Chapter 33

"Lady Angelina," How did this happen? "I look forward to working with you."

Ellis is my partner. Standing in front of me with the brightest smile. Shouldn't she be with Noah or Zeno? I was hoping she would have been with Noah. In the game, this was one of the final main events, and the person Ellis was partnered with was the love interest she would marry.

"Y… yes. I hope we receive a high score,"

It is probably just a coincidence. There were an odd number of boys and girls, and the teachers probably paired me up with a friend because my marriage with Marshal was called off. It's not like we are going to get married after this. Although whoever marries Ellies will be a lucky guy.

"Excuse me, can I have everyone's attention," But before I can question it, one of the teachers grabs our attention. "We will begin the first exam stage, which consists of a meal between you and your partner. You will be judged on your table manners, posture and ability to hold appropriate conversations."

It looks like the test hasn't changed from the game. Still the same categories, but this time I will have to do the tasks myself instead of answering a series of multiple-choice questions. I hope I haven't forgotten anything significant from my etiquette lessons.

"Now, please wait here until you are called," The teacher starts reading from her list, calling out a new pair one at a time, along with a table number.

It takes a few minutes, but everyone is seated in pairs before long. I have to give it to the staff of our school. They really turned this room into a fancy dining establishment. It's hard to believe that this room was once a large open space used by the school's fencing club. I will assume it is another coincidence that Gloria and Marshal sit beside us. Gloria shoots me a smug look as she cosies up to Marshal. I can't wait to crush her… I mean, make her see the error of her ways.

"This looks really fancy," Ellis comments, looking around.

"Yeah," I nod. "It's hard to believe what this place used to look like."

For the first test, we had a three-course meal. It wasn't a hard test, but maintaining the correct posture and remembering which piece of cutlery to use was taxing. I swear nobles have too many types of spoons, forks and knives to choose from. The only way I got through it was because I could remember my mother yelling at me for using the wrong utensil. At least keeping up a conversation wasn't too hard. In fact, it was easy with someone like Ellis as a partner. She quickly picks up the slack whenever I struggle to find a topic.

There seems to be no difference between this world and Ellis's game characters' back story. From what Ellis tells me, she still was mistreated by her family but not to the same degree as the game. My backstory is entirely different in comparison. Fighting monsters and dragons, having Bozzair as a pet and getting along with Marshal, Zeno and Noah. Reflecting on it, it's hard to believe I am Angelina Lamonia.

Everything about this test went perfectly. Tasty food, no mistakes with the cutlery and delightful company. I am sure we will get full marks. Even Ellis was perfect. In the game, she struggled through this test with her partner having to carry her, but today she outshined me. I had no idea she could be so charming and elegant. Noah and Zeno really missed out on an enjoyable meal.

"That was really tasty," Ellis sighs in satisfaction. "But I don't recognise the meat used."

"It was Thunder Deer," I tell her. "I was the one who hunted it."

It was an easy fight. Thunder Deers are deadly but go down pretty quickly if you catch them by surprise. You just need to be careful of the horns. They can shoot off lightning even after the deer is killed. I learned that the hard way when I first started adventuring. Just one small shock, my arm was numb for nearly a week.

"Really? That's so cool," Ellis smiles. "You must be really brave to be able to fight monsters like that."

"It's not that big of a deal,"

"Yes, it is," I tried to brush it off, but Ellis won't let me. It's good that the test is over, or we would have definitely lost some points with her intensity. "I mean it. I wouldn't be able to fight like you."

"Most of it is down to experience," I tell her. "Once you fought something enough times, it stops becoming scary."

"I don't know. I still might be scared of fighting no matter how many monsters I defeat,"

"There's nothing wrong with being scared,"

"But I want to be braver… hey, can I go with you next time you go out on an adventure? I want to be brave like you,"

"Sure, if you want to, I have no problem bringing you along,"

Ellis may not be the top of our year regarding combat abilities, but her skill with magic and weaponry isn't something to scoff at. I'm sure she will be a big help out there. We plan to visit the adventuring guild on our next day off as we leave to get Ellis registered.


