Chapter 128 Guilty Of Something

'Sit down!"

Sebastian said sternly.

Elise also hurriedly tugged on Queenie's dress.

Queenie bit her lip and sat down.

'Apologize," Sebastian scowled at Queenie.

He didn't want to lose this money bag.

Queenie, 'I did nothing wrong…"


Sebastian said, 'What's wrong with your future brother-in-law asking you to change a room? Do you have to make a fuss about such a small thing?"

Queenie stared at Sebastian with tears in her eyes, biting her lips, not saying a word.

Elise chipped in, 'She may not be feeling well, and I'm going to take her to rest for a while."

'Not feeling well?"

Aaron hooked up his lips and watched the tea on the table that was almost out of the heat with a teasing smile on his face.

'She'll be fine after drinking this cup of hot tea."

Vanessa's pupils shrank.

This man was really a bad boy.

When Queenie heard this, her face turned pale again.

Elise didn't look well either.