Chapter 15

"You can't come with me today, Bozzair," I tell the adorable dragon trying to hide in my bag. "The teachers said you would only distract the class if you came. Just fly around the campus. I left you some food and water and the window open so you can come in to take naps."

"Fine," Bozzair finally gives in after ten minutes of convincing. "I will just watch over you from a distance."

"Just make sure no one sees you. I don't want to get into trouble during the first day," I say, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "I'm heading out now and will be back around four."

I leave the dorm and join the trail of girls heading for the academy. It would be just like my school days in my previous life if it wasn't for the fact people are pointing as they whisper about me. It's nothing mean, but it is embarrassing. I can hear things like, "Isn't that the god girl?" and "I heard she is so strong the teachers nearly fainted when seeing her evaluation yesterday." Well, no one fainted, but I can't deny my strength. I am grateful for the enhancements, but they do have their drawbacks.

On another note, Bozzair really needs to get better at sneaking. Keep catching glances of him poking his head around corners or his tail sticking out from a bush. I would have already called him out and told him to go back to our room already if he wasn't so cute. At least no one else has noticed him yet, but knowing my luck, it will happen right in class, and the teacher will yell at me. If he does follow me to school, I will make sure to tell him to go home.

"Sister," Noah is waiting along with Zeno and Marshall at the front entrance to the main school building. "Good morning."

It looks like things aren't playing out as they should in the game. If they were, then the heroine would accidentally bump into Noah at the front entrance be ambushed by Zeno in the hall for having a high rating in yesterday's assessment. Then Marshall would save her from Zeno's advances. At least she will have a peaceful first day, but I feel bad for interfering in her love life like this. I'm sure it will be fine, and she will find someone she loves here.

"Good morning Noah," I smile. "Good morning to you two, Marshall, Zeno. I trust you are having a peaceful morning."

"So far," Zeno frowns. "But it would have been better to have woken up next to… ow you didn't have to hit me."

"I wouldn't have to if you would stop flirting with my fiancee," Marshall replies, lowing his hand. Zeno is probably going to have a nasty bruise. "Now, let us head to class. If we don't get moving, we will be late."

With Marshall taking my hand and leading us, we make our way to our class. I know the hand holding is only for show, but it still feels wired having people stare at us, first because of my power and now hand-holding. I am really giving people many reasons to stare and gossip about me.


"Welcome, students," Miss Erlis smiles as she stands on her box. I really hope she doesn't notice Bozzair watching us from a nearby tree branch. "Today, we will be reviewing the basic history of our kingdom, prince Marshall. Can you please tell us how our kingdom first came to be?"

"Certainly," Marshall says as he stands. "Our kingdom was originally divided into seven tribes. The horse tribe to the north was the most powerful and constantly raided the other tribes. Our first king, my ancestor, was from the southern tribe known as the sky tribe. They lived on the island this school currently occupies and, at the time, was one of only two groups of people to have airships. The sky tribe was a peaceful one trading with the other tribes until one day, one of their own was killed in a horse tribe raid. After that, the sky tribe decided it couldn't stand by and do anything. We defeated the horse tribe with our airships, and over the next three years, the other five tribes united under the sky tribe."

That is history as far as the kingdom is concerned. In reality, the horse tribe didn't raid anyone. Every tribe lived in peace until the sky tribe invaded. They slaughtered the other tribe's armies and convinced the survivors they were gods. Several events in the game are caused by that action. In prince Marshall's route, Marshall would say that my character bullied the heroine because I wanted to marry the prince and seize the throne. He would reveal that my family in this world is descended from the horse tribe leader. It wasn't a lie either, and there were plenty of records to prove it, so no one questioned the prince's words.

"Next, Noah Lamonia, please explain how the western plains joined our kingdom," Miss Erlis says, pointing to my brother.

"Our kingdom was in constant conflict with the people of the western plans for several years," Noah begins standing up as Marshall sits. "We fought over control of the river that separated our lands, which eventually led to all-out war. Our kingdom's forces were superior in strength and number. They quickly overwhelmed the enemy's army and captured their capital, ending the war in only a single month with only a handful of casualties."

That is another half-truth. Our kingdom did win the war in a single month but at a high cost. Most of the dead were nobles and their forces who were opposed to the king of that time. Some rumours persist even to this day that the king used the war to purge the kingdom of his political enemies. There are rebel groups that take great offence to the official story. If this was still following the game's script, I would have hired some of those rebels to kidnap the heroine on Noah's route.

