Chapter 161 Eating Melons

Seeing that this matter is about to be solved by the principal, Mu Mengmeng thought together and smiled: "Yes, but I think there may be some reason that made me misunderstand Vanessa Simmons. I apologize to her here."

Then Mu Mengmeng looked at Vanessa Simmons in a gentle voice.

"Vanessa Simmons, I'm sorry."

Vanessa Simmons glanced at Mu Mengmeng.

For Mu Mengmeng, she doesn't have so many good tempers.

If it weren't for her, she wouldn't have wasted so much time here.

So, she didn't speak at all.

Mu Mengmeng saw that Vanessa Simmons's attitude towards her was different from that of He Ji, and his face was stiff.

"This matter, I need results."

Vanessa Simmons has a faint voice.

"I want to know who put the cheat sheet on my seat."

Wood MengMeng face a tight, the in the mind some dissatisfaction.

Why is this Vanessa Simmons like this?

She apologized, why is she still biting?