Chapter 359 Storm

After Su Cen rescued Queenie Simmons, things came to an end for the time being.

It's a little calm.

Also at this time, she planned to go back to school, but there was a problem in front of her, that is, soon after, it was the death day of the master.

My heart is playing drums, how to report this matter to the school.

At this juncture, it was taken away by Sarah Miller.

"Sarah Miller... what are you doing? I have something to do..."

"You haven't come to school in recent days. You don't know. We didn't add a volunteer group before. You haven't signed in for many days. Hurry up..."

Sarah Miller pulled Su Cen all the way to rush inside.

"No, I..."

Su Cen is especially helpless. He hasn't finished his words in his heart. In fact, he has to ask for leave.

Being interrupted by such a time, it is very difficult to ask for leave now.

Walk all the way, look at the classmate wearing a black-rimmed glasses, and now make a record.