After the meal, we moved to the next hall where a band was waiting on a stage for us. Like before, what was once a wide-open hall used by one of the school clubs has been transformed into a fancy-looking ballroom. Whoever the school had made up these rooms had a promising future as an interior designer.

"Everyone listen up," The teacher says, stepping onto the stage. "This next test will be a dance. You must show perfect technique if you want top marks."

Now it's time for the dance stag of the test. I was never the best dancer, and if I remember from the game, neither is Ellis. This may be where I will lose my dual with Gloria. I don't remember her from the game, but I know Marshal is an excellent dancer from playing it and the dances we have shared in the past. The only reason I ever got praise for my dancing skills was because of Marshal's hard work.

Noah is also a good dancer. We used to practise together as kids, and I could never come close to matching his skill. Zeno should also do well here. In the game, he was the best dancer of the love interests, but I can't confirm it. Whenever he asked me to dance, I would turn him down, not trusting that pervy elf to keep his hands to himself. I hope whoever he is paired with doesn't let her guard down.

"I'm sorry, Lady Angelina," Ellis sighs as we take our positions. "I only know a handful of dancers."

"No I should be apologising Ellis. I am not the best dancer and will probably bring down our score,"

"No, you'll do great, Lady Angelina," Ellis insists. "I know you will be a great dancer."

I hope I can live up to her expectations, but to be honest, I already know I will be bringing us down. The test is simple enough. Just a simple waltz, but we will be judged on more than just our dance skills. Maintaining eye contact and working with your partner. Most people will end up losing points over those two things.

"You may begin dancer,"

On the teacher's order, we start. As expected, I wasn't off to a good start, but Ellis managed to make up for it as she took the lead in our dance. Ellis turns out to be just as good as Marshal when it comes to covering for my shortcomings on the dance floor. Around us, I notice a few shyer dancers avoiding eye contact, and the more dominant people are almost forcing their partners to move, but we have no such problems.

Ellis has such pretty eyes it's hard not to gaze into them. I will have to be careful. Ellis really is the protagonist of an Otome game, and just looking into her eyes might make me fall for her. Ellis is going to marry either Noah or Zeno. I can't become the villainess and interfere in her love life. But if that's the case, why hasn't she moved to get closer to either of them?

"Don't look so tense," Ellis tells me. It's not like I am doing it intentionally, but I don't want to mess up and step on her feet. "Just relax and follow my lead."

"Y… yes…."

Noble life doesn't suit me. I wish I was reborn as a commoner instead. I may have been poorer but wouldn't have to deal with dancing and dinner parties. Still, Ellis is doing such an excellent job at easing me into the dance. As we twirl and move, I feel safe in her arms, and when I look into her eyes, I feel a warmth in my body. Ellis must feel warm, too, as her checks are reddening. Still, Ellis is an angel. I have never danced with such a beautiful and sweet partner before.


We had an hour's break after the dance, but I couldn't relax. Even my peaceful hiding place under the tree has been invaded.

"Lady Angelina, you look so beautiful dancing out there!"

"Please share a dance with me sometime!"

"Hey! I want a turn having the dragon on my lap!"

No matter where I go, groups of my fellow students found me. I may not be the only one they focus on, but unlike Bozzair, I am not enjoying all the attention. I was tempted to fly away, turn myself invisible or even teleport out of here, but those things will only bring more attention. I just politely smile and do my best to endure it. I just wish my friends were here to help me.

Marshal is with Gloria, and judging by how she dragged him off, I think it is safe to assume he is just as uncomfortable as me. Noah is helping one of the teachers carry some supplies while Zeno is enjoying the attention of the female students surrounding him. I would be cornering Ellis and tearing her dress if this was still game.

I'm not sure if it is still the same, but Ellis was a pro when it came to sewing in the game, and by the time she had finished repairing her dress, it looked ten times better than it had been before. That won't happen now since I have no intention of carrying out such an act, and my would-be henchmen have been arrested.

Still, Ellis is nowhere to be seen, and I am getting worried. It probably isn't anything serious, but after we finished our dance, Ellis was bright red and excused herself as soon as possible. It is probably nothing, but I should check on her if she feels unwell. Oh no, there she is, but maybe Ellis is getting bullied by someone. She looks frustrated for some reason when she glances my way.

