Chapter 348 Ready

"There is no discussion at all about this matter. Don't talk about it again."

Who knows that Felton Simmons frowned at this time and immediately rejected her decision.


One side of the assistant stood by and suddenly did not give up, and continued to want to say something.

Su Cen suddenly interrupted two people at this time, and stepped forward at this time. In front of the desk, his slender body blocked the sunshine from the window.

"Even if you don't let me go, you have no way to save Queenie Simmons from this group of kidnappers. Besides, now others are pressing hard, I believe brother, you don't want to see the following very tragic results? Why don't you let me give it a try?"


Felton Simmons pointed at her nose, and her hands couldn't help shaking.

Obviously, there seems to be a war between man and nature in my heart.

"There is nothing to say. If you believe me, let me go."

Su Cen exudes a very confident smile, calm and calm.