Chapter 81 These People Need To Die

At this time, Xavier also received the details of Vanessa's identity.

'She was the daughter of the Simmons family?" Xavier raised his eyebrows, 'No wonder she dares to confront the Larry family! Unfortunately, I don't even put the old dog, Sebastian Simmons, in my eyes."

Vanessa lay on her side on the bed, watched Xavier with her pretty eyes, and did not speak.

Xavier called Sebastian slowly and easily.

The phone rang a few times before it was picked up, and Sebastian's voice came from the other end, 'Hello?"

'Your daughter is in my hands, bring 2 million to ransom her, or I'll rape her!"

'My daughter?"

Sebastian looked strangely at Queenie in the living room and spoke in a deep voice, 'You've got the wrong number."

'What? Vanessa Simmons is not your daughter?"

Sebastian soon understood and his face became gloomy and frightening.

That ungrateful daughter must have gotten into some kind of trouble and gotten kidnapped!

'What did she do again?"