"Good, now prince Zeno please enlighten us about how our kingdom became the first to open trade routes with the elves," Zeno stands and doesn't look happy. I can hardly blame him. It is like the teacher is bullying him by asking such a question.

"Your army marched into our lands and attacked a village," Zeno answers. I am surprised that he isn't even bothering to hide the truth. "They killed twelve elves and kidnapped thirty others. They threatened to kill the hostages if we didn't give your kingdom some rare plants that grow in our forest. We agreed since one of the hostages was our queen's sister. It was only when your current king took power that a proper trade treaty was signed."

"Prince Zeno, I advise you to study for the test," Miss Erlis looks worried as she glances around the class. "Allow me to give you the correct answer. Our kingdom sent many caverns into the forest of the elves looking to find a route through the forest only to find the elves by accident. The elves were impressed by our kingdom and showered us with gifts. When he took power, our current king indeed signed a trade agreement with the elves, teaching them the art of trade as thanks for their gifts."

I think I don't need to say what is true. One of the reasons Zeno would hate my character was how our kingdom exploited and bullied him. When he saw me bullying the heroine, it reminded him of what my kingdom did to his.

"I hope the rest of you know your history better. Now Angelina Lamonia. Tell us about our nation's first contact with the Great Eastern Empire," Miss Erlis looks to so I stand. "And how the Great War started."

The Great Eastern Empire is our kingdom's greatest enemy but probably the best place to live in this world. I have fought about running away to the empire many times. If I didn't have Noah or become such good friends with Marshall, I probably would have moved there years ago. The empire is a fair land led by a strong, competent leader and is free of corruption. It still has its problems like any nation, but it is paradise compared to this kingdom.

"Our nation first met the Great Eastern Empire one hundred years ago," I begin reading the script from the game in my head. "Our scouts just crossed the Great Sea and arrived at the empire's capital. At first, we got along peacefully trading with each other, but sixty years ago, when rare magic crystals were discovered on an island within the Great Sea, war quickly broke out between our two nations. It ended with the island being occupied by the empire and our fleet forced to limit its presence in the Great Sea."

"That is correct," Miss Erlis nods her head. "Our kingdom lost the war, but it won't be long before we free that island from the iron fist of the empire."

The rest of the class passes by peacefully. No one spots Bozzair or asks me any more questions. I'm surprised Bozzair stayed in the tree for so long. He usually would have gotten bord by now and flown off chasing a rat or something. But now it is lunchtime, and I find myself alone. Marshall made some excuse about royal business, but he is eating lunch with Arial in his room. Noah wanted to study in the library, and Zeno was invited to lunch by some pretty girls, so he ran off with them.

But despite being alone, I can't complain. Eating a handmade lunch I made this morning outside under a tree is very relaxing. If I didn't have classes this afternoon, I could easily spend my entire day here. Bozzair seems to like this place too. He is curled up asleep on a tree branch looking peaceful and cute. I wish I could be a dragon like him and rest in this spot for as long as possible.

"What do you think you are doing here?"

Well, my peace didn't last for long. I sit up as a commotion grows louder. Oh, it is already this time. Daniella Allencourt, Charlotte Abel and Rosalie Harrington have Ellis surrounded. This is just like in the game. Daniella knocks the heroine's lunch box out of her hands and stomps on it. The only difference is that I am not the one leading the group. I don't have to do anything. Marshall will be along any… no wait, he is in his room.

"Do you really think you have the right to walk amongst your betters just because of your high score?" This is going too far. Daniella grabs her by the neck, and since Marshall isn't around, Ellis could get hurt. "Know your place…."

"Lady Lockridge," Before I even know what I am doing, I have gotten between Ellis and Daniella, stunning everyone. I grab her hand and start leading her away. "Please come with me."

"Lady Lamonia," I hear Ellis mutter as I drag her away. I take her over to my tree where the trio of bullies can't find us. "Thank you for rescuing me."

"It was nothing," I reply, looking away when she smiles. Her smile really is a powerful weapon.

I just stole an event from Marshall. I don't feel too bad since he has Arial, but I shouldn't make a habit of it if she goes down Noah's or Zeno's route. In the game, Marshall would drag Ellis away like I did. He asked me to corner her so he could make himself look heroic in front of her. He would take her to the next garden and give her an apple growing on one of the trees after hearing her stomach rumble. And just when I was thinking of it, I heard a light rumbling coming from Ellis's stomach. When I turn back, I see her blush in embarrassment.

