Chapter 424 Recognition

Felton Simmons leaned against the door frame and watched the two of them quarrel.

Hearing this is just a faint smile, and the fundus covers up a touch of fatigue.

"No, I don't have much problem here. Queenie Simmons doesn't always bring these topics to others. I don't want you two..."

"Brother! I think you are clearly eccentric! I didn't lie about this! She just offended the Taylor family! Is this also my lie? Or ask her yourself?!"

Queenie Simmons's beautiful face suddenly flashed a trace of anger, and the whole person stamped his feet in place and looked extremely angry.

Growing up like this, there has never been fairness in this family, and Felton Simmons has always been towards Su Cen.

"Su Cen, this matter you..." Felton Simmons frowned at Su Cen faintly.

However, in my heart, I definitely don't think that my sister did it.