Chapter 162 You are such a green tea bitch

Mu Mengmeng's face changed and changed again. He just wanted to choke, and thought that he wanted something from others. He continued to speak softly: "You see that I am so pitiful, can you help me down?" If I go down, I will do whatever you say. "

Vanessa Simmons's pale ink eyes flashed.

This person, obviously hates her very much, but also pretends to be intimate.

Kind of like the one on the Internet.

Oh, right.

Green tea bitch.

"You are such a green tea bitch."

Vanessa Simmons suddenly said.

Mu Mengmeng was surprised and stared at round eyes: "What did you just say about me?"

"I said you were a green tea bitch."

Vanessa Simmons repeated it again.

This time.

Mu Mengmeng couldn't even pack it, screaming, "Little bitch, what did you call me? Green tea bitch?"

Growing up so big, Mu Mengmeng has never been scolded by people pointing at his nose like this.

The key is that the other party is still calm.