Chapter 495 Lying

The other end of the phone sighed: "There is something wrong with mineral exploration. You can make an idea."

Su Cen eyebrows: "... how come! Didn't it be fine before?"

Aaron Anderson heard the noise and came up and watched silently.

I can obviously hear a voice from the phone that I hate very much.

Song Yue: "I don't know. Everything was normal in the afternoon, but the alarm suddenly sounded in the evening. I wonder if there was a problem with the last repair."

Su Cen suddenly refused: "Impossible!"

There is something wrong with the repair?

Aaron Anderson raised his eyebrows and had to speak when he heard this. Then he deliberately said to Su Cen in coquetry: "Let Fu Rui deal with it. It's getting late. Let's hurry back to the house."


Su Cen didn't speak yet, and there was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

Song Yue suddenly jumped over there in a hurry!

"Aaron Anderson! Are you disgusting? Stay away from my elder sister. I warn you!"