"Here," I say, handing her what is left of my lunch. It is just half a sandwich, but it is better than nothing. "I made it myself, so it might not taste good, but you can have it."

"Your hand made food…." Ellis mutters before taking the sandwich half. "Thank you. I will treasure this gift."

"Just eat it before you starve to death," I tell her just as the school bell rings.

We go together since it is a joint lesson, and I am glad Ellis ate the sandwich. She is going to need the energy.


"Everyone gather around," Sara is just as frightening as yesterday. Even Bozzair refused to follow me here. "I will assess your current stats today by doing a bit f everything. First up, I will assess your abilities with a weapon. Line up next to your weapon of choice."

Most of the people line up by the swords or bows, some by spears, axes and maces. There are even people lining up next to staffs, daggers and muskets. As for me, I join a small group of boys lining up unarmed sections. They give me looks of surprise seeing me there but don't question me. I would have joined Marshall at the sword group if I stuck to the game's script. Zeno is with the bow group and Noah the dagger group. Zeno's pick is pretty straightforward because he wants to show off his shooting skills, but Noah's choice is less clear. In one of his events, he tells the heroine that he is learning how to use a dagger for self-defence. It is dangerous being a noble in this country. The heroine, however, has a choice. It is another big choice that decides what route she will be on. Like with the clubs, Ellis will select one of the groups the love interest joins. Or that is what she is supposed to do but is joining the unarmed group with me for some reason.

"Good," Sara nods. "We will now have mock battles starting with the sword group. Magic is prohibited, and I will punish anyone I catch cheating. First up. Prince Marschall, you will be facing…." Marshall easily wins his fight. So does Zeno, but Noah loses. I would have faced the heroine and lost if I was in Marshall's group. But it seems that might still happen. "Our final match will be between Angelina and Ellis. Show everyone what the strongest students can do."

Ellis and I step into the makeshift ring and get ready. When we faced each other in the game, she won because Marshall cheering for her distracted me. I don't think that will happen this time, nor do I doubt my ability to win. The real problem is holding back, so I don't hurt her. I take up a stance and watch Ellis copy me. I doubt she has ever fought anyone before.

"Good luck," I say.

"You too," Ellis replies with a nod.

"Get ready," Sara says, and I take a deep breath. "Fight."

Ellis catches me off guard, charging right towards me. I expected her to keep her distance and let me have the initiative. Unfortunately for her, her fighting skills don't match her sprite. Her movements are sloppy and easy to read. I have been forced to fight monsters with my hands in the past and defend myself when some adventurer tried to take advantage of me. This is far from my first fight. I easily step out of the way of Ellis's punch.

She doesn't give up aiming a roundhouse kick at me. It isn't good, and I lean back, avoiding the kick. Ellis is fast, but she gives me the impression of a child imitating moves they saw on TV. Ellis relentlessly aims a right hook, then a left, followed by another right that I swiftly block. She may be sloppy, but against a less skilled opponent, I would bet on Ellis winning that fight. She tries to punch me again, but I duck down, swiping her leg and sending Ellis crashing to the ground. She lands hard, but this was better than what would have happened if I landed a punch or kick.

I bend down to give her a hand up, confident she would give up, but she doesn't. Instead, Ellis jumps to her feet and tackles me to the ground. Now she is on top of me, straddling my waist and pinning my shoulders to the ground. She really is a fighter. Still, it is not enough to defeat someone like me. I quickly overpower her, and soon Ellis finds herself pinned to the ground.

"That's enough," Sara claps her hands when she sees Ellis can't break free from my hold. "Ellis, you still have a long way to go. You would have never lasted this long if you had someone else for your opponent. Angelina, you should never have let your guard down like that. If this was on the battlefield, you would have died. Now everyone will run laps until only one of you is left standing. Whoever that person is will get a special reward from me. Don't just stand there looking at me! Start running!"


That was hell. I managed to win, but it nearly killed me. Ellis's surprisingly gave me a run for my money. She only made it halfway through the event in the game, but somehow she came in second place today. Things keep changing from what happened in-game, and I am starting to fear I will lose my ability to predict what is going to happen. It doesn't matter that much. With my strength and Bozzairs help, we can deal with any threat, but it would be nice to know where those threats are coming from.

"My lady," My personal maid comes in. "Your bath is ready."

"Thank you,"

I am so tired I can barely stand up. I almost forget to cast my pervy elf repelling spell. I hope practical lessons will get easier from now on.