Disney Tour (Rewritten)

   The second stop of the Disney tour is the Frontier World theme area.

"Shao Lu, Miss Alice, our Borderland World theme area is set in the pioneering era of Western America. The most popular entertainment facility is the Big Bang Train." After the incident just now, Tina can now be sure that Lu Ning is fine. Either Alice, they are the kind of people who are easy to get along with.

   At least, I don't have the feeling of being superior to myself, and I am much easier to get along with than some Hollywood stars I have hosted.

  Since I'm here, of course I have to take the Big Bang train to try it. The high-speed rotation makes people a little dizzy.

   However, Alice had a lot of fun, However Lu Ning felt a little weird when he saw her yelling cute appearance.

   The third stop is the fantasy world theme area. The most famous one here is the Sleeping Beauty's castle, which is the most iconic building of Disney.

   A mysterious palace full of fantasy and dreams.

   "Sleeping Beauty? Lu Ning seemed to be talking to himself.

Both laughter and joy echoed for a long time at the gate of Sleeping Beauty's castle.

   There is also a more famous project in the fantasy world theme area, the Matterhorn ski, which is very exciting and exciting, and there will be snowmen on the way to "attack" tourists.

   "Hey, Lu Ning, where did that inflatable stick in your hand come from?"

   "Ah, I just grabbed it from the snowman, do you want to put it back?"

   The robbed snowman is already crying to himself.

   With the snatched inflatable sticks, 3 people went to the fourth theme area, Tomorrowland.

   "This is an area with the theme of the future city of the universe, composed of rockets flying through the sky and metal buildings, allowing visitors to feel the journey of time and space."

   Lu Ning feels that this is a good place, at least many projects are carried out indoors, with air conditioning.

   As for the space rail car recommended by Tina just now, well, it is not suitable for the height-fearing self.

   Fortunately, the careful Alice knew she was afraid of heights and did not ask to try.

   Thinking of this, Lu Ning's eyes looking at Alice are full of warmth. A woman who is willing to think about her partner can prove that she really loves you.

   The fifth scenic spot, New Orleans Square.

   This scenic spot mainly reproduces the streets of New Orleans in Europe in the 19th century, allowing visitors to feel the atmosphere of being in the southern United States.

   This scenic spot provides catering services, and it happened to be noon when I strolled around. Let alone, Lu Ning was really hungry.

   Accompanied by Tina, 3 people came to a specialty restaurant.

   should belong to the most expensive restaurant in the scenic area, and Disney cartoon characters will come out from time to time to take pictures with guests.

   "Well, the steaks here are not very good. I am used to custom-made Lu Ning, unconsciously becoming a bit picky about the food."

   Tina knew that for Lu Ning's arrival, the general manager had prepared some special meals in every restaurant.

   was specially made by the chef. Fortunately, Alice thought it was good to be able to eat such food at the scenic spot.

   "Has Disney's food and beverage been improved? Is it better done in Los Angeles?" Alice has also been to Disney in other places in the United States and feels that the food is much worse than here.

   "Ah, maybe we are the first Disney company to be established, with a lot of attention to food." Tina is pretty witty.

   "Well, that's not bad." Alice did not ask the afternoon, but Tina was relieved.

   Alice didn't know, she just asked Tina in a cold sweat when she asked unintentionally.

   After the meal, the 3 people continued to set off and came to the adventure world scenic spot, where you can see tropical plants from all over the world throughout the year.

   For this reason, the park has spent a lot of manpower and powerlessness to ensure the health of the plants.

  "Indian Jones Adventure" is the most popular entertainment in this scenic spot.

   This is a project similar to a roller coaster, which is very realistic. During the operation of the roller coaster, there are fire-breathing and rock-rolling special effects. From time to time, it enters a completely dark environment, which makes tourists scream.

   Alice likes stimulating events very much, and it takes two consecutive sittings to be satisfied.

   Lu Ning also found it relatively new. For this project, Lu Ning showed his appreciation for the first time in the process of playing.

   Of course, this news was also delivered to the central work department of the park as soon as possible.

   After hearing this news, General Manager Parker was finally relieved. It would be nice to have something he likes. Well, the next time the fund is repaired and rebuilt, this project must be given priority.

   After playing for a long time, Alice is also a little tired. Tina suggested that she can go on a cruise.

   This proposal was unanimously approved by Lu Ning and Alice.

   The three people boarded a special boat prepared in the park, similar to a royal boat, decorated mainly in princess style.

   Tired of playing Alice leaned on Lu Ning, enjoying the scenery along the way.

   The breeze is blowing slowl add a touch of coolness in the afternoon.

   After Alice regained her spirit, the three continued to set off, this time to the animal kingdom.

   "You can see most of the animals in the world here." Tina introduced.

   Lu Ning curled his lips. Anyway, he did not see the giant panda, the national treasure of China.

   As for the others, if you want, you can have it anytime and anywhere. With the capital of the United States, you can do enough with money.

   Alice has no sense of large animals, but is full of interest in some small animals. For example, this is a small alpaca.

   Okay, isn't it just a grass mud horse.

   However, looking at Alice's happy face, Lu Ning secretly decided to go back and raise one, exclusively for Alice to play with.

   The last American Avenue scenic spot. This is a copy of the United States in the early 1900s. There are many shops on the street. This is also the place where Disney sells its various peripheral products.

   Lu Ning bought Alice a mickey mouse ears and Alice gave Lu Ning a Bugs Bunny ears.

   Watching the two continue to play with their fake animal ears. Tina made up her mind again and went to her boyfriend tonight.

   After dinner, the three people wandered around the scenic spot at random, interacting with the classic cartoon characters from time to time.

   Disney's fireworks show at night is Disney's most distinctive classic project.

  The park has prepared the best viewing position for the two.

   In the romantic firework show, Lu Ning and Alice ended a day trip to Disney.

   The two were actually sent off by Parker. Before leaving, Lu Ning thanked Tina for being with him all day.

   gave a lot of positive affirmations.

   Because of Lu Ning's affirmation, Tina became one of the management of Los Angeles Disneyland a year later.