Chapter 290 Capture

Su Cen was surprised in his heart. I didn't expect Queenie Simmons to do such a bad thing.

At the scene, the classroom was already in chaos. After being angered, the wasp began to sting people.

Several classmates have already stung their arms around her.

"Come on! Students hurry out of the classroom! I will take these two students to the infirmary!"

Under the honest and orderly leadership, Su Cen and Lauretta Lopez and most of the students walked out of the classroom unscathed, except for two unfortunate students.

"Scared me to death, I really don't know how wasps suddenly appeared in our classroom..."

Lauretta Lopez is still holding his arms with great fear at the moment.

After all, the two students who had been stung by wasps immediately got a big bag on their arms.

It's scary enough to look at it. No one wants such a thing to happen to himself. Su Cen frowned and said nothing at the moment, and then looked at the flow of people, as if looking for something.