Chapter 82 He Failed To Protect Her

In the meanwhile.

Aaron couldn't care about exposing his identity and sent a large number of people to look for Vanessa.

'Sir, we have something. Miss Simmons's kidnapping must have something to do with the Larry family."

Howard managed the company on his behalf, while he hid in the shadows. And Howard was very capable of scouting out information.

'I see, keep investigating the whereabouts of Lamb."

His voice sounded extremely cold, and Howard on the other end of the phone couldn't help but shiver a bit.

After today, the Larry family would become history.

Aaron watched the scenery flying by outside the car window, his handsome face was as cold as frost, and so were his eyes.

'Sir, here's the Larry's."

Aaron stepped out of the car with slender legs, put on a mask that covered half of his face, and led a group of people in the direction of the Larry family.


A huge sound exploded in the air, shaking the eardrums of the Larry couple in the living room.