Chapter 32

Nearly a month has passed since my grandfather cut me off. It was harder than I thought it would be, but it feels good to be back in the field as an adventurer. I just need a day's break between adventuring and Sara's torturous practical lessons. But despite only being able to spend one day a week taking quests, I have earned quite a bit of money while regaining my reputation as a top adventurer.

"Hey, did you hear that a pack of demonic wolves have been whipped out,"

"Yeah, and they say it was a lone adventurer too,"

"I wonder who they are. I heard they were a rookie,"

"Really? I can remember hearing that they were an old veteran,"

My reputation in school has also improved. Most people don't know that adventurer was me since I returned to my old disguise tricks, but I am all people could talk about these days. I thought it would be better this way and more challenging for my grandfather to interfere. Speaking of my grandfather, he has been strangely quiet.

After what I did to his farms, I expected him to try something, but Bozzair says he hasn't done anything unusual. Still, I can't let my guard down. I know he is up to something. But as much as I would like to investigate further, I have another problem to deal with first.

"My new bride has been too much lately,"

When Marshal first told me that, I wasn't worried at all. It was to be expected that something like this would happen after our marriage was called off. The only problem is the new bride herself. Gloria Da Ville. From what I have heard, she is a friendly, polite young lady considered by many to be the ideal noblewoman. But from what I have seen, she is the type of person who wants everything to be done her way.

Gloria, even now, I can see her watching us. She hasn't shoved me away because she knows how bad it will end for her. But from how she constantly burns a hole into the back of my head, I know Gloria wants nothing more than for me to disappear. I hope she will break those habits soon.

"Every morning, she is waiting outside my door to eat breakfast together and walk to class," Marshall moans collapsing and putting his head in his hands. "She drags me off to eat lunch with her and doesn't leave me alone after classes have finished for the day. I never get time alone with Arial anymore."

Gloria is also causing problems in Marshall's relationship with Arial. I don't think she knows of their love, but Gloria hasn't given them a moment to be together and has already hinted at replacing Arial with a maid.

"I'm sure she will calm down," I try to comfort him. "She's probably just making sure everyone knows you are with her now."

"I hope so," Marshall perks up slightly. "I want to rest my head on Arial's lap when I nap again."


A week passes, then another, but Gloria shows no signs of calming down. If anything, she has gotten worse, going so far as demanding Marshall shares a room with her. The royal family and Gloria's quickly turned that idea down, but Gloria insisted on the idea for a week longer. Not to mention how she wants no one to talk with Marshall she disapproves of.

It started with Ellis. Gloria cornered her one afternoon in the lady's restroom and tried using her family name to get Ellis to leave Marshall alone. I have to give Ellis credit. She didn't back down even as she was threatened. Luckily I arrived as things looked like they would get physical. Zeno was next, but he could charm the ladies of our school, so Gloria didn't stand a chance.

Noah and I were the next on her hit list. She spoke with us after class, but unlike the others, she couldn't use her family name as a weapon. Ultimately, she left frustrated and defeated when neither Noah nor I would back down. But that leads me to when I stroll through the dorm's garden and come across….

"Resign at once!"

Gloria is standing over Arial with a look of disgust in her eyes. Arial is on her knees with a nasty-looking red mark on her cheek. I had been holding back, hoping Gloria would settle down, but I couldn't sit by.

"What do you think you are doing?"

Gloria jumps when I appear but quickly recovers, shooting me a glare. I ignore her and heal Arial's cheek as I help her stand.

"This has nothing to do with you," Gloria huffs. "Leave."

"Okay," I nod and smile, picking up the basket Arial must have dropped. "Allow me to walk you back to the dorms."

Arial nods, but as we turn to leave, Gloria speaks up.

"I wasn't down talking to her!"

"What you were doing wasn't talking," I tell her, stopping and turning to face her. "I will only warn you once. I have no problems with your engagement with Marshall, but if you think you could get away with hurting and threatening people, we will have a problem. Grow up and start acting like a noble."

"Like you?"

She has me there. I can hardly call myself a noble after my past actions. Still, I was living my life the way I wanted to for the most part and never wanted to be noble in the first place.

"I admit I am hardly the ideal noble, but I never once abused my power,"

With that said, I walk Arial back to Marshall's room and tell him what happened. We might have to do something about Arial after all.


"Lady Angelina Lamonia! I challenge you to a dual!"

I didn't see this coming. I had just finished picking Zeno off the floor after his face hit my barrier when Gloria came charging me. I had plenty of ideas about what she was planning, but the idea of her challenging me to a dual never crossed my mind.

"Take a look at this!" Before I could react, Gloria pushed a flyer into my face. "The Social Aptitude Test is next week. If I score higher than you, I want you to leave Prince Marshall alone!"


"Really? You… you agreed quicker than I thought,"

"I have no problems dealing with you," I reply. "But when I win, I want you to calm down and let Marshall have his friends."

"You don't want Marshall back,"

"My problem isn't with your engagement. It's with how you are acting,"

Hopefully, Gloria won't cause any more problems after I beat her. It can't be that hard. I have had the stuff on this test drilled into me since I was born.