Chapter 496 Angry

At the same time, Song Yue, who was far away from the isolated island, hung up the phone with a face of fire.

Then I took a look at the screen that suddenly lit up in my hand.

A WeChat chat page pops up above.

Fred: I have already done what you asked me to do.

Fu Ye: But I can't figure it out. Why do you want to lie to your elder sister?

Song Yue closed his eyes and opened them after a long time.

"Why else?"

"As a man, I certainly know what Aaron Anderson wants to do to the elder sister."

"How could I possibly let him succeed so easily, though."

Murmuring in a low voice is like talking to yourself.

I don't know whether to say it to myself or to others.

Song Yue angry face, suddenly flashed a trace of extremely fragile sad look.

Because he doesn't know how long this lie can last.

Too many lies form a circle that can never fill the loopholes.

In order to tell a lie, we can only tell one lie after another.

However, lies will one day be ruthlessly punctured by the truth.