Chapter 467 Memories

"Now why do you say such things to me in front of me? I don't think it's appropriate for you two to be together at all. You can't even compare with me. I don't know my elder sister. Why do you have the cheek to follow my elder sister every day?!"


In a fit of pique, he immediately said his heart.

Song Yue said after although feel some regret, but raised his head, a face of disdain staring at Aaron Anderson in front of him.

Hands akimbo holding one side of the trunk, the whole person showed a disdainful posture.

In fact, I have already wanted to put these words to each other, but I have never found the right opportunity. Now, such a just right opportunity is in front of me.

Song Yue naturally vomits quickly.

And after that, I feel that my whole heart is much easier instantly.

"You said this sentence to me, it seems that it has been buried in your heart for a long time?"