Chapter 423 Anger

"Elder brother, you are back? Surely you haven't had anything to eat at this late hour, so I will order the housekeeper to make you some mung bean soup that you like best."

Queenie Simmons came forward very attentively, threw Su Cen aside, with a shallow smile on his face, and walked directly towards Su Haoran.

Looking at a woman with nothing to pay attention to, either rape or theft, I feel that there is a ghost in my heart.

Su Cen stood in place with his hands in his arms and skimmed his lips, but he didn't speak.

She only wanted to see what the woman in front of her was trying to do, and since she had come home, Queenie Simmons had been completely disagreeable to her, though she did not know what had offended her!

"No, besides, I don't have to bother the housekeeper at this late hour. I have a headache now. You two should hurry back to your rooms and go to bed."

Su Haoran walked towards the study without blinking his eyelids or looking up.