Chapter 289 Wasps

Attracted this thing, it's going to kill people!

Su Cen's eyebrow angle jumped, and several wasps were surrounded, buzzing in his ears.

Lauretta Lopez was attracted by this noisy voice and turned his head at the moment. "Mama, bees!"

"Shh." Su Cen quickly lowered his voice and warned each other with his eyes. "Keep your voice down, it's class."

Lauretta Lopez also covered his mouth and lowered his head, looking at the bees flapping their wings around him, with a flash of horror in his eyes.

This bee looks bigger than ordinary bees. Although I don't know what kind of bee, I was stung by this bee, so I guess I have to go to the hospital and lie down.

Of course, girls are most afraid of this creature, but Su Cen is very calm.

Almost didn't stop, took out a few pieces of white paper directly from the drawer, held out his hand decisively to the bees around him, and rolled these bees in the paper ball.