was sitting firmly, looked at Tina kindly.

   "Miss Tina, take a car trip with this princess." After finishing Alice, she winked at Tina.

   Tina really didn't dare to get in the car. It would be no good if she got in and offended Lu Ning if she got involved in the play between couples

   "Miss Tina, Princess Alice is calling you, please get in the car." Lu Ning knew Alice wanted to play, so let her play.

   The frightened Tina got into the carriage with Lu Ning's support, and almost couldn't stand still when she got into the carriage.

   "Butler, you can go and drive." Alice ordered after Tina got on the carriage and sat down.

   Lu Ning understood, and boarded the front of the car.

   "Sir, what are you?" Lu Ning asked the original driver to get out of the car, looking helpless.

   Recently, all Los Angeles Disney employees have been instructed, and of course the employees who play the driver are no exception.

   "Don't worry, my skills are very good." Lu Ning has acquired systematic driving proficiency. No matter what kind of transportation, he can drive well, and the carriage is of course no exception.

   "Driving..." Lu Ning drove the carriage skillfully around the square.

   Seeing the horse-drawn carriage running smoothly, the staff who played the role of the coachman were relieved, and it was a little strange. These second-generations had eaten enough and even learned to drive the carriage?

   "Call..." After walking for about 10 minutes, Lu Ning drove the carriage back to where it was.

   jumped out of the carriage and opened the door.

   "Dear Princess Alice, your destination is here, please get off the bus."

   While talking, she helped Alice out of the carriage. She wanted to help Tina again, but how could Tina bother Lu Ning any more and jump out of the carriage by herself, Lu Ning didn't care.

   At this time, Alice took out the tissue and wiped the sweat from Lu Ning's forehead.

   These actions of the two made Tina envy for a while, shouldn't I also fall in love?

   But, is this state of being forcibly fed dog food really.