Chapter 349 Encounter

Even through the phone, you can feel the other party's angry look at this time.

Su Cen cut off the phone without saying a word.

I don't even understand why everyone opposes their own opinions.

The man arranged by Aaron Anderson finally followed Su Cen all the way.

Always separated by a distance of one or two meters, not far or close to follow.

Finally, meet with Felton Simmons and others at the agreed place.

Seeing these little tails behind him, Felton Simmons learned that the other party was Aaron Anderson's man, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

Because he pretends to be obsessed with his sister.

"Now that we have made all preparations, do you have anything else on your side?"

Felton Simmons looked at her sister standing in front of her with a serious face.

At this time, I was wearing a pair of ordinary jeans and a simple white T-shirt.

His face is inexplicably permeated with a very quiet and confident look.

"I have to wait for another person here."