Chapter 345 Difficult

Aaron Anderson smiled and looked into each other's eyes with a sweet look.

"It is my honor to be moved and especially moved."

Su Cen sighed.

"I didn't expect you to be so heartless now. You didn't take it to heart when you had an accident. However, I am different. I can't worry at home."

Then he muttered: "And he was accused by the old woman..."

Hearing this, it immediately entered Aaron Anderson's ears.

Just still drinking soup, he suddenly raised his head and looked at each other with curved eyebrow eyes.

"Are you playing coquetry with me?"

Heart immediately very happy, Su Cen do not know the coquetry skills, is a steel straight man must kill skills, directly fascinated him.

Imagine suddenly, Su Cen is sultry and doesn't know it.

Now I am so dependent on myself that I dare to complain here, and my heart is full of joy.

"Totally nonsense!" Su Cen suddenly stood up and rolled his eyes at him angrily.