"Are you free after this test Lady Angelina? I would love to get to know you better,"

"No, you should come with me. I have tasty snacks that I am sure you dragon will like,"

I figure out if Ellis is getting bullied later. I must think of excuses to turn everyone down without hurting their feelings.


"We will begin the final test," The teacher says as we stand in the school garden. "We will now judge your tea party etiquette skills. You will be graded on your ability to prepare tea, serve and entertain each other."

It sounds simple. We prepare tea from tea leaves, pour each other a cup and keep each other entertained. Why do I have the feeling that it won't be so simple? I had made tea before since my mother forced… I mean insisted I learned how, but I mostly left the preparation to my servants since those lessons. I don't know why nobles must know how since most leave the task to their maids or butlers. At least I am confident in my ability to pour the tea and entertain my friend.

"Please find your seats. We will be starting the exam soon,"

The weather is so lovely today. I am glad this last test is being held outside. The tables are neatly set and the chairs nice and comfy too. The school must have brought new tea sets just for this test because I have never seen such lovely designs of tea cups and pots at the school before. I wonder who….

"Ellis, please wait a minute,"

I quickly stopped Ellis before she could start preparing her drink, but it looked like I was the only one targeted. I don't know what it is, but some white powder was at the bottom of my cup. It was sabotage. When I examined the powder, I learned it wasn't deadly, but it would have left me in a drink-like state. I was lucky I caught it in time because that stuff would have acted so fast that I wouldn't have been able to cure it in time.

I check the water in the teapot but find nothing. It really was only me that was targeted. I quickly flagged down a teacher and had my cup exchanged. None of the staff is behind this since my new cup had no traces of that powder.

"I can't believe someone would do that to you,"

"There's nothing we can do about it now," As much as I want to find the culprit, I can't do anything but continue the test. I just have to leave it to the teacher and hope they find them. "Let's just continue with the test and figure out who did it later."

"How can you be so calm over something like this?"

"My grandfather has tried to drug me a few times," I shrug. It happened so many times now it doesn't bother me anymore. "I'm just used to this kind of thing and know what to look out for."

"You shouldn't have to be used to it," Ellis points out, and I agree with her. "He shouldn't be able to do that to you."

"I know, but he is too powerful to take down,"

"Maybe one day he won't… so are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assure her. "Let's just enjoy our time together."

"Yes," Ellis smiles. "Just let me know if anything happens."


Ellis and I stand side by side, holding hands while waiting for the scores to be announced. I don't even remember when we started holding hands. It happened so naturally. I'm a little nervous that I caused us to lose. Ellis was amazing. No matter what we were doing today, she was flawless. None of the mistakes she made during the game happened. Instead, Ellis was probably the best among the examinees.

"Don't worry, I know we beat them," Ellis smiles, reassuringly squeezing my hand.

"I hope so,"

Our positions from the game have been reversed. In the game, I would have been the floorless one that Ellis struggled to keep up with. I hope I didn't cause our defeat. I'm sure I made several mistakes today. But finally, the teachers return, and with the wave of a wand, names appear on the board in pairs.

100th: Not us.

99th: Not us.

98th: Not us.

At least we didn't get the bottom score.

50th: Not us.

49th: Not us.

48th: Not us.

It looks like we made it into the top half of the results.

15th: Not us.

14th: Not us.

13th: Not us.

We did better than I thought. I can feel my nervousness melt away the higher up the scoreboard I look. I'll have to find a way to thank Ellis. It is her that got us such a good result.

5th: Prince Marshall Malone and Gloria Da Ville.

4th: 2nd Prince Zeno Facaryn and Devina Mayer.

3rd: Not us.

We did it. We beat her. I smile, and the shocked look on Gloria's face is quite the sight. But just how high up did we score?

2nd: Angelina Lamonia and Ellis Lockridge.

1st: Noah Lamonia and Annabelle Nelson.

Great job, Noah. I'll make sure to do the sisterly thing and reward him after this. Still, Ellis and our score weren't so bad and much better than I expected. It's all thanks to Ellis. I'm sure Gloria would have beaten me if I didn't have such a perfect partner.