Chapter 344 Restoration

Fu old lady, at this time don't want to tube.

"If you know it in your heart, so be it."

Having said this sentence, I immediately hung up the phone in my hand.

Su Cen can only look at the screen of his mobile phone that has been hacked.

"Why did I suddenly hang up so fast? I didn't say that this matter has no responsibility for me. It's really the heart of the old man is also a submarine needle, and I don't know what I am thinking."

After muttering this sentence, I hung up the phone.

Time is like a blink of an eye, and the wind has passed as soon as it blows.

When I woke up again, it was already early the next morning.

The hospital ward was very transparent, and everything was very dazzling white when I opened my eyes. Aaron Anderson frowned and suddenly opened his eyelids.

When I first wanted to move, I found that I had no strength all over my body.

The other side said that the nurse who took care of him suddenly had a bright eye after seeing people wake up.