Chapter 31

Ellis's POV

Is it true? Running through the halls of the school, I couldn't care less about the looks people gave me. I hope it is true. It would be the best news ever if it is! I practically flew down the stairs and nearly crashed into the notice board as I struggled to stop on time. I eagerly scan through the news bulletins praying the rumour is true.

"Latest News From the Palace,"

This is it. I hold my breath as I read the news. I almost cheer halfway through. It is true! This is the best news ever!!!

"The marriage between Lady Angelina Lamonia and the first prince Marshall Malone has been annulled,"


Angelina's POV

"So it's true," I sigh, looking down into my tea cup.

"Yeah, I just received a letter from the capital," Marshal replies, crunching up the letter in his hand. "It seems your grandfather's rivals banded together and used recent events to get our marriage annulled."

We didn't have much love for each other romantically, but Marshal is like a brother to me, a dear friend who has always been there for me. He helped me in many ways, and I was ready to repay him. Marshal's personal maid Arial gently places a hand on his shoulder. Our plan for them to be together is falling apart.

We will figure something out. It isn't unnatural for nobles to have mistresses on the side in this world, so it isn't over for them. We just need to get Marshal's new fiancée to accept Arial. I hope this doesn't put Marshal on a dark path. Arial managed to calm him down there, but I saw hints of his in-game character returning.

"Have they decided on who your new bride will be?" I finally ask.

"No, I think that will be decided at the next party in the castle," Marshal shakes his head. "My parents have already made it clear that I have to attend. Will you be okay? I'm sure your grandfather isn't handling the news well."

I have already received letters from my parents and grandfather. At least my grandfather made his intentions clear in his letter blaming everything on me. On the other hand, my parents just ordered me to return home without indicating their feelings on the matter. If worse comes, I can always leave with my money stash and live as an adventurer.

"My parent's are a bigger problem," I answer. "I have to return home tomorrow and see them."


"So you are finally mine,"

I should have expected this. I had only just entered the dining hall. Zeno swept me off my feet, causing several nearby female students to squeal and coo. He never misses his chances, but I free myself from his grip as his hand slides down my back. He really never misses a chance to be perverted. And Marshal isn't here to stop him. A messenger from the palace dropped by, forcing him to stay behind.

"Still playing hard to get," He smirks. "Well, you are already mine, so I can play along."

I just ignore her. It's impressive how I have become used to Zeno's perverted nature. It doesn't nearly bother me as much as it once had. I hope he isn't infecting me with some kind of perverted curse.

"Sister," At least Noah gives me a proper greeting. "I'm sorry about what happened." Noah gives me a quick hug. "I'll go with you when you go home."


This room is too noisy. Everyone is staring and gossiping about us. We head to my spot under the tree to eat in peace at my suggestion. Of course, it didn't last long, as groups of students walking by soon continued what we tried to escape from in the dining hall. It will be a long time before I can eat in peace again.

"Come on, you don't need to sit so far from me,"

I ignore Zeno's complaints as I sit down with Noah between us. I set down some food on a napkin for Bozzair, but he doesn't show up. I'm sure he is just chasing a rat, or some other student is feeding him treats, but his absence still worries me after his recent kidnapping.

"Is everything okay with Marshal?" Noah asks as we start to eat.

"So far, but things might change after the next party at the castle,"

I hope whoever becomes his bride accepts Marshal and Arial's relationship. I would hate to see such a happy couple be forced apart.

"Do you think our parents are planning something for you tomorrow?"

"Most likely," I certainly am not looking forward to finding out. "And grandfather will probably have a large say in the matter."

"Then I'll back you up," Noah assures me with a surprising amount of determination. "He might still listen to me."

I doubt that, but I still thank Noah for his support. Granddaddy never listens to anyone and is only interested in what benefits him. There is nothing Noah can do to get him to listen.

"If you worried about him, then come to my kingdom,"

Zeno offers, appearing out of nowhere right beside me. I hope he doesn't make a habit of using short-range teleportation spells. It's going to be a pain to deal with that.

"Your family now, after all," Zeno declares. "We can even hold our wedding on the day of your arrival. We don't do all that fancy human stuff, so it wouldn't be a problem."

Yeah, I can see plenty of problems being married to a pervert like him. And it's not like I could pack up and leave immediately, either.

"Lady Angelina!" Suddenly Ellis appears, running over to us from the school building with Bozzair riding on her shoulder. "I just heard the news. I'm sorry to hear about your engagement."

Ellis pulls me into a tight embrace without the perversion of Zeno's wandering hands. Just the warmth and comfort of a friend.

"Let me know if you need anything or just want to talk," Ellis says as she releases me. "I will always be there for you, Lady Angelina."


