Chapter 360 Slander

Recently, there was an activity, which was related to the quality score of the whole class. Su Cen was criticized for taking time off.

Afterwards, Sarah Miller especially regretted that he had taken people to the volunteer group.

Su Cen didn't take this matter to heart, just laughed it off.

In fact, credits are not so important to her.

However, I didn't expect this matter to go around and spread directly to the vice president of the student union of the whole school.

The person in charge of volunteer activities told this story one by one.

But I didn't expect Yvette Taylor to be the new vice president of the Student Union.

"I knew this woman was not simple, but I didn't expect that she would dare to be so blatant now. This time, something fell into my hand."

A deep smile appeared on Yvette Taylor's bright face.


Just after school at noon, the door of the classroom was suddenly kicked open.