Chapter 127 He Is Impotent

Queenie then didn't say anything more.

She stared at the tea in Aaron's hand and wondered something.

Sebastian said, 'Although Vanessa is a bit stubborn and obstreperous, she still has some merits. You should know about her previous engagement to the Anderson family, right?"


Aaron replied.

Sebastian smiled, 'The Anderson family is quite influential family. To be frank, the Anderson family is out of Vanessa's league. But after all, I am a father, and I certainly do everything for my daughter."

'You should also know that the man Vanessa is going to marry is sick, and I heard that he is impotent."

Vanessa listened and subconsciously looked at Aaron, full of question marks.

She was like asking him, 'Are you impotent?"

Aaron's face became gloomy and said lightly, 'I don't know where Mr. Simmons heard the rumors."