Chapter 466 Like

Song Yue: "..."

Watching the atmosphere between two people so surging.

The person in charge couldn't help but rub his hands and stand up to tentatively round the field: "Song Jian... or else put this matter..."

"Get out of here! Do you have a part to talk to here? If something happens, will you take the responsibility?"

Song Yue turned his head and stared maliciously, which scared people to slip away immediately. Only then did he turn his head contentedly, lift his lips and mock and say, "Aaron Anderson, do you think I am still as stupid as before, and I am being played around by a black-bellied man?"

"So what do you want?"

Aaron Anderson looked at the front want to give himself to eat alive Song Yue, in the heart is nothing, just see the other side so against their appearance feel funny.

Song Yue sneered: "If you are a man, let us two men solve this matter, and we will only move reinforcements aside. What is a real man?"