Home feels a lot different than when I left for school. The whole place feels colder and less lively. It felt more like a museum than my home as I followed our family's butler through the halls. Noah stays by my side as he promised, bringing me some comfort. Still, it isn't until we arrive in our living room that I feel like I am home.

"Oh, Bozzair," My mother cheerily says as the traitorous little dragon lands in her lap. She even has little treats ready for him. "You should visit more often."

My time away from her hasn't changed my mother at all. She is still wearing that heavy makeup and those ridiculous dresses. I hope she won't try to dress me up while I am here. My father still looks as strict as ever, but at least he smiles when he sees Bozzair playing with his wife. Hopefully, the little guy has put them in a good mood.

"Take a seat," My father says.

I do so, but my eyes never leave the other person in the room. Despite what happened at the trial, my grandfather still acts like he has the upper hand over me. I hope he isn't planning anything too bad. Well, whatever he is up to, it's not like I will let it work.

"You have done it now," My grandfather shakes his head. As if it's my fault. "Not only did you embarrass me, but now you have gotten your marriage into the royal family called off."

"Maybe if you didn't put me up on false charges, it wouldn't be a problem,"

"You would have never been in that position in the first place if you had done what you were told,"

It's always my fault. No matter what mistakes my grandfather makes, he always blames me. He needs to grow up and accept responsibility for once. I swear he is worse than my sister from my past life. At least she would take responsibility every once in a while. Although that was only when I threatened to stop paying her rent.

"All you had to do is make friends with the people I told you to, and everything would have worked out," He tells me. "Now, where are we. No marriage to royals, people I could have made deals with, cosying up with my enemies. All I have left is one ungrateful child who doesn't obey her elders. Do you have any idea how much trouble you are causing me?"

I have a good idea, but I bite my tongue before I can say that. But most of the problems he has are his own fault. If my grandfather hadn't built himself up a reputation for one-sided deals and shady business practices, he wouldn't have needed my help in making connections.

"And now here you are, trying to blame me for the mess you caused," He growls before throwing a document at me. "Now sign this and take responsibility for your actions."

He's got to be joking. Or did he not expect me to read it first?


I burned the document up before he could react. It was a deal I expected him to make. My grandfather wanted me to return to adventuring. I could agree to that deal if he didn't try to take ninety percent of my earnings. Only an idiot will agree to that deal.

"Why, you ungrateful child!"


He tried to slap me, but Noah got between us and took full force. I kneel down and quickly heal his bloody cheek. What was he thinking? How could he strike his own grandchild?

"Noah, are you okay?"

"I'm fine now,"

"So you betrayed this family too?"

I take a deep breath before I do something I will regret. But it isn't easy when I see no hints of remorse. If he tries something like that again, all my grandfather will hit is the hard surface of my barrier.

"Noah, we leaving," I say, helping him to his feet.

"Don't you dare walk away from me!"

I just ignore my grandfather's yell. He tries to grab me but runs into my barrier instead.

"Bozzair, don't eat him,"


I hate how reluctantly Bozzair agreed to let him live. My grandfather may deserve a fate far worse than death, but I won't lower myself to his level and kill him.

"What do you think you are doing?! I didn't say you could leave! Don't you two dare defy me!"

I continue to ignore him and teleport Noah, Bozzair, and myself back to the academy.

"Will we be okay?" Noah asks as soon as we arrive. "He looked pretty mad."

"Don't worry," I assure him with a smile. "There is nothing he can do to us."


There was nothing he could do to us legally. Illegally, my grandfather had plenty of options. Which is why I am floating above a sizeable hidden farm. My grandfather's power comes from his money. This farm, along with two others, I had already paid a visit to provide most of that money. Growing illegal drugs and housing stolen goods. There is a lot of wealth down there.

I begin my attack without a sound shooting fireballs down onto the crops and warehouses as the thugs below struggle to react. Like with the other two farms, this place is destroyed in a matter of seconds. I left just as quickly as I arrived before anyone could spot me. I still have five more of these farms to visit tonight.

It is nearly time for the sun to rise when I return to my dorm room, but I don't feel tired at all. I feel pretty good, actually. I did a good thing last night, and my grandfather might be too busy to even bother causing trouble for me. But just in case, I asked Bozzair to keep an eye on him.

"Lady Lamonia, are you awake?"

A light tapping on my door, and my personal maid's soft voice accompanies it. What could she want this early in the morning? My stomach drops. Did I make a mistake? There is no way anyone could have known I destroyed those farms last night. There's no point in getting too worked up over it. I take a deep breath and calm myself down.

"Yes, come in,"

"My lady, I have some bad news," It is terrible news. "Your family has cut off your funds and says you must come home and apologise immediately."

So he is using money to lure me back to him. My grandfather is such a fool. As if money is the most important thing to me.

"That's fine," I tell her. "You can tell my family I have enough money to fund my own education saved up."

I also have enough to last me for several years after that.