Chapter 497 Accusations

"Elder martial sister... why suddenly call me to ask these, I can't understand what you are saying..."

On the other end of the phone, Song Yue pretended to be calm in a panic, and Su Cen suddenly recognized the tightness and unnatural in his voice.

"Song Wei, I am too lazy to sell the suspense with you. Before you said that there was a problem with the mining stone, I rushed to the company system overnight to make a solution. I didn't expect to be put together by you. Am I too long? I haven't cared about your wings growing hard?"

Su Cen was very angry, and the consequences were very serious.

She squeaked her fists, unable to control her desire to punch each other in the face.

Song Yue: "... It turns out that you knew so quickly, and I thought..."

"Now that I find out, you still feel unhappy, don't you?"